Saturday, November 25, 2023

Caught Covid -at last…

Last evening I felt machines moving on my body and I began to develop a fever and joint aches. Earlier that day, Dad tested Covid positive, followed by Mom with a faint test kit line. I suffered into the night, relying on Panadol and Rivotril to ease the discomfort so I could at least sleep well. Woke up today feeling  like lead. Was able to eat some food, a Snickers bar, loo and shower albeit rather late. Not sure if we should move the Arip jab to Friday instead of Monday.

Wonder how we’ll cope as we’re all down with the virus and quarantined for the next 3 days or so. Sis is monitoring Dad at the hospital. Later Mom will go in. At least I’m not constipated as well!

Absolutely unable to work on anything or appreciate my stuff, not to mention most tasty foods. More later…
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Day 3 of the suffering. Able to swallow better. Less feverish. Less body aches. Was able to take more food. The folks are coughing pretty bad and so am I. It had to happen sometime. Feeling more rested and calm this morning, waiting for my parcel.

Threw up my breakfast this morning after a severe bout of coughing. Must sanitize hands and mask up when my guitar bag arrives.

Feeling better. No more fever or vomiting. Just a bad cough.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

To be or not to be -my first play...

Realized that the blockade against my novella is too strong and stressful to overcome so project B has become a play / theatre performance. I can finish it by this evening. Just need to write a lot of dialogue. Something I'm good at. Not sure what to do after it's done. Try to find a (local) publisher, maybe.

Dad's nerve pains struck again. There is increasing need to help him through life, maybe to talk about heaven and God when the time comes, not too many months from now. Meanwhile the witchy manipulations, giving diabetes, giving heart palpitations, giving disfigurements goes on.

If anyone's reading this post, new fiction posts will be few and far between. I will tag all of them for easy access. I think so far there are just 5 stories.

More later...

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Project B has now morphed into a musical of 8 songs. It lasts less than 30 minutes and has a condensed plot structure from the novel outline. I have almost finished writing all the lyrics and the melodies are from my stash of half songs accumulated over the years. There are 3 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 3 = 11 characters, 12 if you count the Siamese twin, 14, including the cameo backing vocals “powerfuls”. It was fun to write and will be nice to finish up and present.

* * *

Went out shopping and it was quite productive. I got a KJV Bible for just $2 / 9.90RM, a quality notepad for the same, and a great pocket boardgame for $9. Also bought the cheap silicone sealant I need for STT’s game pieces and ordered a bag for my Yamaha classical guitar, $7 / 33RM, COD. I go through lots of note paper and needed a tough Bible for going on the road. The wispy ESV I have is too delicate and was pricey thus becoming ‘untouchable’. Not sure why I bought ‘Crypts of the last Vampire’ but it’s a good game to share with others, also contains the ‘ball’ God hinted to me. Strange way things tend to happen. The signs were:
  1. head protection
  2. ball
  3. moon-phase watch
  4. telescope
  5. plump wallet
Not sure if I have the right no. 3, a cheap quartz Q&Q. Will probably buy a better model this Christmas sales. Right now, I have to work harder for things like a Suunto Peak 5 (1kRM).

Monday, November 20, 2023

Christians and witchcraft...

Much of the hell I'm going through is from Christians judging one another. Religion always leads to a mugging down a blind alley while Spirituality is the open road on a bicycle. Realized that everyone has their part to play in building up God's good Earth. Najib built the awesome TRX, but those who rent its space can't be quite so immorally flamboyant. That wouldn't work.

So give us button flush cisterns. Maybe the moral wanted it and the immoral made them cheap and available. Give us Teslas, push the limits of Lithium batteries even though some of us get blown up and burnt to death. Progress can only be thanked for. But religion and spirituality are like the icing on top and the board below. Everyone of us still has to eat what's in the middle.

It's time Christian America started to realize that witchcraft is negative spirituality and they've been forced into having a 'religion' -doing moral acts, aside not feeling or knowing Jesus. Such are the times we live in. If I were more sensitive, I'd be in tears over my brothers and sisters in Christ.

More later...

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Had roast pork, and sweet potato leaves from the garden for dinner just now. Made a mild chili garlic dip for the meat together with a cold latte. Tomorrow, more food fun: dim-sum for breakfast. I’m not a big fan of tiny dainty morsels but Mom likes it a lot, being Cantonese. I spent my early years in Australia. Today was mildly productive. I finished writing SS and play testing SST is over. Later tonight, I’ll publish the official rules and strategy guide on and begin taking orders for sets. 

Not sure if salt dough is the right material for mass production. Decided to source and fold colored textured plastic sheet filled with silicon filler for the pieces. Should look professional yet different. Will be using waste plastic whenever possible.

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Been getting a sinking feeling that life in this world will soon change forever. War will escalate, religious bigotry will dominate, stealing and cheating become the norm. I can only hope that I will make the Rapture (to be with Jesus) instead of an early end due to the increasingly witchy ways of my neighbors -the 6 Liews and their half-clairvoyant / genius army, the compromised "Christian figure" westerners in high places etc.

It occurred to me that nothing I want or do for myself is really important much at this stage. Having the basics like a computer and the Internet / reference books, exercise gear, my guitar, clothes and shoes, a backpack had been settled some time ago. The death of Bean, my hamster circa my 47th birthday was both a blow to my heart and a wakeup call to do more and get mobile. Maybe out overnight or just late. 

With my allowance, I can do long trips twice a month plus 2 short trips. 150 x 2, + 50 x 2, which is 400RM per month. In between, I can prepare my presentation / performance materials. Only a few days till the law comes down on deviant witchcraft telepathy. If not, will the world choose evil instead?

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Sekk and never giving up…

Some time ago I had an idea for an online board game called Sekk which means “stone”. Pushing it on BoardGameGeek proved positive but not great. Some called it confusing. Today, I ordered a new chess set and was digging out my old boards for the pieces. I wanted a wooden one. That’s when it hit me: Sekk could make its transition to physical boardgame if I stacked up the “stones”. So tonight, I’m doing the play testing. And maybe my ex-GF or I will pitch the game later this month. Three cheers for never giving up.

More later…

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So the rules of Stak-tak-toe are simple:
  1. 2 Players are given 3 sizes of stone they can place or stack as a square grid anywhere.
  2. The only obvious rule is small stones can’t carry bigger ones.
  3. A stone impinges on another by piling on it by the  corners of the grid square
  4. If 5 stones impinge on 1, the score is 10. If 4 stones impinge on 2, the score is 2 etc.
  5. Strategically, players choose to place smaller stones instead of bigger ones to avoid being surrounded
  6. If all a player’s big stones are used up, the opponent must then follow, place his big stones and stack up the smaller ones as best
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Was thinking that STT needs 3 big stones on grid before stacking a smaller one. Played a game against myself where White held back his big stones and won by 4 points. Amazing strategy options!

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Finally made myself some decent STT pieces from salt dough. I will use cheap salt and maybe some cheap coffee water to make the dough. Must remember not to use wheat starch, but wheat flour. Will set up a store on Shopee once I make 20 perfect sets with packaging. Will charge a low price of maybe 4.99RM. Also need to go on BGG to announce it. Play-testing is quite fun despite the evil blockade. I need to be more thorough and get featured on someone big's channel.

So I will try making better pieces tomorrow morning, using a slick razorblade to bevel the edges and create depressions. After dinner, I'll do some more playtesting to see if anything seriously wrong develops.

Been thinking of a 2-piece stack blocking move against a certain-surround attack. But the defender's number of attacking pieces will be reduced. Is STT deep or what?

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

47 and very much alive touch wood…

So today is my actual birthday. 14th November 1976. Feeling okay. A little sad that Bean is passing on earlier than expected. Managed to squeeze in my exercise routine, even write another 1k words of my novella despite the negativity swirling around. Later, we’ll be at the mall to get some food in. Want to take Mom shoe shopping. Wearing my birthday jeans. No watch. Feel like changing into a white tee to match my casual karate belt. Check it out on

Deeply engrossed in writing my novella, moreso than coding Browse, or preaching on Omega for Christ! Liew witchy 6 hiding among our group of friends while corrupting western kids and babies. They feel better when they’re evil. We feel better when they forget hell beckons. Will take a few hours out of my work to coach the tiny minds caught by these terrors.

Wearing an old faded plaid shirt out later. I don't think I suit FoTL tees much. More towards shirts and sportswear. Anyway, will talk to the young ones now.

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Went out on my own for the first time in weeks. Bought a book on Math explained naturally by an experienced teacher. Stomach felt a little queasy but held up. Can’t afford a new G-Shock just yet. Took almost 9k steps measured by my GBD-100. 11k would have been better. Was stressful arguing with cheated westerners the whole time out. Ate a spicy noodle and coffee, 8RM / $1.80 for lunch. Having phantom feelings of impending doom from family and our witchy neighbors. Their end is in sight.

So Browse is on the back burner indefinitely while I write my first novella with vigor and enthusiasm. Can’t wait for my writing hour later in the afternoon. I usually do 1k words per day, then add more outlining afterwards.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

A future patience built…

Being especially patient, helpful and sincere eventually gained me some peace in the mind wars between east and west. I’m still thinking of retirement but have a lot to push for before I can rest once and for all. I have been getting some hits on my stories and blog posts, after writing for almost 3 years. The winds are changing. And my open discussion of mindspace goings on must be gaining support.

Some more function has returned to my right hand. The witchy 6 must be losing followers. But it’s another tropical Sunday morning and I’m feeling a little lost within myself, thoughts far away in the still gray of a cloudy 8am. Last night’s coding went poorly. Browse may be a while yet coming.

But it’s time for breakfast and to ‘visit’ my Pi4 / RISCOS workstation downstairs by the TV. More later…

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Feeling hopeful yet unsettled. Many things are scheduled to change, and change will no doubt drag me along. Me and my broken life, and the sinful people around me. Did some preaching on my site: It's at or "Omega for Christ". Handling all the controversial issues. Making Omega was one of the best things I've done for the Lord albeit rather late in the game.

Taking it easy this sabbath. Want to do some reading and go on a walk to the LRT station and back later on. My OKU / disability rail card expires in November 2024. Will have to make a new one at Pasar Seni sometime soon.

Didn’t head out today but will try to run tomorrow, pre dawn. I’m writing a novella or trying to, for the 5th time. Not Sonic Hunter but something I call project B. Just threading through it casually, letting it develop naturally from the outline I made this afternoon. So far so good. Literary bar not too high. Nothing very hard to explain to the reader. Was actually very enjoyable to work on.

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My birthday celebration is today. Got everything done early and am resting in aircon. Feeling sleepy but healthier in the blood mainly. Exercise is so important, and so is mental satisfaction. Try to get down another 1k words tonight. The topic will be “darkness in the soul”. 

Thursday, November 9, 2023

November rains…

It’s been rainy since late October but we’re now in a new month and it hasn’t stopped pouring. I’ve been working hard, consolidating my efforts to become a published author and app interface designer. I’m also improving my guitar skills. There is a positive feeling around me, now that I exercise and work more, and have become a 5am, morning person. Health-wise I’m improving by leaps and bounds. It’s important to have a serviceable body leading up to the Tribulation. Unfortunately, spiritual darkness persists all over this cross-linked telepathic end times world. I often take a few hours out of my schedule to talk sense into sinners every day and it looks to be yet another session of mental powerpoint now.

Still wearing my budget Casio 800h, switched to FKM tropic strap which is comfier. Looks like this will be my EDC for some time, until I get my MT-G next year. Can’t wait for my money to roll in against the witchcraft / evil family blockade. 5kRM for a watch is reasonable.

I don’t know why I’m re-coding Browse in Python. It used to be a 2012 iOS app that could surf the web at 2G / Edge speeds. And it was pretty good. There’s surely no need for that anymore now. But to give the antiquated RISCOS a serviceable modern browser is my current passion. So now I’m reading up on byte streaming. Exciting stuff. Browse may see alpha testing by Monday.

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It’s mid week and no progress on Browse other than I ordered a cheap 3 button mouse specially for RISCOS, $2.50. Supposed to be long lasting. Well we’ll see. Made good progress on my new Christian story site hosted on Google Sites. Started researching Tahitian culture for this week’s free story codename TRR. Otherwise have been quite sedentary mentally and physically. Made a new YouTube shorts which isn’t very popular.

Dad’s in hospital overnight for what we think is a deadly infection. For all his faults, he held our family together, doing what we needed to survive. It will be sad to see him go. Then Mom may turn against me, finishing me off as well in fear of her evil sister and depressive brothers. Have to be smarter to survive. Sometimes… I pray for myself. Looking forward to tomorrow and what it might hold.