Having a very small income stream means I have to budget a lot. Over the past 2 weeks, I spent $40 on possessions, food, and transportation. Is saving money prudent as we face global recession / inflation / wars? And if so, how should we save?
In a conversation I had, we talked about how people are the controlling factor in a poor economy. Not cars, houses, collectible watches, or hard cash, but good, reliable friends and relationships. Same for war, same for illness. Investing in people is the best way to stay afloat right now.
Maybe I’m romantic but to my mind, here are 4 things you can do with your money that are safe and bear fruit easily:
- Buy equipment and learn to use it. It could be as cheap as a football, middle of the road as a guitar, or expensive as a mini snooker table. Think of ways people have fun for less money.
- Be charitable with your skills, then add money to it when it succeeds.
- Bulk cheap things if you can add value to them and resell
- Buy quality apparel. Be acceptable to others, confident, eventually more competent
I have saved $500 in my drawer for emergencies. When I need to travel. But more on that later, as I need to talk about gospel.
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2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition…
Mat 24:8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
Mat 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
Some are asking, when does God save the world / trigger Biblical events, and what should we do about prophecy? We can affect the world a lot by acting as one through the Mind. What should we all do?
Paul says in 2Th, that a falling away from Christian beliefs will unleash the Antichrist. Not anything else. Only after the AC is revealed will the end come.
Matthew says, trouble in the world is only the beginning, then comes trouble in the spirit, finally, a burst of teaching truth, marking the end of Tribulation with the sun and moon darkened and the coming of Illahi.
We are encouraged to endure / persevere to the end. Otherwise how would there be any preaching to all nations? Even at the falling away, we must be strong. Obviously then, we do not have to trigger the falling away or the AC with any behavior or belief. This negative mindset is a false teaching.
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