Saturday, August 31, 2024

Relaxing after 2 days of hard coding…

I put in a lot of time into CHR and YAK this past week. Late tonight, will be coding CLX. You can find my 4 python apps on but not yet CLX, my cli browser script. It’s an hour or so till I do the Bash scripting over Lynx, that I’d been putting off. Feeling satisfied tho prevented, a little oppressed. Worries over my health. Minor concerns. When will the Rapture occur? A major concern, There is a light rain outside and I will take my meds late, stay up past midnight. Take a Rivotril to sleep.

Been wearing my Seiko diver more lately, and combing my hair back. Presenting a good image is important. I am treated better for it. Sometimes I see poor homeless people and the stigma attached to them as they wander into shops or train stations in search of some shelter, food or fortune. Poverty is a huge problem these latter days. The degree of it is increasing.

My health situation is more or less stable. I am able to function okay. Having half a right hand, I mean some fingers are weakened due to the telepathy, is worrying. But we’ll see if the Rapture comes in time to save me from total loss and an early grave.

Tomorrow is a new month. And in the ABY, a pivotal one. Could be an event in the Middle East, and witchcraft (negative powers) may seem to dominate. Stoutness of heart is called for, and a lot of innocence. Will get back to work now…
Getting late. Just brushed and took my meds along with a sedative. Will stay awake till midnight to see what I can code in 1 1/2 hours. Deadline 16 September 2024. There is an atmosphere of hope around my mindspace as I write my 5th and final program. This web browser is something I promised months ago but never got round to making.

Have 200RM left to spend over the next 3 1/2 weeks. Being less materialistic, making do with what I have. Developing an addiction to rose syrup bandung (rose syrup and fresh milk on ice). I think it does something for my physiology, as do bird eye peppers, and dried salt prune + water for constipation.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Went on a long walk, coding ongoing...

Felt good to get active again after more than a week of being sedentary at home. Didn't buy or eat anything out, just had an iced chocolate drink to rehydrate. Heading out on long walks is healing. Washed up a bit and am relaxing in a/c. We will be having curry for lunch.

Found some code online to do horizontal text marquee scrolling in Bash. Will carry on working on CLX, my Lynx wrapper, soon. The reason I'm making this app is that many

Heading over to the shoebox for a bit. Took a much-needed shower and changed into fresh clothes. Earlier I shaved and trimmed so look neater. Debugged YAK against my better judgement and fixed one of the last few bugs: the sample scrub-playback order. The last one will probably be a progress indicator but that's not easy to make given my text-based approach in Tk.

At the shoebox now. Had some snacks and coffee. Making the progress bar is slow-going. Involves some Math which I'm not very good at. Think the max value and the step amount and frequency is important. Not really a huge problem.

Late night now. Have to take my meds and brush. Helped make noodles for dinner earlier. Will carry on coding a little bit as the progress bar is non-essential as is my browser project. Talked a lot in the mindspaces tho. We are entering times of great trouble. Used a PC cable tie to grip my bow dampener as it was too skinny for the mount hole. Fit just right. I love compound bows / bows in general. The progress indicator is probably the final feature I will add.

Found a guide to threading pydub. Soon the progress bar will be done. But it’s already past midnight. Large movements of Liew witch forces in the mindspaces, kids, babies, stooges etc.


It's Merdeka morning here in Malaysia. I have almost completed adding features to YAK which will reach v1.0.0b today. Will be heading out for lunch. Worked out earlier.  CLX will have to wait for later tonight.

Pretty hot day. Am cooling down in a/c. In an hour, will be at the shoebox. YAK's progress bar is inching along. Not sure how to regulate it properly but it shows up and moves(!)

Decided not to head out as I wanted to get the progress bar working. It now moves at almost the right length and speed. Want to improve it before dinner, then may code CLX around 10-11pm. Liew witchy forces demoralized and bashing my efforts. They can see their future in hell as one by one, the odds stack up in God’s favor.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

CLX: my browser project…

Now that CHR is done, I will be focusing on my cli web browser project, CLX which rides on Lynx. Lynx is a small program, at under 2MB, so is ideal for calling from python. I should use Bash script to keep things leaner, tho. But that means learning a whole new language.

Mid-morning, just finished scanning a Bash cheat sheet online. Not too hard to understand. Poked into CHR again to tidy up the code, rename some variables. 4 1/2 hours to kill before I head out on my long walk. Might as well do the scripting.

Spent an hour speed-testing CHR. A 200 entries outline file is okay. 400, a little slow on my obsolete laptop. I think there will be no need to grow an outline beyond that. A novel can have 2k paragraphs. That’s 5 paragraphs to each outline entry. And each entry can affect multiple chapters.

Ate a ramen for lunch. Can feel throat cancer being shoved around. Dad got his finger bitten by something while gardening. Will resume scripting with the a/c on.

Am over at the shoebox with the folks. Earlier we had a talk on human nature versus Spirit or God nature. Those who follow human nature will go before a fall. I should explain:

There is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with being human. There is NOTHING to gain from being "holy". If there were something to gain, God who is holy would have told you -think about it. Myself, have nothing to gain from being holy either. But to be wise, if I may digress.

The fall that comes with following human nature is what exposes the Spirit. Do not be afraid to fall and be saved. I know of many who fell THROUGH somebody else -and they fell hard and never got up fully.

What human nature is, is simply the way we process information and turn it into decisions. Human nature is not turning decisions into actions, actions into deeds / wisdom, that into righteousness. Human nature stops at INFO to free WILL. Many people say, I have the dirt on something and I can do what I want. No you cannot! Because there is Spirit within each and every one of us that takes the grapes of lust and crushes them into wine -into vinegar.

Dad’s left finger is swelling a lot so Sis is coming over to give him a steroid jab. A second sinkhole appeared in the Jamek area. Major headache for DBKL. Something big happening soon perhaps.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Coding moves into touch up stage…

CHR has taken a long time to mature as a writer’s aid. Today, I wrote in the POS and sentiment comparison code but the if statements are a bit too rough so no related lines from the outline file were displayed. I am going by sentiment deviation, then checking on POS noun, verb and adjective coincidences. This is easier and faster to code.

I bought a Baseus USB 3.1 to USB C adapter for 29RM. I can now access my Boya wireless mics from my laptop. Recorded a bit and it sounds good. Have to break here and talk to expats for a while. There are signs something big may occur in the world and they want God’s word on it.

Liew witches collide with our saved super group. Took some hits. They are unrepentant and godless. I’m not smart enough to cage them or to think of solutions that make them happy, people without honor or purpose for existing. Maybe we can blank their hearts every time they collide?
Finally, some POS results but the related lines are all blank ones. I must have a bug or two left to squash. Took my meds and will turn in by midnight probably.

Brushed. Almost 12am. Fighting off the Liew witches with almost everything we’ve got.

It’s morning, mid week. Worked out briefly. Feeling good. Another session later tonight. Debugging and tuning going slow. At least the code is laid down and the algorithm finalized. Coming under some attacks from the Liew witchy 6 still.

I crushed the bugs effectively. There were a lot of mixed up lists / arrays / indices. Now for the tuning bit. It needs some loosening here and at the same time, some focusing there. Otherwise the related search results will be either 100% similar or totally absent as I now have. But it’s almost time to head over to the Shoebox and install Linux on my netbook.

Managed to get Xubuntu up and running. It takes almost 1GB less RAM than KDE Plasma 6 / Rocky Linux. Somehow it also has better sounding audio (pulseaudio on pipewire 1.0.5). I use Edifier R19U digital speakers. Getting Aspire to light sleep was easy, just edit the options list in /etc/systemd/sleep.conf.

Almost time to head back to the old place where I am eagerly experimenting with Lynx within a python wrapper.

Almost time for dinner. Later dropping off food at Sis’ place. I got duckduckgo results in my Lynx wrapper and am still deciding how to frame the results for fast access. Meanwhile will tune CHR.

CHR is tuned and bug free at last. But more testing needs to be done to set the ERR margin which was guessed at 0.025 and seems to work well. I have uploaded the script to just now.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Little to say being retired…

As my life winds down, I have less to write here on DogBlots and YapsDiary. Last night, I scoured Shopee  for good buys but found nothing. My arm keeps being jabbed somehow by American kids singing my songs. We were patient and uncovered their secret inner workings, being tied to charismatic wrongdoers.

Rain has stopped. Dad and I just home from breakfast and picking up bread. Mom’s medication makes her woozy and forgetful. So we may eat out for lunch later. I may cook dinner tonight. Still procrastinating on CHR’s coding. But we are making headway in the mindspaces against evil / negative telepathy.

Resumed coding CHR. Simplified my NLP analyzer as it was too ambitious. Should finish after I cook dinner.

Made a good meal of Barilla pasta elbows with pesto and mince with reduced red onion and tomatoes sprinkled with pecorino cheese. Watched some watch videos on YouTube. Switched to FreeBSD / IceWM on the Aspire netbook at the shoebox, which is 1GB lighter than KDE Plasma 5. Unfortunately, it does not suspend / hibernate well yet. Nor does Bluetooth work conveniently. I will attach a wired mouse. Brought over a chesp HP keyboard for the iPad 5. My used ThinkPad is over 70% faster than Aspire and cost less.

Following my post on the 2 beasts of Revelations on YapsDiary, I would like to analyze schizophrenia and how it impacts prophecy. This will be brief.

Schizophrenia is an illness that stems from trust breakdown meeting high stress, super high -as in life or death of a family, a business, even a country. When the 2 meet, the mind schisms. We see people with beautiful personality faults, who are neatly tucked away under society’s rug. What they can’t hide under a gloss of pure-heartedness, they destroy and push to suicide in short order. I have seen “beautiful minds” with my own eyes even as I am machined off my life as I write this. But in the social media age, who wouldn’t try to point out / stop the bleeding wounds from the ever increasing crises of the end times?

Final paragraph -prophecy and schizophrenia go together. The difference between a madman and a prophet is that the selected person who safeguards Satan’s / God’s prophecy is more towards evil / good. Yes, I do believe prophecy is something schizophrenics actually shepherd on behalf of a scheme gone wrong from idiocy and vengeance somewhere afield. 

Tomorrow, I will try to drag up some references from my study Bible. Now to code CHR a bit.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Constipation, watches, and making a difference…

3 days of my gut being backed up finally cleared this 5am. I took dried salt prunes with several glasses of water. The evil witches were not pleased.

I’ll probably be wearing my 077j diver on black velcro more often now. Not as a status symbol but as a comfort -a bit of pampering as I am recently retired and somewhat out of luck.

Yesterday, I talked about my short stories, and which ones people liked. They liked:
  1. A question of procedure
  2. 3 vignettes
  3. The best thing since
  4. Salon
They also were curious about the Math in “the equator”, and “genius”. To have lived and made a difference… *sigh*.

Check on Mom downstairs and do some online shopping later -it’s retirement, baby!

Helped clean the house this afternoon. We’ll be going out for dinner, my treat. Couldn’t find anything good to buy online. Wearing my Casio 800h on used G-Lide velcro / buckle nylon strap. Looks good / futuristic.

Thinking I will tackle the CHR coding one step at a time. Just do “R” today. It will take 4 more days but better late than never.

Had another loo, 3rd one today. I think I’m clear to head out for dinner. Been sorting through my watch straps and swapped some around a bit. I guess this is what retirement is like. Have the a/c on after taking a warm shower. Tonight, to work out a bit. Sleep early.

Did a lot of nerve and protein chain healing to prove there is a God or some god besides us humans and animals on Earth. Israel has declared an emergency. Milestones towards the antichrist’s peace treaty.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

CHR and the NLP problem…

My final app, CHR is now at v0.3.5b. This is where I added in natural language processing. It has no bearing on the interface, being still simple. Just that there is an optional search method accessed by the forward slash, eg. /sej xxx xxx… which triggers the textblob NLP module. The processing is a quite slow compared to SequenceMatcher which I used for regular search heuristics. Still, it’s nice to have.
My apps are useful in many ways. Almost nobody makes apps with such love.
  • YAK is a really powerful 4-track sequencer, able to take custom samples (.wav) and humanize the exported composition (to .wav). It gives feedback on-edit, bar-by-bar, track-by-track and has a key-shifter to give your compositions more verve. On top of that, it uses 123 notation everyone can read.
  • CHICN is also one of a kind -a Chinese speller that uses ASCII symbols to approximate the shape of a character. It is faster than entering Chinese the normal way. If you remember a character has three lines, like "san" or "three", just enter three dashes. It will also bring up all the other derivatives of "san".
  • VRS, my Bible search and annotate app has natural search capabilities like no other. And it is small, able to co-exist on your screen like a widget, for quick access to verses. Copy and paste from VRS is just a click away.
  • CHR is a writer's outlining app. Nobody made anything like this. You can append any idea or plot twist to your outline.txt file and CHR will pull up and arrange all your data by powerful search criteria. Click any entry to edit it. Tag entries with RBSEJ. Switch chapters via a handy menuButton.
Wearing my Seiko 077j 6R15 diver on its olive drab Daiso NATO. At 3.5kRM, it’s the most expensive watch I own. A far cry from my old 500RM SKX007 with its basic 7s26. Both are tool watches. Not much flashy.

Wearing Mom’s birthday gift to me: my Tissot Powermatic 80. I think the Seiko looks better. Haven’t done much work today (I am retired, btw) and it’s time for my meds again.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Going on another long walk…

May head out this afternoon. 2 days ago I walked to Digital Mall. Today, I want to go down to Kuala Lumpur. Nothing much to buy, just have a small meal. Will set off around 3pm.

Sorted my pouch. I now carry in the main compartment:
  1. Swiss Army Knife
  2. Keys
  3. Space Blanket
  4. Big wallet
  5. Flexible ruler
  6. Nokia phone
And in the side compartments:
  1. Pilot multi-pen
  2. Notepad (small)
  3. Lighter
  4. Earbuds
  5. Rain poncho
  6. Mask
  7. Serviettes
News of a sinkhole in the Jamek area of KL that claimed the life of an Indian tourist. Not sure how safe traveling around is anymore. Kinda put a dampener on my plans to visit the city today. I may head over to Kayu later, instead. Mid afternoon and the folks are still not home. Liew forces surging through the minds of guilty people, having lost much of their magic due to action earlier.

May head out at 5pm. Walk for an hour or so. Found a small case that just fits my Boya mics, lying around my room. No need to buy one.

I now have 500RM saved. 450 in my wallet and 300 to spend over September. Half of the disposable will go to my website fees EOM.

Still raining so I went for a quick run instead of walking. The road was slick and I couldn’t make top speed. Really love my road-running shoes and trail runners as well, tho I seldom have them on. Feeling fitter and well regulated.

Wrote my final Substack and Medium posts. Paying my final fees soon. Next year should see a different world / ballgame. I hope to still feature but possibly will not.

Took a shower and changed. Am coding CHR now. Dinner will be late. Am thinking of something nice to own again, besides my Boya mics. Maybe I can get it on Shopee during prevention downtime.

Time to jumpstart CHR’s final stage, the RBSEJ x, x—, x++ algorithms in terms of POS and Sentiment. I have coded all the loops and conditions and extracted the NLP data but a strong Asian prevention team is onto me, chaperoned by Americans.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Review: Boya BY-V20 dual wireless mic

I was vegetating at home feeling hopeless, when I realized it was high time I got something done so I strapped on my trail running shoes and my waist pouch and headed for Digital Mall, 2 train stops away. I had always wanted a Boya mic set and at 180RM, the price was right. The box contained 2 wireless mics with pop filters, which I think mix down into mono or something similar, via a USB C dongle which I plugged into my iPad 10.

After some charging, they lost their red light. I detached them and long pressed to turn them on whereupon the light turns blue. Green light for noise cancelling mode which we don’t want for recording music.

The mics are small but of much higher quality than a lanyard mic or TWS mic, even the ones on my Sony wfc500. I made very good recordings of my ukulele, vocals, and bamboo flute. The sound sounded transparent and up-front. At least thru Garageband.

Was most impressed with the DiZi flute recording which was lively, hollowey and shrill. My breath noise was less apparent as I clipped each mic to opposite ends of my shirt, around where I held the flute. Even my AKG Ara which cost double the price couldn’t make such a clear and robust capture. Granted, Garageband will auto add some reverb which helps, and helps make the recording less true to life. Still, glad to have the fullest, neatest flute sound I ever got.

One thing to beware of are fakes. Boya makes good sounding gear and there are too good to be true copies which sound awful. I got burned once thinking I would save 30RM thru an online deal. Buy original or buy crap. It’s worth the difference in quality of recording. More later…

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Buying things again…

I have a few hundred RM to spare and am browsing Shopee. I most probably will not be computing much in the months ahead. A laptop and iPad are all I need. Also not  buying more watches or clothes and shoes. The last thing I got was my Bible cover off Shopee and a discounted Yonex shirt from Sports Direct.

I may visit KLCC on to BB later. But will probably stay home due to the possible heatwave and the lack of nice cheap things to buy.

Wearing my Q&Q solar 20bar diver on Zulu. It’s a 43mm wide watch with a plastic monocoque case and push pull crown. Slightly domed acrylic crystal. At the time, it cost circa 240RM. Now inflation has pushed the price to around 340RM.

Yet to finish coding CHR. Maybe later, around lunch.

I’m recording some music thru my new Boya mics and am very satisfied. Can’t wait to mic Mom’s piano playing this weekend. Toying with the idea of writing a few songs but I’m mostly retired. Maybe just for fun one of these days. Haven’t been coding. But YES, I’m retired, haha.

Monday, August 19, 2024

My favorite things…

Making a list of my necessary possessions,
  1. My 2 Bibles, 1 w/ case
  2. My backpack
  3. My hiking sandals & shoes
  4. My Protrek watch
  5. My Swiss Army Knife
  6. My Cookman chef pants
  7. My Nokia
Most other things are superfluous, easily added on as needed.

Am back from shopping at the mall with the folks. Didn’t get anything for myself. Didn’t do any coding. Recorded some DiZi playing thru my AKG Ara mic. Must change my technique a bit to get better sound. Trouble is I had a stroke back in 2007. Learning doesn’t come easy.

Thinking I may buy a used Mac Mini M1 for 1.4kRM. Bet the old M2 one will be 1899RM this end of year. Want to visit a library tomorrow. Not sure which one. Maybe PNM or DBKL. Will wear my chef pants and maybe a plain tee-shirt. Must remember to wear shoes and strap on my f200 Casio.

Made spinach for dinner, microwaved, drizzled with sliced fried ginger and garlic in their oil, and oyster sauce and sesame oil. Mom made pickled veg steamed pork. Will turn in late tonight as I will be coding.

Heaven and Hell are not without mention in the Bible. Where I go you know the way, claimed Jesus. And Hell was supposed to be as Jerusalem’s incinerator: Gehenna, the fiery pit where failed souls burn and are eaten by worm, forever. Later learned men supposed / ascertained Hell to be a place devoid of God and His love, and Heaven to have many levels depending on our degree of self-deception while alive.

But first, what is a soul? Sylvain Muldoon and his friend Dr. Carrington supposed the astral body, our nerve imprint in the subtle realms, to be the vehicle of the soul. By that logic, we can define ourselves as an avocado, skin (body), flesh (soul) and seed (spirit). The skin is lost, the goodness within, consumed by God, and the spirit, returned to grow another “you” if the flesh tasted right. So what is the soul? It is our goodness that exists between breath and feeling. When someone asks you, now you can show it and prove it!

It is the body which is cast into Hell first, according to Jesus.

Mat 10:28  And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. 

Now this is a verse full of meaning. “…body in hell,” what does Jesus mean? Some pastors and Swedenborg to a degree, saw acid in hell eating our astral body. Howard Storm’s astral body was torn to shreds during his NDE. But what of heaven whom we all “know the way”?

According to theorists, the astral body sheds layers as we progress upwards towards heaven. In some plane above, we exist mainly as an intelligence with no emotions, above that, as an awareness. I am partial to the theory that we exist even now, on many planes. Thus we know the way. It is by inner transformation that we achieve heaven. But what of its yardstick -how much change is enough? The short answer is we must change to the degree we feel clean, and stay clean through life’s troubles. “I prefer being me -not that Mr. Jones so-and-so!”

My friends would add, that we should aim for a fertile and bountiful seed in our avocado. A blessed Spirit. So store up works and deeds in the name of the Most High. For even Mary, so blessed among women, needed the Spirit and the foreshadowing of Eloah, or the Father.

If we carry on with the avocado theory, we should also realize why “no man cometh unto the Father but by me [Jesus, His son]”. Jesus was an avocado from the same seed / spirit as Eloah. And he grew out soul and flesh that all might follow once resurrected / raptured. In essence, Jesus was man-proof of God’s goodness AND our salvation-ability. And if we eat of Jesus’ life story and wisdoms we cleanse our souls and come unto God.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Adventures in AI…

Excited to resume coding this morning, with an AI library. Unfortunately, William and his fallen friends are pressing on me. Will burn them away gently. Not sure how much work I can do.

Feeling sleepy at 10am. British forces still hanging around and the Liew armies, somewhere else. Carrying on burning away the Liews.

Realizing I have ZERO leads on this AI stuff. Need to think carefully about it. Maybe make / copy a test program and build on it incrementally as I learn. Either way, I need to finish the functionality by midnight.

Came up with a workable algorithm for RBSEJ. But soon it will be time to head over to the shoebox to vegetate. Want to put on a nice watch. Will read up on textblob over at our new place and code it when we get home. Have to do more Bible analysis tonight.

Check YapsDiary for the Matt 25:29 analysis. It was blessed with insight from some of my brothers.

Just took my meds. Was feeling sleepy even before. Heavy action in mindspace against the Liew witchy 6. Not sure how it will turn out. No time to work on CHR.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Shepherding the lost, OSS coding -my labor of love, Making dinner tonight…

I will be cooking pasta for dinner tonight, with tomato sauce, mince, and pecorino cheese. A side of avocado. The weather has been hot and rainy. Mind criminals gave me a hard time, striking sporadically at my wounded brain and hand. Their worst enemy is their corruption within. Nobody should support people like these.

I fixed a bug in CHR and now RBSEJ results are filtering in clearly. But to present the data optimally is difficult. I am thinking of a separate function for RBSEJ parsing that will iterate over the outline 2-5 times and arrange / compare the data. May be overkill but it’s easier than trying to be very clever while nursing a stroke!
So brute force paid off: I have clean if a little slower code which sorts the RBSEJ in order asked. The second stage is to do something cleverer with the related heuristical searches that accompany each main search. This may apply just to RBSEJ. I think I may generate a dictionary using online tools, to try to guess what is an r, b, s, or j and show it next to the main search. Should be fun.

Have to work out soon. Take my meds at 9pm. Using AI in an app will be a first for me.
Took my meds and worked out. Feeling good. Liew forces pressing on basic human emotions from my friends abroad. Thinking is not a crime. Nor is deciding. A crime is deciding without thinking. Acting without deciding is madness.

Am using textblob as the AI for CHR. CHR sounds like char which matches the prophecy in the ABY: Success of the wood element man who lacked Fire -day count 18 August 2024 . Right now the processing function is inoperational while I think of how exactly to leverage the AI.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Been thinking about prophecy…

Are my 4 python apps prophetic / a sign of some sort?
  1. yak
  3. vrs
  4. chr
Chr could be ‘chair’, vrs could be ‘virus’, is obviously ‘chicken pie’ and yak could be ‘chatter’. I finished coding them in the order above and am now finalizing no.4. These are all python3 tkinter scripts.

The 3rd iteration of snake brings talk, then a girlfriend, a virus, then a chair? Could I become a chair person of some organization? More later…

Thinking about it more: the never-ending telepathic negotiations lead to easy women which precede a war or standoff ending in “cheer”. The ‘3rd snake’ is the coming new Atlantis. The serpent having come twice before, once in the garden of Eden. Disturbing to say the least. Since I am almost done with CHR, could new Atlantis be just around the corner?

We were talking in mindspace about white / good witches and their objectives. Some were in me today, hatching their plans and some in other people, plotting the future. Anyway, we got to the point of rewards for serving in the mindspaces. My reward is for saving sinners and making people prosperous. It is only $100 in value and spread over 4 things. Then, the witches left me to guess it so here goes:
  1. Religious / Bible related supplies
  2. Some Christian tee shirts
  3. A game they invented based on my idea, STT
  4. Some software they improved based on my Python apps
There are also things I achieve myself. More later…
My short story collection, Mss2 eventually spawns a Christian movie or series on Netflix or Apple+ etc. Not sure when. Besides that, I get some money from one of my other ideas to do with religion. Possibly from one of my Christian posts here.

Other than that, Jesus promised me a windfall to do with 'a house'. I don't know what that is. Perhaps living at the shoebox will make me good money indirectly.

Quite happy with CHR now. RBSEJ will be a major new feature if I can get the algorithm right. Thinking substantial added code to sort and associate the mainLines and relatedLines.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Coding CHR goes on unexpectedly, evil suffers a loss…

Evil forces are destroyed seemingly in a fell swoop. Lots of their family left are complaining of ill treatment by westerners. Agree to disagree or be terminated. On the other hand, those who forgive are forgiven and loved. Let’s have peace in the mind.

CHR is taking a long time to finalize. Now at v0.3.1b, it feels increasingly polished but I want to add a killer feature that will make it special. Not sure what it might be.

Old school friend blasphemed the Spirit. Women need a man to take care of them and I mean that in the nicest way. Don't be headstrong against God. Meanwhile I'm working on my app while my poor cousins' teeth are getting drilled thru the air, next to mine. Time of trouble indeed. We talked about salvation thru by the blood of Jesus. Many understand why blood is important -it is the bearer of Spirit -and the bearer of sin -and the answer to forgiveness. We are after all born of water plus the feisty red stuff.

CHR now has better fonts: LiberationSans which is spaced and formed better than Helvetica or Verdana. Thinking of incorporating RBSEJ into the app via /rbsej at the beginning of each line. This requires handling in the search function. No special interface.

Took a shower and changed into fresh clothes. Took my meds and brushed. Worked out too. Wrote my ‘scientific’ article on the atoning blood of Christ. It’s important to prove scripture logically in these end times. CHR’s final feature nears completion. I have the specifications but almost no code yet. Feeling drowsy approaching midnight.

CHR continues to improve with color tagged buttons in 6 shades of off-white. Yet to work in the RBSEJ. Can take my time as the Liew witches are playing the prophecy card again onto sensitive people.

Wondering why CHR seems to roll on, needing more and more UI enhancements compared to chicn, vrs, and yak -my other apps on Meanwhile, family evil surfaces, joining forces with the west-haters.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Plan for today…

It’s 2am and I am still wide awake. Took my meds late and there are many attacks in mindspace. Plan for today is to gently dissuade the attackers. We will be gentle from now on, just carving grooves thru memories. Double grooves. Deep ones.

Breaking free of the concentration groups put onto me by the Liew witchy 6, which were deforming me. Must be gentle. Doing some debugging on CHR to pass the downtime.

Will be touching on Daniel 12 tonight. What is the “time of distress like never before”, has it begun, and when does the church get taken up / Raptured? My view is that that time of distress is fast setting in and 2024 will see the start of the 70th week. Maybe by Christmas. Atrocities should pile up worldwide very soon and many will fall to corruption. I have begun to work the mindspaces, saving and recruiting. Many followed suit. We have to show a strong united power of Spirit against the evil, diverse empire “that was, is not, and yet to come”. Leveraging on spiritual powers from heaven to sequester the evil telepaths.

Dan 12:1  And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

The above passage follows directly, the details of the final kings of Persia, shown to Darius by Daniel. This verse therefore ties the Persians (Iran) to the Jews to the end times Rapture. It is worth seeking some answers in Daniel 11.

Dan 11:37  Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

Dan 11:38  But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.

Dan 11:39  Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.

We can see this end times king more clearly through his religion. The God of Forces could be Adonai YHWH Tzevoat. The God his fathers knew not cannot be Allah, but instead the neo-Atlantean gods who should shortly revisit. This “king”, often assigned to the little horn / antichrist is most likely half Jewish, half Mediterranean / Eastern European. He is not gay, but a persecutor of women and their rights to worship.

This is a revelation to us, on the personality of the antichrist. Who can such a distinctively odd man be, and when does he assume power? We shall have to wait.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Feeling like a baby about to be born...

A whole new world opens up for me as the nations go into distress. I have prepared to spread the WoG even as the "Sauron eye" turns my way. Earlier I wrote a Medium article on the Apostasy. See my journal YapsDiary. Beginning to use my Bible search software, VRS which you can get on -my personal website I pay for every year.

VRS is actually very useful, being able to tag chapters with editable personal notes and to search through these notes later. The search function is also unique / heuristical, and pulls up often unexpected but useful results. It is run from a PC / laptop, not tablet or phone.

I am also making use of a printed Bible, the ESV Compact in an Ichthus leatherette zip case and a CSB student study Bible which I keep at home on my desk. Often, I peruse e-Sword HD while on my iPad.

Today, I bought a new truBreeze tee made by Yonex. Am planning a long walk tomorrow, maybe to Kuala Lumpur. Will work out tonight instead of running.

Want to do another article tomorrow on sexual feelings, money shortage, and jealousy / lashing out at others.


uncomfortable with you,” said witches to Elder Brother
Yeap. “You don’t belong in your adopted land from your
choice of clothes” “I’m from a twice-over immigrant
family, uprooted from Xiamen and the outback,
corrected with jaw surgery and was all about my school
uniform,” Yeap winced. “Sometimes I ignored people I
knew when outside of the lesson or club i.e. when in
civvies” -“It’s no wonder people try to get you involved
in religion” “How is that related?” asked Brother Yeap,
puzzled. “You have a wonderful soul that shouldn’t go
naked waiting outside for the Wedding Feast” A chill of
some urgency ran up Elder Brother Yeap’s spine.

13 August 2024 is 11C in the ABY. The tee I just bought says "Today is no Ordinary day", so I looked it up. It also says "1946" which is the ABY-equivalent of 1976, my birth year, also the equivalent of 2024, this year, my dragon sign year.

For notable inventions that happened in 1946, see here. It was an important year for the computer / electronnics industry. Jesus said roughly today was an important day for me. He would give me something, possibly an anointment.

I now know everything hinges on my prayer to God. Will do it soon.

The evil witches roll on, having taken hostage various people important to God. Not sure what today holds for me. Thought of doing some work on an outline for a novel, thus using my app, CHR, completing a 5-fold prophecy today, but the evil is stubborn onto people who are afraid and knows we dare not destroy to the max using telepathy. We made gains today, that’s for sure, and I am renewed in faith.

The coming of the end…

The crazed mind fighters are infiltrating my nerves more lately. I am now concentrated on by millions of babies, round the clock, shepherded by people, evil and / or afraid. It may be that I do not make it on account of friends and family who’ve sinned.

I have 600RM saved. In a week and a half, I will have 1kRM saved. Planning to go around with the money, see more sights and people. There are many places I’ve not been. Will make my plans this afternoon. Yesterday, we discussed Daniel’s 70 weeks. It’s hard to figure that the Jews (will) worship God for just 490 years in Jerusalem, starting after Solomon’s empire was dissolved and the 2nd temple build begun. Right now Israel is still not whole, the 3rd temple unbuilt, and the 70th week yet to come.

Dan 9:25  Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

Dan 9:26  And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

Dan 9:27  And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

So the issue here is a time lapse in 9:26 -the 2nd temple was commissioned circa 500BC and the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70AD. More later…

Jesus is supposed to be born after 62 weeks (of 7 years), following the return from exile. And at the “triumphant entry”, that would be his 49th birthday. Shortly after, Jesus is “cut off” or crucified. Now it is important to know that we assume the “week” timer to stop ticking at the cutting off of Christ otherwise what Rome did doesn’t fit or make sense.

Secondly, the “coming prince” is a demonic entity who acts through his “people”. Otherwise, he could not appear at the 70th week yet to be, while also having destroyed the 2nd temple 2000 years ago!

The end comes as a flood unto the END OF WAR, this in 70AD. It is extraneous to the 70 weeks and not counted. But it is the second coming of the demonic power / people that causes the final 7 years to start rolling.
Read my Medium article on the Apostasy here.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Cooked lunch, parcel is arriving, wrote on Medium, tweaked my KDE…

Helped Mom make Montreal pan-fried chicken for lunch with pasta elbows. Was tasty if a little on the salty side. Later we will be having dinner out. Maybe noodles.

Was surprised to learn my parcel (Bible cover) will be arriving today. Hope it comes early, as we need to go to psych clinic. Also hope it fits well.

In retaliation to Facebook deleting my post, I wrote a Medium article on cosmetic intellectual property and how it doesn’t benefit the high-technology industry.

Been reducing the processes that run on KDE Plasma 5 / Rocky Linux. Essentially RHEL with a GUI. IIRC, Windows 10 takes around 2.2G / 8G on startup. KDE, about 1.7G. I have found it 500MB leaner on all my machines compared to Windows 10. Gnome is about the same as Windows and FVWM etc. around several hundred megs.

Some pics of my new Bible zip-up cover:

This came all the way from outside of Manila, Philippines. It was made there, iirc and is my first and as of yet only product I own from Ph. It’s made by Ichthus “witness gear”, sold on Shopee Malaysia. Mine cost about $8, shipped. I chose it because, made of leatherette, it might be more resistant to dust and rain, when it goes on the road with me soon. There is a quoted verse stamped onto the front that is extra special for me:

Isa 40:31  But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. 

Sounds like what many including myself are going through with the telepathy crisis we’re helping to diffuse.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

My Bible cover is late…

Supposed to come today but the leatherette zip case for my ESV isn’t even in Kuala Lumpur by the looks of it. The UK and Liews flared up again like some unholy geyser. Seems they’re now crushing the hearts of kids in China and America. Counted tens of thousands. Not sure if they’re Christian…

Surged in to help the Christian families. We have a mind, yes, also a soul and a spirit but let’s not forget we have a body. The needs of the flesh ALWAYS outweigh everything else as it is the most primal and perishable. Imagine having a car NOT driven or driven guiltily in short hops and never serviced or washed. The body is a vessel of interaction and experience. It is a locality of deeds and a memory box of love. Use it wisely.

Feeling a little pensive. We fought off the mind attackers / fiends. The battle is raging among children and babies, and I am helping the war effort for God / Christ. For anyone intelligent and good-hearted. And those willing to repent. Have to resume supervising…

My iPhone came to life again. Hopefully I can use it, that it won’t (suddenly) die OTG. Seems the battery saver and low data mode setting were better for it. I turned of VoLTE as well… it died again. RIP, old friend.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Review: ZUZG ze-pro2 TWS earbuds

The Ze-pro2 buds seem very obviously a simple clone of Apple’s best selling Airpod 2. I have not handled the Airpods which at 500RM, are expensive for the average Malaysian, but in hand, the Ze, at circa $20, feel of good quality and are supposed to pack 3 drivers aside, bass, mid, and treble. They sound rather good.

A search on Lazada / AliExpress reveals several other clones which, like the Airpods, have only a single driver, selling for just a couple of bucks. Wonder what sort of quality you’d be getting with those? My cousin bought a pair and seems to be satisfied. They even threw in a silicone sleeve.

Years ago I acquired Apple’s EarPods which I found disappointingly brash and a little shouty. And they weren’t cheap either. I guess that was a stumbling block towards my later desire for Airpods. And at over $100 and with a short battery life expectancy, they didn’t seem a very sweet deal.

Aesthetically, the Airpods / Ze-pro2s are indeed appealing. More-so than my Sony WF-C500. Apple’s (much copied) design is a good one. The buds stay in my ears securely. Even shaking, titling my head doesn’t dislodge them. I also liked the hefty, rounded pillbox charging case with its silky-smooth flip action hinged top.

Playing with it on my iPad 10, I found the buds a little underpowered and the mic fuzzy and boomy. Perhaps as a nod to Apple, ZUZG only targets the Android market. Tested on my Nokia, they sounded better and I was also able to record my voice [you must speak / sing clearly tho] in high quality.

If you’re not earning much, live in the 3rd world, and only have an Android phone, the ZUZG buds are a tempting option. You WILL feel pampered. You should fingers crossed, be satisfied. More later…

Friday, August 9, 2024

Seiko till the end…

Find myself strapping this watch on more lately. I feel worthy of my $750 Seiko now that I have several books under the belt and a thriving Internet presence. Even if I make less money than the average delivery guy, I’ve got my fame and I changed the world for the better just that little bit.

Am being beaten up a bit this morning thru the air but fighting back to achieve some peace (of mind), making use of our newfound Math ability. Man, don’t I deserve a few semi-luxuries? Many come to my rescue, millions of Math stations attack off the mind invaders with ‘small arms’. We have yet to drop our megaton bombs on these antichrist cowards / bullies.

At one time I was fearful of wearing 3.5kRM on my wrist. Usually, I wore circa 500RM which is a whopping 7x less. If I were to make it big, rake in several kRM per month, I would wear this humble Kinetic perpetual calendar:

Looks stout, and has a busy dial. Haven’t seen anyone wearing it so far.

The ZuZG “Airpods” have 3 drivers vs. 1 for Apple’s

Bought some Chinese ‘Airpod’ like TWS buds for Mom who is stingy. They are 5x cheaper than Apple’s buds but they actually have a website, and their own branding, not fakes by any stretch. Cost 100RM and feel rather weighty and luxurious. The sound quality is good. I may or may not buy the real deals and am considering an Apple Pencil 1st Gen instead. Altho, I rarely draw much -now that I’ve retired.

Feel like repossessing the ZuZGs from Mom. Talked in mindspace on better laws and code of conduct as it seems most like to telepath a lot instead of keeping to themselves.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Shall there be one final flash fiction piece for FFM…

Thinking of writing one final GREAT flash fiction piece for FFM. Meanwhile, William is terrorizing our country. Not sure what his true motive is. I’m thinking my submission will be on a writer retiring, just like myself. Of course, giving the plot away will void my sub. Have to think about it. Condense it.

Seems my Bible cover will arrive this weekend.

Made critical renovations to -added cover pics and links. Pictures say more than words and I now have much nicer ones. Also getting more search impressions from Google. Decided to write my flash piece after all. Studying the Bible is rather hard to do still.

And it’s off. My FFM submission. My VERY last one. Tonight, Bible study. Barneous Liew was most disappointed, having seen / counted his future in Hell yet again.

As the Tribulation nears, heartache for Mr. Beast, one of YouTube’s biggest channels now being persecuted despite his philantrophy. Money was always man’s downfall. Whether it be Judas or Jimmy. Interesting to watch this unfold.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

An active day…

I ran, worked out, and walked 4 hours today. Was fairly active. Should do this twice a week. Got round to sprucing up my KDP titles for sale. May add another one this weekend, eqos.epub. Stories from my blog. Not feeling tired anymore despite waking up at 4am this morning. Staying active is key to better health.

Riots in the UK and the falling Dollar are in the news headlines. Looks like something big might happen as Russia bolsters Iran’s retaliation against Israel. Come on, it’s so obvious by now that everyone in the world is controlled by God’s ongoing prophecy.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Feeling satisfied…

Hoping my Bible zipped cover will arrive tomorrow all the way from the Philippines. Worked on my I Ching guidebook, correcting typographical / informational errors and adding titles. Would like to add the western astrology correlation as well at some point. Maybe in another chart, later this week, since I’m prevented from my Bible study. Hand is less attacked right now.
Holed up in the shoebox this afternoon after dropping of Grandma's wheelchair for repair at Sea Park. Had a vegan chapfarn for lunch. Ate bird's eye peppers which really hit the spot, healthwise. Some kids jumped the gun on the Americans and we have a minor crisis exacerbated by Barry's phobia of Asians.

The zodiac chart is well underway but I need to explain a bit of the tarot’s symbology. Wound up with 2 tables instead of 1. Not the best solution. Don’t think I will write too much on the tarot.

Monday, August 5, 2024

It’s going to take some time…

Yesterday, I did some gospel investigation with Mathematics, and posted it on my Medium: . Today, I hope to dig up Bible verses to back it up BUT the mindspaces are unsettled and it will take time to get into the new groove. I need to pay Eksentrika $1 now. It’s almost 20sen cheaper with the falling US Dollar.

Finances may be tight this August to September. Can’t afford to overspend. Have to pay 155RM for my web hosting and domain, Put 150RM into my debit account. Folks are readying for the big move to the shoebox.

Meanwhile the madness in the mindspaces continues with the evil Liew witches attacking William with emotional pain. To date, William has racked up many millions of atrocities, all in the mind wars with Asians, hyped up against the west. Poor guy. We can’t help him much with such enormous guilt.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Feel like talking…

It’s 7:30am and I’ve worked out, eaten a coconut bun, drank some juice, brushed and got cleaned easily. Just uploaded Mss4 to my website here: which is just my latest 7 short stories in PDF booklet format with a nice cover for readers to print out and share. I was told to put an age suitability tag on it. So I’ll say it’s not for children below 18.

Attacks continue from the Liew witches tho we severely weakened them.

Been messing with my bow again:

Wrapped some paracord round the grip. I need to buy new nocks for my arrows as the plastic is aging brittle. The fletchings are also tearing. Maybe to heck with it. Will get a simpler, cheaper bow than this Mission Hype. But nothing is more valuable and enduring than the WoG. It’s also cheap! So they say,
“This [Bible]… the inestimable treasure that excelleth all the riches of the earth”

Touch wood that I will not have to spend 100RM / $23 a year to replace my scriptures as the words were dissolved off it by evil minds.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Bible study and retirement…

Saying goodbye is a long process. I have stopped writing stories, and soon will blog only weekly. But I am overcome with emotion. And it will take a day or so more to let go of my online journaling. Yesterday, I posted on Facebook, Tumblr, Medium, and Blogger (2 blogs). I also wrote a Substack post.

Have on my Swatch AM51. This is one of my favorite watches for its bold, simple lines and blackout colorway. Having good WR, I may wear this watch more often. Took my meds and brushed. No sedative tonight. May do some Bible research regarding man’s need for God and Messiah. Want to go on a long walk. Maybe to Amcorp.
Had a good long walk during which, my body had a chance to heal. Should do more walks like this twice a week. LiLian and her troublesome family who deceived the west into sin, is shitting all over the mindspaces (for lack of a polite term). Those who go mad are the sinful -who strive against God and his angels. Those who seem mad are the true heroes.

Did a cover design for my latest / final short story collection, mss4:

Drew it in Freeform with my Viva Madrid “Apple” Pencil. Got a name seal from for free.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Wrapping up my final tale…

I need motivation to write today. Just 2k+ words come so hard. Put on my Seiko diver on gray NATO to cheer myself up. Meanwhile the evil Liew witches try to dig up support even as we close down their power bases.

Was able to write significantly more. But there has to be detailed fleshing out of the key events and their lead-tos, then it will make a good story. Came under attack again due to prophecy failure. Not everything is easy to predict. -my final story is done. Last one till the Rapture takes or leaves me. Take my meds at 10pm, read some of my study Bible. But right now, on to Shopee to celebrate.

Figured out “TP roll” as my worship object in the ABY. TP isn’t toilet paper but thermal paper I’ll be using in my Bible journaling. Try to get thinner ones sometime soon.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Delays and guerilla tactics…

4 Weddings is delayed again by a strong force of witchy Liews but it is a foregone conclusion that it will wrap up this afternoon. All the elements are in place for St. John the phantom to reveal himself in the final act of the tale, now over 3k words long.

My Bible cover should leave Manila airport today. Can’t wait for it. Must remember to cut down fats and sugar. This morning, I ran again and am feeling well regulated and fitter, burning those calories from yesterday’s naan dinner with my aunt and uncle.

Had a nap and am feeling less tired. Am able to sit at the desk typing this. Head is swirling with options for beginning Act 3 of my story.

Act 3 is mostly done now. Just to type it up properly. It may be 11pm before it’s edited for my website. Wearing my GA2200 carbon core.

Did some writing on Medium on a new programming language with cleaner syntax and low level capability. Hope something comes of it. One of my dreams was to invent a programming language. Still procrastinating on 4 Weddings. May write at 11pm, take my meds too.