Monday, August 12, 2024

Cooked lunch, parcel is arriving, wrote on Medium, tweaked my KDE…

Helped Mom make Montreal pan-fried chicken for lunch with pasta elbows. Was tasty if a little on the salty side. Later we will be having dinner out. Maybe noodles.

Was surprised to learn my parcel (Bible cover) will be arriving today. Hope it comes early, as we need to go to psych clinic. Also hope it fits well.

In retaliation to Facebook deleting my post, I wrote a Medium article on cosmetic intellectual property and how it doesn’t benefit the high-technology industry.

Been reducing the processes that run on KDE Plasma 5 / Rocky Linux. Essentially RHEL with a GUI. IIRC, Windows 10 takes around 2.2G / 8G on startup. KDE, about 1.7G. I have found it 500MB leaner on all my machines compared to Windows 10. Gnome is about the same as Windows and FVWM etc. around several hundred megs.

Some pics of my new Bible zip-up cover:

This came all the way from outside of Manila, Philippines. It was made there, iirc and is my first and as of yet only product I own from Ph. It’s made by Ichthus “witness gear”, sold on Shopee Malaysia. Mine cost about $8, shipped. I chose it because, made of leatherette, it might be more resistant to dust and rain, when it goes on the road with me soon. There is a quoted verse stamped onto the front that is extra special for me:

Isa 40:31  But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. 

Sounds like what many including myself are going through with the telepathy crisis we’re helping to diffuse.

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