Thursday, August 29, 2024

CLX: my browser project…

Now that CHR is done, I will be focusing on my cli web browser project, CLX which rides on Lynx. Lynx is a small program, at under 2MB, so is ideal for calling from python. I should use Bash script to keep things leaner, tho. But that means learning a whole new language.

Mid-morning, just finished scanning a Bash cheat sheet online. Not too hard to understand. Poked into CHR again to tidy up the code, rename some variables. 4 1/2 hours to kill before I head out on my long walk. Might as well do the scripting.

Spent an hour speed-testing CHR. A 200 entries outline file is okay. 400, a little slow on my obsolete laptop. I think there will be no need to grow an outline beyond that. A novel can have 2k paragraphs. That’s 5 paragraphs to each outline entry. And each entry can affect multiple chapters.

Ate a ramen for lunch. Can feel throat cancer being shoved around. Dad got his finger bitten by something while gardening. Will resume scripting with the a/c on.

Am over at the shoebox with the folks. Earlier we had a talk on human nature versus Spirit or God nature. Those who follow human nature will go before a fall. I should explain:

There is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with being human. There is NOTHING to gain from being "holy". If there were something to gain, God who is holy would have told you -think about it. Myself, have nothing to gain from being holy either. But to be wise, if I may digress.

The fall that comes with following human nature is what exposes the Spirit. Do not be afraid to fall and be saved. I know of many who fell THROUGH somebody else -and they fell hard and never got up fully.

What human nature is, is simply the way we process information and turn it into decisions. Human nature is not turning decisions into actions, actions into deeds / wisdom, that into righteousness. Human nature stops at INFO to free WILL. Many people say, I have the dirt on something and I can do what I want. No you cannot! Because there is Spirit within each and every one of us that takes the grapes of lust and crushes them into wine -into vinegar.

Dad’s left finger is swelling a lot so Sis is coming over to give him a steroid jab. A second sinkhole appeared in the Jamek area. Major headache for DBKL. Something big happening soon perhaps.

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