Thursday, August 1, 2024

Delays and guerilla tactics…

4 Weddings is delayed again by a strong force of witchy Liews but it is a foregone conclusion that it will wrap up this afternoon. All the elements are in place for St. John the phantom to reveal himself in the final act of the tale, now over 3k words long.

My Bible cover should leave Manila airport today. Can’t wait for it. Must remember to cut down fats and sugar. This morning, I ran again and am feeling well regulated and fitter, burning those calories from yesterday’s naan dinner with my aunt and uncle.

Had a nap and am feeling less tired. Am able to sit at the desk typing this. Head is swirling with options for beginning Act 3 of my story.

Act 3 is mostly done now. Just to type it up properly. It may be 11pm before it’s edited for my website. Wearing my GA2200 carbon core.

Did some writing on Medium on a new programming language with cleaner syntax and low level capability. Hope something comes of it. One of my dreams was to invent a programming language. Still procrastinating on 4 Weddings. May write at 11pm, take my meds too.

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