Monday, August 26, 2024

Little to say being retired…

As my life winds down, I have less to write here on DogBlots and YapsDiary. Last night, I scoured Shopee  for good buys but found nothing. My arm keeps being jabbed somehow by American kids singing my songs. We were patient and uncovered their secret inner workings, being tied to charismatic wrongdoers.

Rain has stopped. Dad and I just home from breakfast and picking up bread. Mom’s medication makes her woozy and forgetful. So we may eat out for lunch later. I may cook dinner tonight. Still procrastinating on CHR’s coding. But we are making headway in the mindspaces against evil / negative telepathy.

Resumed coding CHR. Simplified my NLP analyzer as it was too ambitious. Should finish after I cook dinner.

Made a good meal of Barilla pasta elbows with pesto and mince with reduced red onion and tomatoes sprinkled with pecorino cheese. Watched some watch videos on YouTube. Switched to FreeBSD / IceWM on the Aspire netbook at the shoebox, which is 1GB lighter than KDE Plasma 5. Unfortunately, it does not suspend / hibernate well yet. Nor does Bluetooth work conveniently. I will attach a wired mouse. Brought over a chesp HP keyboard for the iPad 5. My used ThinkPad is over 70% faster than Aspire and cost less.

Following my post on the 2 beasts of Revelations on YapsDiary, I would like to analyze schizophrenia and how it impacts prophecy. This will be brief.

Schizophrenia is an illness that stems from trust breakdown meeting high stress, super high -as in life or death of a family, a business, even a country. When the 2 meet, the mind schisms. We see people with beautiful personality faults, who are neatly tucked away under society’s rug. What they can’t hide under a gloss of pure-heartedness, they destroy and push to suicide in short order. I have seen “beautiful minds” with my own eyes even as I am machined off my life as I write this. But in the social media age, who wouldn’t try to point out / stop the bleeding wounds from the ever increasing crises of the end times?

Final paragraph -prophecy and schizophrenia go together. The difference between a madman and a prophet is that the selected person who safeguards Satan’s / God’s prophecy is more towards evil / good. Yes, I do believe prophecy is something schizophrenics actually shepherd on behalf of a scheme gone wrong from idiocy and vengeance somewhere afield. 

Tomorrow, I will try to drag up some references from my study Bible. Now to code CHR a bit.

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