Monday, August 19, 2024

My favorite things…

Making a list of my necessary possessions,
  1. My 2 Bibles, 1 w/ case
  2. My backpack
  3. My hiking sandals & shoes
  4. My Protrek watch
  5. My Swiss Army Knife
  6. My Cookman chef pants
  7. My Nokia
Most other things are superfluous, easily added on as needed.

Am back from shopping at the mall with the folks. Didn’t get anything for myself. Didn’t do any coding. Recorded some DiZi playing thru my AKG Ara mic. Must change my technique a bit to get better sound. Trouble is I had a stroke back in 2007. Learning doesn’t come easy.

Thinking I may buy a used Mac Mini M1 for 1.4kRM. Bet the old M2 one will be 1899RM this end of year. Want to visit a library tomorrow. Not sure which one. Maybe PNM or DBKL. Will wear my chef pants and maybe a plain tee-shirt. Must remember to wear shoes and strap on my f200 Casio.

Made spinach for dinner, microwaved, drizzled with sliced fried ginger and garlic in their oil, and oyster sauce and sesame oil. Mom made pickled veg steamed pork. Will turn in late tonight as I will be coding.

Heaven and Hell are not without mention in the Bible. Where I go you know the way, claimed Jesus. And Hell was supposed to be as Jerusalem’s incinerator: Gehenna, the fiery pit where failed souls burn and are eaten by worm, forever. Later learned men supposed / ascertained Hell to be a place devoid of God and His love, and Heaven to have many levels depending on our degree of self-deception while alive.

But first, what is a soul? Sylvain Muldoon and his friend Dr. Carrington supposed the astral body, our nerve imprint in the subtle realms, to be the vehicle of the soul. By that logic, we can define ourselves as an avocado, skin (body), flesh (soul) and seed (spirit). The skin is lost, the goodness within, consumed by God, and the spirit, returned to grow another “you” if the flesh tasted right. So what is the soul? It is our goodness that exists between breath and feeling. When someone asks you, now you can show it and prove it!

It is the body which is cast into Hell first, according to Jesus.

Mat 10:28  And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. 

Now this is a verse full of meaning. “…body in hell,” what does Jesus mean? Some pastors and Swedenborg to a degree, saw acid in hell eating our astral body. Howard Storm’s astral body was torn to shreds during his NDE. But what of heaven whom we all “know the way”?

According to theorists, the astral body sheds layers as we progress upwards towards heaven. In some plane above, we exist mainly as an intelligence with no emotions, above that, as an awareness. I am partial to the theory that we exist even now, on many planes. Thus we know the way. It is by inner transformation that we achieve heaven. But what of its yardstick -how much change is enough? The short answer is we must change to the degree we feel clean, and stay clean through life’s troubles. “I prefer being me -not that Mr. Jones so-and-so!”

My friends would add, that we should aim for a fertile and bountiful seed in our avocado. A blessed Spirit. So store up works and deeds in the name of the Most High. For even Mary, so blessed among women, needed the Spirit and the foreshadowing of Eloah, or the Father.

If we carry on with the avocado theory, we should also realize why “no man cometh unto the Father but by me [Jesus, His son]”. Jesus was an avocado from the same seed / spirit as Eloah. And he grew out soul and flesh that all might follow once resurrected / raptured. In essence, Jesus was man-proof of God’s goodness AND our salvation-ability. And if we eat of Jesus’ life story and wisdoms we cleanse our souls and come unto God.

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