Saturday, August 12, 2023

4-step rugby (football), one of my ideas…

Right now, I’m juggling a couple of projects and I want to soon make a video on a rugby variant I invented that improves on touch rugby.

Unlike Touch, there is no contact between players. There is also no break in game flow to roll or step over the ball on the ground. The overall rules are:
  1. An obstructed player has 4 steps to outwit the defender. These count as 4 if they are consecutive “horizontal” steps. A player may move backwards or forwards as many steps as available. There is no ‘tackling’ from behind.
  2. At the end of horizontal 4 steps, the ball must be passed, kicked, or thrown. Whoever catches or picks it up has possession. The ball may be thrown anywhere upfield, down or across.
  3. If a fault or foul occurs, a modified scrum is formed to decide possession. Players make a circle holding hands with the ball in the centre, fought for by foot.
I’m still thinking whether a smaller foam football or a standard 5 ball is best. The latter being more durable though less accurate and manipulatable to throw. Perhaps the 5 is better, as it encourages athleticism. As for players a side, there should be 5 to 7 on a standard soccer-sized pitch or open space.

I also thought up a game for young players using an Aerobie foam football. 5-7 players aside. One begins by throwing the ball. The opposing team cries ‘Up’ at the best opportunity. Only after this, both teams’ players can start moving. After the ball is received or retrieved, all movement stops again until the throw followed by ‘Up’. There is no tackling, obstruction, or touching.

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