Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Crashing my life on autopilot

My routine is fraying at its edges. I don’t much feel like getting out and about. Eat too much ramen. Take 20 minute showers. Sleep raggedly past midnight with the lights on. Most of all, my stroke makes it hard to learn, link, and improve my daily activities.

I now have a YouTube channel besides my own website, plus a few social media. I have books and merch for sale. Some apps to download, and even a JavaScript game on my site for time wasters. But it’s all a bit of a mess right now.

My life is on autopilot and every day I crash into something that goes bump in the night. I cry over lost followers. I compulsively check my visitor stats. I should hire a coach or an agent except I can’t afford one.

And I feel things are slipping away. Yesterday, I accidentally dropped the needle on a Mozart record instead of stowing the arm and I didn’t care. I just don’t have the strength for extra anymore. Later that night, I thought I would draw up some plans.
  1. I will move my furniture around and put some things into storage, stow my bike downstairs by the piano, the nylon guitar and flute too
  2. Run briefly every morning, try to wake up before dawn
  3. Eat no more sweet foods
  4. Only check my feeds and stats at 5pm, once daily
  5. Put the LED strip on every night so it’s darker
  6. Wear only one watch
  7. Buy only one thing online per month
  8. Shower 7 minutes a day
  9. Watch more chess videos. May buy a better set on my birthday
  10. Generally live more austere / simple

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