Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Sekk: lowering the bar, raising the play...

Being oppressed and prevented, I have no choice but to redesign Sekk. Mainly the players' moves. Anything fancy is hard to code when you're stuffed with many hearts tugging every which way.

So my new plans are as below:
  1. Man +5 / +2
  2. Woman +2 / +5
  3. Father +10 / +2
  4. Mother +3 / +10
  5. Create x2 / x3
  6. Divert -5 / -5
  7. Stop -15 / -2
  8. Exchange -10 / -2
Each piece occupies a square and influences pieces around it horizontal, vertical, and /, or diagonally. When a square's value drops below 4 (just an example), a piece may be removed. Objective is the same tho, capture a central square and hold it against any remaining moves. I must remember to code in some score displays by each square.

Getting pretty late and I took my meds early. May work on these modifications tomorrow. More later...

* * *

The question now is whether to allow a stone to be placed more than once or if removed stones disappear forever.

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