Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Enter the dragon…

Soon the animal zodiac consulted by Chinese worldwide will turn a leaf. 2024 is a dragon year, and like the horse, generally a sign of better fortune.
Love and its associated sinfulness are perennial indicators of the deep conflicts within the human psyche. Realizing we are interconnected on a spiritual level promotes proper relations and decision-making.

Dragons are said to be prophetic so it is highly possible some sign from God will be shown us in the span of several months from now. The extract from ACIFS above warns us not to rely on our fleshy emotions though they seem to appear in the name of love. Rather, investigate God’s purpose for your life before partaking of it.

For example, I know I’m a moderator of telepathic exchanges. One of many grunt workers who stabilize the mindspaces, a giver of laws and express permissions, an explainer of spirituality, a tester of character since I was a child. This may be so in that I was born in a dragon year.

To survive this year, I must not shirk duties to lead and solve problems. And I think all dragons are called upon to serve the lord of 2024. We must make a difference even as serious problems increasingly crop up all over the world. Rumors of another European war, and a deadly retaliation on Islam by the Americans. I do feel I put out a little too much discussing these thorny issues in public but I must. More later…

Today’s news quite intriguing. Najib will be pardoned apparently, and Princess Kate’s mystery illness could be disclosed. There may be a strike by US forces in the middle east. Master Paul Ng has advised me to avoid stress and accidents, in other words, to allocate for spiritual attacks. I will therefore not be pursuing riches or sex and focusing on helping people in the mindspaces.

Showing good Spirit always repels spiritual attacks. Just that the attackers are cheating for an unfair advantage. They have strayed far from prophecy which is how we’ll undo them eventually!

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