Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Self-driving cars…

The race to develop a self-driving vehicle has hit a snag. The algorithm is unreliable. There basically are 4 functions to call, which run inside a loop.

While driving:
    1 is relative stationary
    2 is relative moving
    3 is relative accelerating
    4 is relative contacting

1 : the car and / or an object scanned is stationary. The action to take is simply to loop again
2 : the car and / or an object scanned is moving. The action to take is to test for 3, 4, 1
3 : the car and / or an object scanned is accelerating. The action to take is to test for 4, 1, 2
4 : the car and / or an object scanned is contacting. The action to take is to test for 1, 2, 3

Of course, the software must track multiple objects differentiated from one another, including walking people, road barriers, shop fronts, and parked private jets. More later…

Unfortunately, I could not work on my projects as ‘Prince William’ threatened nuclear war on Malaysia, lashing out at Christian Asians who once helped him, myself included. We are in a war on 2, 3 fronts sometimes. Given up by own family and friends to be afflicted. I did manage to frighten the Liew 6 with dirty threats of my own. Hopefully they will not fight / cheat using telepathy again. 

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