Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Am writing again…

Set in 2 worlds I created, the lore of the InterFaith meets the moon, Maelstrom and the evolutionary madness going on there. Not sure how long this tale will drag. Maybe 20k words and I will have a novella. 

But today, Dad and I are visiting TRX. Not sure what to wear there. Maybe just shorts and a tee. More later…

We went shopping at Mutiara near by instead as Dad had colorectal bleeding again. Bought lots of goodies albeit nothing luxurious. We have the Liew witches on the back foot now that their thinly veiled lies are exposed and our spiritual power grows. I must be on hand to talk.

This morning was hazy. I ran and worked out, feeling a bit weak. Last night, I wrote over 1k words. Having fun letting each of the Characters tell their story first person, and reveal their motivations and personalities. I think I have 5 main-ish characters, Booker, La-ella, Sylvia, Prince, and Holster. The 3 supporting characters are, Pastor, Governor Lovey, and Ajax, who don’t have narratives of their own.

I need to put together some cash to get Mom and maybe Dad, some good shoes, the KD 900 from Decathlon. Myself have a KD 500 which is pretty good. If only my stories will sell. Time will tell. Meanwhile, we repulsed major attacks from the Liew witches. A night of fighting looms large.

Another stabbing. The casualties are Christians as predicted. And many may participate in mass sexuality soon, who are immoral i.e. unaligned to a true faith. May God save us.

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