Sunday, April 7, 2024

Making rules for a game…

This is a continuation of “Vampire” where I promised to upload some astrology materials for playing a Tarot game. Also will be heading out this evening to buy a Houm fan. Seems it won’t rain. More later…

I scouted out my MaSPeG. I need to lump 3 personalities into 12 groups. Then I need the zodiac sign these personalities fall under. Major, minor and center. Finally the psychology of each Tarot card. I think it will be a booklet I can offer for players to download by tonight.

Results of my research. The game can start!

After an hour or so, I had matched the MaSPeG to the Zodiac and the Zodiac to the planets, sun and moon. Then I matched the Tarot to the heavenly bodies and Zodiac. So now, a card should be explainable by the MaSPeG personality chart and we have a game.

So ‘Good Sport-Fair Player is : Wheel of Fortune / Judgement, which in my deck is rendered as:

We see the meeting in the clouds and the living creatures of heaven (all Biblical symbols). The wheel must be a karmic device and the hooded figure with the bleeding side, is he Jesus? Looking at everyone’s hand to determine their reading can shed more light on what your hand might mean. The first one to read the whole sequence of hands correctly, wins a point and becomes the next dealer.

It would be interesting if a reading comes true outside of the game environment!

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