Friday, May 3, 2024

Working for nothing…

I can feel the surge of tribulation. Not that I usually predict the future or am in many high level officials’ minds, but that there are just so many poignant cues we are running out of time on Earth before God dismantles all human efforts to rise up as one satanic world kingdom. Money is tighter than ever, war looms large in the Middle East. People are rising up against people. Nations jockey for marginal returns with provocative if not aggressive moves. Witchcraft is rampant, consuming young lives, infants even. Faith is at a low point nobody can imagine.

Such are the troubles that I’ve considered giving up writing and coding. This morning, we rescued many young ones from the Liew witches by being patient and logical. They were being fed nonsense by the evil 6. Western help is now giving abused telepathic babies a new hope of redemption. As usual we served food and drink.

I wiped down Sis’ present with mild soap and water: a volleyball. Wish I had one for myself actually. Hope she has fun with it, with her daughters. More later…

Raining heavily this 4pm. Glad I made it home early. May have to cook dinner for the folks tonight. More later…

Wrote part of a song about an execution, and arranged my old song Caraway a very different way. Settling down to code now. The fancy baked beans was good. Will give Sis her present shortly tho it’s a few weeks more till the date.

The coding process of CHR begins with regex, one of my weak points. I need to grab data by its left of ;; descriptors and arrange the right of ;; into 2 columns, the plot and plot elements. There needs to be a search box with VRS style quasi regex.

Just read that Malaysia may face US sanctions over funding terror in the middle east. The country will go wild. PMX has an unenvied job right now. These are end times events for certain. Salman Rushdie and Mar Mari Emmanuel both stabbed. And I wonder about my own small life. My place in heaven has never been so uncertain.

On my blog, I suggested Russia may very soon use nukes in Ukraine, striking just west of Kiev.

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