Thursday, November 21, 2024

I bought a prophetic watch apparently…

This morning, I went along to breakfast with the folks and Sis. Mom insisted on DimSum, once a meal reserved for the Emperor of China. Came to over 100RM for 4 which is reasonable. Everything was delicious and dainty. But before they had finished, I wiped up and went over to Sunrise Time Centre near where we parked. This was my first time visiting their PJ Old Town branch.

The watch I bought was the EFV 580. An all-Stainless Steel affair with a black asymmetrical dial and chrono pushers (I almost never use a chrono). But on to the prophecy.

Edifice means:
a complex system of beliefs.
"the concepts on which the edifice of capitalism was built"

The Edifice logo resembles the Quicksilver logo, a wave over a hill / mountain. I believe it looks like airflow over a Chanda surface, airfoil. Perhaps one of my ideas on Medium, regarding long range efficient drones will pay off soon. And that old Mother Shipton prediction will come true:

“And in the air men shall be seen In white and black as well as green”

Personal / small group flying harnesses / hoppers will be widely available and save many lives.

I don’t know yet what this is a sign of, that 2 logos are similar and relate to my personality and experiences. If quicksilver is Mercury and edifice is a belief system,

Mercury was the Roman god of commerce, messengers, eloquence, travelers, and trickery —

There is certainly something God wants me to do to save souls. How exactly…?

Back home again. Relaxing in a/c. Am thinking I’ve done enough of the good fight and enough creative work as well. Many have taken over my mindspace duties. Found out the 580 takes a longer lasting battery and should run for circa 6 years which is good news. Restocked my wallet with just 300RM. I have another 60RM in my debit, and 24RM in my rail card.

Sometimes, the small fights are the big fights and vice versa. Maybe I should keep my eye on my folks and Sis’ family even while dreaming big, to keep watch in mindspace for witchcraft trouble. Signs will sort themselves out.

Tomorrow, off to the new house to set up our turntable and speakers. May have breakfast out. Need to wake up a little early. Yet to brush.

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