Thursday, January 23, 2025

My take on Trump and prophecy…

There are many interpretations of the ‘falling away’. And the one who restrains. And the revealed Antichrist. And the remnant saved. It takes an IQ to figure this out, mostly because sheep don’t think roundabout and critically.

Can a falling away happen overnight? Or has it been slow burning? Trump is set to inhibit the anti religious. Can he  be the / a midst-er restrainer? He who lets, holds firm, will be taken out of the midst of his brokered treaty in the middle east. 

Many will lose their lives if Paul is to be believed, but in a certain place, there will be a remnant of believers who apparently did not flee, all thru the violence and killing. This is obviously in the mid east tho America may mirror it as often it does.

So loose morals and low finances leads to Trump’s deal for Israel breaking down which leads to a bloodbath of Messianics and Christians which then leads to the Rapture.

We read of the peculiar religion of the Antichrist. Remember, Trump has to sign a deal with this damnable person of a secretive, ‘strange god’, projecting / extrapolating.

More later…

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