Friday, January 3, 2025

Plotting the 2nd quarter of Inexact Science...

Roughly 20 pages have been written of my novella, Inexact Science (IS). That's abut 5k words. And it's time for the action to heat up some notches. Intrigue is on the cards in chapter 6 / 20. SPOILERS AHEAD...

Seth goes AWOL deep into Asia and meets China's simple people in Yunnan, traveling north from Jakarta to Hanoi to HeKou, and into Kunming, tailed by the Asian Trainer duo and his girlfriend, Marjorie. At home, Matthew and Frederick ready the e-bomb, thinking Seth is in position due to his Asian surroundings but due to his wound, it misfires, wiping out China's Pacific coast.

Seth is remanded by Chinese authorities who somehow identify him with a Messiah figure and wait on his every command. He tours the damaged cities and vows to pay back the inventors of this IS technology. Gracie is confronted by Marjorie and they debate what they both did to Seth, causing the debacle -or could it be a blessing in disguise? Whose side is everyone on now -East or West?

Seth runs away from Gracie, Saim, and Marjorie, forming a group of anti-IS fighters, noted for their ruthlessness. The energies he contained burst forth against the West who shield effectively behind their half-Asian population.

A crack special forces squad is sent to assassinate him but he takes them down with the help of monks. Marjorie is told by Matthew to kill Seth but Gracie protects him. The 3 of them break down, requiring special counseling from white witches.

Frederick vows to break his rebellious protege, confronting him with his witch wife and Matthew. There is an epic battle in which they discover Seth's bow pulling finger is disjointed. Matthew reaches for his bow, which Seth can no longer draw (naturally) but the arrow misses due to Saim's intervention. Saim dies for Seth but not before imparting the final bits of his training. Marjorie stabs Matthew in the back and there is darkness -for now.

The 2nd quarter of IS is almost wrapped up. I only used some of the outline I made above due to stylistic concerns. Turning to the 3rd quarter, it looks to be a lot of talking and philosophy. But the running theme is one of peace and momentous / great achievements. There may be free love between men and women among other things we hate or fear of, are taboo.

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