I've been working hard coding SeTT and designing PupL, and wrote half of my novella, Inexact Science. But this year, I need more break time. Will be heading out tomorrow, on a long walk. Maybe to Kuala Lumpur. Could have lunch out as well, with the folks. Have been a little constipated lately, which makes it hard for me to feel comfortable and relax. That, and the incessant coding. Not to mention the head blows from the Liew witchy 6.
Will read up on JavaScript tonight before taking my meds, in preparation for my minimal busybox version of the language.
Heading out soon. Need to take a break, do some walking before coding my very first library. A JavaScript streamliner for low-end browsers. I’m not very sure how it’ll work yet util I see more example code. May have to do hairy things with pointers etc. Should be fun!
Found out JavaScript has no pointers. I will possibly be using some sort of object map instead.
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