Feeling better after working those legs for an hour. Left at 10am, came home at 11am+. Bought canned curry for our lunch. Coding is going at snail's pace. Figuring out the algorithms one step at a time.
Had my 3rd loo of the day which I suspect was yesterday's ramen snack, a tomyam kaw and dinner which was salmon pasta. That means I was 2 days backed up. Man it feels good to be comfortable down there again.
Wearing my Casio Edifice on NATO. Did a lot of coding but there won't be any results for some time as I patch everything together. There are only 3 functions in this very simple app but it's a strange program overall and of dubious value.
Coding is getting there. Some major progress in the truth-checking function. Also progress on the moveBlock function. Will be turning in soon as I just took my meds.
Almost 11pm. Feeling sleepy. Had a black coffee. Wonder why but I do drink several cups throughout the day which is normal and beneficial.
Wearing my Casio 2200 on matching gray-white NATO. One of my favorite watches. It’s become harder to spend money on luxuries as the country grows poorer. I may have to stop accumulating watches / straps this year.
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