Friday, June 14, 2024

Pyggie rolls along where all else failed…

My guitar booklet project and python browser project for RISCOS have mutated into Pyggie -the python guitar assistant app. It will be free for non-commercial use and will be released on this weekend if all goes well. I have actually done almost half of it as of now while vegetating at the shoebox house with the folks. But I have to break and make dinner with Mom. Then tomorrow, we’ll be house cleaning. So the schedule is rather tight and I have to be systematic and disciplined to finish coding. More later…

Downloaded SheetVision from Git. It works well tho slow. Now I can resume coding Pyggie with the notes in arrays, ready for processing. I fell asleep last night, before I could work on the app. There is still something false going around in the mindspaces. Witches die hard, the most evil ones.

Development stalls as I need to roll my own OCR function. There just isn’t anything very good that’s open source out there. It will go L-R and U-D, checking for patterns.

After a few hours at the shoebox house, I made some overall progress on my app. It now has numpy arrays and a rudimentary drawing of the fingering. Looks like there’s no time to walk today. Soon we’ll be making dinner. Tuna pasta with eggplant cream and Greek salad. We eat tuna only once a month to be sustainable. Then to code some more and hope to meet the spec.

Took my meds, sedative, and it’s now almost 10pm. Will shower and brush, turn in earlier tonight. May code a bit before bed.

Horizontally for sequence-value:
  1. lll ( within 2 lines or divided by line)
  2. l l (dotted notes as well)
  3. ..
  4. l/
And vertically for value-pitch:
  1. - (thickest line that is broader than thick)
  2. =
  3. z
  4. _
To detect rests, -/ or =/ or z spanning 3 lines. To detect ties, curve under note ending in a curve at the same vertical level.

From my Tumblr @donutwares:

“I can feel the world changing. Around me things are moving. Positive things. Grave and serious matters. But God blows me a kiss which settles on my cheek like a promise. I can feel water in the air and am swimming in love -the collective effort and care of other white lights who know or don’t what they’re really doing to us all by their daily grind. And I respond, in kind. God bless us all in these end times” 


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