Friday, June 14, 2024

Working or giving up time to educate stupid people…

I hate to call anyone stupid, being mentally challenged myself. But the more stupid you are / know, the better a teacher you can be. So I’ve put my work on hold yet again. Today’s topic is dealing with feelings of revenge.

I was once vengeful after being molested by a gay guy. It was just a little touching but I felt the blood boil and the more I thought of it, the more I wanted to reach out and work him something mean. I smelt the justice of chopping up his dead body and hiding the parts in the basement, bottom of the lake etc.

One day tho, I woke up and got over it. It wasn’t because I’d taken a girlfriend, passed my degree (which I failed, both), learnt aikido, or even had a hearty meal, but the extreme negative emotions and thoughts I’d been entertaining for a week or so just pushed out my trauma like a cork popped off a champagne bottle.

Of course, I never reached out telepathically and yanked on poor Naz, one has to respect the mindspaces. Do it to yourself, by yourself, on yourself. And when it’s done, celebrate yourself with friends or a large pepperoni pizza.

May be heading out soon for groceries and some lunch. Then to work on my guitar 101.

Talked about mind control and how the witchy Liews used it against prominent figures like the Royals. There are 2 forms of it, blatantly following someone’s thoughts and emotions and stuffing one’s emotions and thoughts into the prey. The cure is simply to find better company to displace these sociopaths. Whether they may exact revenge is another issue altogether. Being above board is important / key to survival in the mindspaces.

Finally, today’s discussion veers into the issue of selfishness, or ‘I’m more important’. We could quote the Bible, those who lose their lives will gain it. But closer to home, those that maintain integrity AND genuinely care for their followers / friends / God, live the best. It does no good to raise indignation and start playing both sides unless you can irretrievably involve and monitor / adjust the whole world’s telepaths. Not practical as a solution, just that evil witches enjoyed it and it seemed to work initially.

ADDITIONAL teachings on future-sensing. What is it really? Is the future made or planned in advance? This is like saying we can know every type of bug (insect) from seeing the smallest to biggest beetle. Like Darwin, we can classify every bug and say which probably evolved first, into what, sooner than later. But the truth is we cannot and have not a reliable tree structure of any species on Earth. What seers see is limited to what we can NOW understand and NOW DO something about. Then this is moved like a sliderule or vernier calipers, simple machines, to predict future, having grouped many threads of NOW DO. In a nutshell, it works sometimes but not always and less so forever.

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