Thursday, July 4, 2024

Writing again…

Yes, I am back in the groove, writing my mini stories again. I will stop when I have 10 tales to either sell or give away, or option. It started with actually, opening up Libreoffice and sitting stubbornly at the ThinkPad -thinking hard about what’s been happening to me, around me, and in the world at large -its trends and transformations. And that became “Rose”, my opening story. The next one is “Fides” which I will write circa dinner time. I’m trying out new styles and techniques / approaches to writing spicy tales that turn pages. In a way, this book yet untitled is an experiment in fun. More later…

So it came true that I wrote 2 stories yesterday but not Fides, which is probably the most ambitious of the 10. Will tackle it tonight after I write “Salon”. Based an experience I had, maybe talk a bit about my encounters with gay people, people too beautiful to care for my looks.
"Salon" is now nicely done and I have my toes dipped into "Friends". May take an hour or so to write the tale of 2 good buddies making a living far from home, sharing and caring and learning lessons of life. I think this will touch 1.8k words. Salon was just under 1k.

Was kept from my work by voices needing to talk. No hurry. I can work less even as hell consumes souls at an ever increasing rate. Will write just one story today, mid morning.
Made it halfway thru "Friends". It turned out a little different from planned but quite promising -a story of friendship and sacrifice. Should be able to finish by mid afternoon. The folks are over at the shoebox sprucing the place up and buying health foods.

Starting on Fides now, since Friends wraped up early (1.1k words) with no major editing needed. Need a rest first as the write was unexpectedly emotionally draining.

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