Saturday, July 6, 2024

KDE + Rocky Linux + ThinkPad + Edifier is sweet...

Don't regret installing Linux on my used ThinkPad from 2015. It uses less RAM and, through KDE, has all the apps, updates, and desktop functions I need at my fingertips. I also am using Edifier 2-way speakers which sound sweet at low volume. I have them play all my record rips in JuK, as I write in LibreOffice. I love to give back, and my book will be offered free on as a PDF. The ePub will be paid for and I may design it a nice cover.

No plans to upgrade to a new Mac Mini M2 yet which at 2499RM is quite affordable. Planning to go watch shopping with my cousin from the north later this month.

Was thinking since we both like running and already have several favorite watches, we'd go to the Running Lab at Pavilion and shop high-end shoes circa 600RM. For him, not me.

Meanwhile, my book, vt, pushes along steadily. I have the concepts for the final 5 stories down pat and they are good ones. "Fides" is still hard to execute, having so many intertwined elements such as the politics of Malaysia, the faith of the East Malaysians, the poverty of the Pinoys and Indonesians, and the small voice of Prophet Yeap calling from coerced confinement what nobody feels safe admitting is true! *sigh* it has to begin somewhere somehow this evening...

Made good headway on Fides. I have something to hang my story on -a rickety Malaysian-designed maglev train. You may have guessed I'm not a very systematic thinker but there are only so many doors a person need try.

Sunday morning came with a light rain. Working on my stories while raising the cholesterol of evil people who attacked me and won’t learn from Jesus, nor would they take the jellybean antidote I offered.

Music at 25% volume sunds good for my morning writing session, 7am. And my discolored gray Logi wireless silent mouse by the side of the pre-loved ThinkPad, a trusty companion of several years now. The death of Kabini, long forgotten. I do like Bluetooth peripherals.

Was thinking of a wireless charging solution. No plugs or pads. A HomePod-like music player (plugged into the mains) while playing music (may emit a low frequency and high frequency signal above human hearing. The hi and lo freqs trigger potential difference resonance in a bank of micro solenoid magnets, thus charging the laptop or phone while the user is enjoying multimedia.

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