Sunday, July 7, 2024

Muharram 777…

Today is Muharram Sunday, apparently agreed upon to be the 7th day of creation, Also it is day 7 into July, the 7th month. This is surely worthy of an ABY reading: 10F
A schizo-affective young boy admitted to Elder Brother Yeap to having perpetrated numerous mental crimes, some of which were confirmed on people around him. “You don’t understand how a good boy feels. Everyone may turn against me. I’m not such a criminal in the heart” “Calm down,” warned Elder Brother Yeap, “Some of your victims can hear and they are indeed out for your scalp” Then he proclaimed, “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. What more can a man offer that he has molested and broken a unique thing. Let the broken part be placated for at a time of meaningfulness, at any moment spare, this young man will reimburse you or your family and friends. Now all of you are to forgive or there will be endless tumult on Earth and in Heaven – a good heart turned bad wants to heal by the practice of good deeds. Let it so be loved”
Rather straightforward to analyze: pay for your crimes and you will be forgiven, and pray for salvation or you will be damaged in that process! Do not be loud about sin. Do not conversely be cowardly. 

This July 2024, the ABY predicts I will do well in my writing. Looks certain I will wrap up 50% of the book in an hour or two.

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