Thursday, November 7, 2024

Just casually writing another novella…

Am writing a new story which is more ambitious than the first novella, where I got to lean on lots of philosophy. This one is character driven and involves a journey into the realms of souls. There are 3 chapters of 7k words each and each character is given their own voice to think and express their insights on the mission.

Unfortunately, I have to do duty in mindspace as well.

And Prince William is becoming increasingly cynical about the mind rehabilitation effort.

Chapter one introduces the “graveyard of souls”. Booker Mammon / Mormon (I have to decide) and his FIST drive schooner is lost somewhere in the Oort Cloud. Hector Nonnah, Dinah Semester, and their monkey drone, Kumaresh / Resh, go on a rescue mission to bring home the interFaith commissioner. Yea, that’s 7k words.

So the microplot is this: Dinah has a cybernetic hand that she was hypnotized to forget was gored by Resh as he was being firmware updated. Hector tased Resh near to death but somehow the drone monkey survived and the 3 were “fixed” together with nanomachine AI.

As the trio near the Keiper belt, their nano starts acting up and weird dreams descend. Resh who is unaffected, pilots the Albatross through the asteroid field while famous souls enquire when God will revive them. Fantasies play out like real, and the crew are almost lost.

When they reach the Oort Cloud, they detect a radio signal from Booker’s ship. And they meet the Dimension Masters who have the commissioner in their grasps. Dinah and Booker get along well and the DMs decide to regrow her hand. Lots of strange things occur because of the exploratory DMs and the soul nano. Resh requests to be a real monkey.

Chapter two involves soldiering, drafts, and war. An unseen enemy lurks under the crust of a large planet hidden in the Keiper belt. And Earth, at peace, is not prepared for battle. Booker and co. go on a campaign to recruit soldiers and much debate ensues on the pros and cons of violence.

Chapter three is full of romance, with Booker and Dinah and Hector caught in a love triangle while commanding the battle for our very souls. It was seeking to understand beauty and strategic intelligence inside that caused them to entwine. Resh meets other monkeys and stirs up an army of his own. But is this a manipulation of the Dimension Masters, and how many of them are there? This chapter is full of manipulations and double dutch.

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