Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Planning my next watch purchase, invention ideas…

I have about 500RM to blow on another watch / Casio. After some research, I should be able to decide on a model that fills the gap. Thinking of something transparent and colorful, or maybe chunky and smaller. A Chinese manual wind maybe.

This amazing little cheap solar powered thing must be mine! Unfortunately, funds are not in yet. May have to order it tomorrow if it remains for sale. $33 is reasonable for a solar powered watch and I shall enjoy the smaller size.

Well, fresh funds are in. I have replenished my wallet back up to 500RM, and my stash to 1kRM. This leaves me 260RM to spend, with funds in my Touch n’ Go just under 18RM (good for a few train rides). My OKU LRT pass expires EOM.

I think that girl on Facebook was using me to train an AI, not offering me a job. Hmm… 

Inventions you may not have seen before:
  1. flank of stiffish foam embedded with fiberoptic diffusers ‘lightsaber’. Powerful magnets in the foam rebound the sabers near contact.
  2. boomerang mini rockets instead of straight ones enable a strike from the opposite direction and also can surround an enemy, forcing them to give up pursuit.
  3. hammer(ing) guards so you’ll never hit a nail bent again.
  4. anti strip screw (dip / coating) that makes a grating / snapping noise if cross threading is attempted.
  5. mini guitar shaped like a loop, made of wood. Passive vibrating tensors stretch within the loop and the guitar is more or less half the size.
  6. barefoot shoes failed because they didn’t have toe webbing and arch webbing.
  7. food stretcher, starch, mushroom, or some substrate that absorbs leftovers and tastes like them the next day so you can eat the same for less money, effort and less compassionate impact.
  8. cheap AR / VR, your computer monitor’s camera observes your headset and feeds it appropriate graphics on screen which are filtered to 3D (you will need to sit in front of a screen).
  9. rolled up arrows that come in a cartridge of 3, fired from a hand-held curved guide rail with sight affixed.
  10. chips that self learn yet have no memory, essentially a Turing machine with just one more element, the conveyor belt branches two-fold, tho only one branch may operate at any clock cycle.
Yea, that was a load of ideas *whew*

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