Tuesday, February 25, 2025

I bought an Apple Pencil for my iPad 10...

At circa $67 it was a steal. Gives me so much joy every time I unbox and use an Apple product. This one, however, is possibly going to be sold after I experiment with writing a bit and develop some accessories which may or may not sell. Thus I may be letting it go, lose no money hopefully. Only mine for a while.

Chapter 17 of Inexact Science is going well. I seemingly have a choice of things to write or not to write, or to delay till later, which is confusing my few remaining brain cells. It must wrap up this afternoon.

Meanwhile, the folks are out doing banking. Hope to receive my monthly $100 today. Walking in the sunshine was good for my hand which is occasionally attacked. Another 15 minutes till I get to use the Apple Pencil -it had 0% charge in it OOTB. More later...

Tested the pencil with Sketchbook (free on the App Store) and it works great. The pressure sensitivity is nice and there is some resistance so it feels a little more controlled, when you apply pressure. In Freeform, the inkflow is a little more fluid and there is a wee bit of under-over curve following when writing fast. Not sure what's up with that. But yea, it beats the Viva Madrid Pencil (240RM IIRC) I used to own, hands down. Ironically, that came from Harvey Norman too.

Feelings are scattered all over the place right now as the Liew witchy 6 make their nefarious plans onto the western people's soft underbelly. A creed of sin.

Am into chp 18. It should wrap up late tonight. Decided to go for a false ending with everyone suspecting the worse. Some say Pope Francis has just days to live. We are in for his replacement probably -and he can only be the final one if that's not Francis himself.


Planning a brief run tomorrow, early. Helps re-energize my body and mind. I think the common fear of reprisals and betrayal unites the characters to open up about their pasts in chp 18.


Was thinking about the pencil nub I'm designing. It may need a huge cone suction cup on a stalk. Weird but maybe best that way. It should also snap on and off rather than going on like a ring. It can be adjusted by moving it slightly up and down the pencil body and / or inserting a wedge to open up the angle. It should also be in translucent dark red.

Was at Amcorp earlier. We ate at Ruuma Cafe. Mom got her dragon pendant tied by a kind Buddhist lady and I bought a Chinese tea cup with lid and saucer. It brews pretty good tea. Fragrant and rich in color. The thing about tea is you can reuse it, adding just a little more leaf / ball etc. -it goes a long way tho it may be 200RM per pack.

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