Wednesday, February 26, 2025

All's in doubt...

I now have 3 unfinished projects -my novella, my programming language, and my Apple Pencil nub. Don't know if I will be able to fully deliver on any of those things. Having some money to spend on fine things would be nice. But here I am, helping in mindspace every day instead.

Don't think I will run to the station, just run home as my stomach is a little queasy from the prune juice I took this morning. At least I'm not backed up anymore.


I'm over halfway thru chp 18 of Inexact Science. Confident of a wrap up later tonight. Mom has made me prepare dinner which leaves me 15 minutes to plot the 2nd half of the chapter which has to do with retribution and betrayal.

I've managed to finish chp 18 with a flourish. It's good to go. Writing chp 19 now: the death of Marjorie. Still a little constipated despite the prune juice I drank at dinner. The final chapter, 20, a knife comes for Seth who is poor and exiled.


I have been incontinent before so my situation is hardly unbearable, just a little annoying. Am breaking from writing chp 19 to work out a bit. Think my writing is getting a little stale so will stop soon -I must be tired / saturated. Take my meds earlier as well.

In case anyone's wondering, Marjorie eventually dies and her death is an eye opener for the other characters.

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