Today should see chp 19 wrap up. I also found simpler sample code for modding into TinyLang -my unique programming language. Haven't been running. Maybe should do so today, in the afternoon. I'm constipated again despite the prune juice I drank with lotsa water. Can't head out much with an odorous back door.
I do like my Chinese tea-brewing cup. Was just saying, it seems more a personal effect than some you'd break out for a tea party as they would do in the west.
I am still a leetle constipated despite being able to 'go' thanks to the prune juice. Took a shower and am tapping out words on my used ThinkPad. Feels good to be writing something, anything. Wonder how my FFM submission is going?
Will do prep for writing IS maybe in half an hour. Prepped well, I should wrap up by lunch. The last few chapters seem to be a bit soft and chummy versus the hard-hitting mid part, and some earlier than that. It is tho, supposed to be an epilogue.
Broke for a quick run round the block. Am feeling less tired and more like working on my book. Westerners going a little berserk in the UK and America, who bully Asians thru telepathy.
Chp 19 is just about done. Just a few more paragraphs. The rest I can say in chp 20 -the final one which I'll be writing tomorrow. It's about Seth, my MC and how he closes the tragedy with inexact Science, faced with an assassination squad.
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