Have apparently annoyed my neighbor, going a little wild recording my music with my new Sonic Gear wireless mic set. Also was confronted by my psychiatrist which was stressful for my stroked brain. Not to say I’m the only Christian suffering in these end times.
Anyway, being squeezed into a convenient corner of my mind is surprisingly good for writing. I finished chapter 14 and am finishing 15 as well today. The folks are out for the sales. Dad’s bandage got changed out by Sis and we made him a softer one of gauze and light medical tape so his skin can heal better.
I had 2 good loos and am feeling comfortable. Tomorrow a long walk and maybe some running as well. Ate a kaya (coconut custard) sandwich for breakfast and drank 2 lattes. Wearing my Seiko 5 Sports which is gaining 8s / day now after I bumped it carelessly. Most accidents happen at home.
More later..
I have now 600RM in my stash. 440RM in my wallet. Will be back up to 1kRM by EOM. Jealousy rears its head in judgement, and taking offense is now a sport people play. Being caught in the middle of everybody’s struggle with God is interesting at times. Must be more humble and maybe I can use this network to my benefit, to God’s purpose -saving souls.
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