Tuesday, February 18, 2025

There was an article on racialsim in Malaysia…

From what I gather, it’s about rezeki, or earning enough to survive, working better jobs with better pay. If we are not polite and logical, Malaysia could tear apart. It is such a time -doesn’t everybody feel it?

Over halfway thru chp 14 of Inexact Science. ACT 2 should wrap up tomorrow (Wednesday) it I’m hardworking enough. Then I can update FreeLunch.my with their links.

Mom is worried over her knuckle. Many relatives have the same arthritis. Even Dad has trigger finger. It is so obviously the work of an indiscrimiate, determined witch. We moved to combat LiLian with some results. Petted her docile again, and her siblings too.

Mom drove us over to the old house which was cool. Dad can’t drive after his pacemaker surgery, for another few weeks. Had a good dinner of fermented bean paste streaky pork and garden sweet potato leaves. Check on Mom who is feeling depressed. More tomorrow…

It’s Thursday, 2 days on from the above, and there is some neighborhood strife. Dad’s surgery wound is healing well. Sis came to dress it. We need to remove the plaster residue tomorrow morning. The fallout of my cousin’s jealousy cast a shadow over my day. Still praying for chp. 14 to get done. Marjorie, queen of the fiery throne.

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