Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Coding my web browser, fending off mind attacks, the coming Satanism…

Still working on Browse2. It will have a text interface with an interactive strip bound to 0-9 and F1-F12 which may be any interface element such as formatting menus, entry fields, or action buttons. Must also add in bookmarks, tabs, search, summary, and highlight the current active fields / buttons. B2 will come with an interface script syntax called BCS which allows a user to configure the JavaScript and CSS handling of any site. BCS reads much like CSS.

Mental / emotional attacks, nerve damaging, and defamation rage on, with the witchy Liews teaming up with Royals to unleash satan over the world. Could be more than a storm in a teacup if these destroyed hearts who once traded blows get to the right people at the right time. The outlook is bleak as most do not want to get involved with telepathic violence. More later…

Baby minds raped by the Liews break free as the false witnessing witches’ lungs are seared by bullied children and my group telepaths. We were lenient and did only a little. It’s hard to go back on a road with all the bridges burnt. Harry and William are also in the same predicament. Mind warfare is too easy to do and die from. Must be patient, steadfast, and long-suffering.

My hand is being attacked again by Liew concentrators, driving itching into my skin. Thankfully they have stopped and news is we can finally separate from this demonic system concocted by departed Diana.

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