Wednesday, May 22, 2024

May, a month of prophecy?

Prophecy: In early March [Actually May-June i.e. the French Open], earthquake, and it will be deadly. Marking the beginning of an Euro-American led “revolution” as well as a covert strike against the “antichrists” by Christian-loyal forces, using untested means or powers. They are watched over by the angel of the Jews, Michael who orchestrates everything.
China will provide vital “assistance” to Christ’s followers. But it is the ingenuity of a Malaysian (group) that turns it into success. There is a small king of Europe (UK?) who will lend a hand, and he will go forth before the others as well. Scotland is favored.
Some time ago I wrote the above prophecy. Now it must be explained. It has to do with a certain bow. The so-called bow of the White Rider (not Gandalf). It has to do with a crown. The crown he was given. Of course, I am not in possession of both but it was shown me what they actually mean.

There will be a new king around the time the “empire bow” is fashioned complete. The bow will be made mostly from American and Chinese / Asian effort -possibly a long range strike deterrent. It will be a Christian mandate to end the war in Israel. And the once great White Horse empire will protrude phallus-like as if it were the power itself, calling upon Avalon, Camelot, and the past glories. They will be buffered from judgement by the French. And at that time, an earthquake may crack the Dome of the Rock. More later…

The crown is not a physical crown of a monarch, but a birthright to a throne. We think it may be Prince William’s day. And on that day, he may give the order to do whatever the prophecy needs done. There is scant time for this all to occur.

When there is completion, a “horrible terror” will stake itself in the Tabernacle the Jews may erect on Temple Mount. It may be a nuclear weapon wielding terrorist squad. Then what is written in Matthew will come true:

Mat 24:15  When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Mat 24:16  Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains…

Of course the mandatory disclaimer, don’t look back like Lot’s wife did.

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