Thursday, May 16, 2024

My foot has swollen, I made a theory of economics… -read my theory that money should be free. Just a short 1 minuter but it could change the world.

My whole foot is a bit puffy as fluid drains off from around my ankle sprain. Maybe I’ll take a walk tomorrow and work it off. Have to read up on that -if it helps. Meanwhile, Mom has made us a tasty dinner and I’m torrenting Mac OS 9.2 to use in Qemu on my OpenBSD rig. Taking forever.

My theory above, is that money was first formed out of selfishness and pride in the sense of its rarity and mutual desire for profiting. That is why it is paraphrased as the root of all evil. What if money grew like leaves, like blades of grass, so readily available that:

…Most focus on the 'something', when they should be concerned about the 'wanting'.

Imagine taking wealth out of the picture and putting in love of one another. If John Lennon were alive today…

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