Sunday, May 19, 2024

Ran OS/2 for a while…

One of the things I never got the chance to do was to run IBM’s OS/2 operating system. I found a preinstalled Qemu image file and an old version, 0.8, of the emulator bundled. A tiny 640x480 window appeared and loaded up in 10 seconds. The icons were very nice and professionally drafted. But I couldn’t get around the design paradigm of the OS. It’s no wonder it lost to Microsoft’s Win95. It feels solid but clunky while Win95 tho a little hefty and crashy, was overall easier to use.

Having used a Mac, I would say it’s easier than OS/2 as well. I did like NT very much and played with it a lot in the college computer cluster back in ‘98, on 200MHz Pentium IIs with 256MB memory. Things to do before I’m dead or raptured. Should begin ticking off s list of these rather than suffering and moping.

We are all weaponizing against the Liew witchy army. For my part, I will be divulging their secrets online. Where and when it hurts. Buy a weapon, deter these cowards externally and starve them out internally. More tomorrow…

Some time to kill before psych clinic. Was able to loo well. Always grateful. I had problems with this since I was a teenager up till my mid 30s. Getting fresh funds in this week. I will then have 1.2kRM saved up. Still have 70RM in my debit account to buy stuff online. This seems paltry, I know but times are lean. Would like to get some plastic tubing / card (I may still have that) to make a bow sight. I think it will have simple grooves / lines running round the left edge of the tubing or thick card. The grooves are distance focusing due to the parallax blurring effect / pinhole camera effect.

Switched out my keyboard and mouse for less power hungry devices which seems to have solved my sleep-resume problems in OpenBSD.

I think OBSD just can’t take suspending. At least it shuts down the display automatically. I have solved the bow sight challenge using the lens compression effect of a cylinder onto a calibrated strip of rectangles of various heights. Will make the rectangles from transparent plastic with a red outline. Calibration is simply by rotating the cylinder. Have to determine what a good width for the rectangles should be.

Invented a card game, Collaborative Blackjack. It’s on my Medium. Basically Bj with hedging and manipulating rules so there is more gameplay.

The French Open is underway as Iran suffers a blow to their leadership. Will there be an earthquake and nukes into play by next week?

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