Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Clay and manufacturing Sett -my stone age boardgame, and Revelations ‘decoded’…

I didn’t get any work done today except preparing to make Sett game pieces. Don’t know how to market the game yet. It is actually a good board game with simple yet cunning strategies and a gentle learning curve. I will be making the pieces from air dry clay and some acrylic paint. But right now, we’ll be talking prophecy, specifically Revelations and how its signs and seeming wonders have one thing in common that helps us know where we are in God’s plan. And the golden thread through is simply the harvest of the Earth. Everything revolves around the harvest and that is pretty much IT. More later…

There are always 7: seals, trumpets, and bowls / vials. Each 7 gets worse on sinners. There are 3 sets because there are 3 harvests, for those ‘sealed’, those needing a bugle to wake up, and those needing affliction / the bitter cup. There are 7 divisions because, there are 7 stages of mental-bodily transformation for lack of the precise word.

The seals unleash human endeavor, the trumpets unleash angels and demons, the bowls unleash plagues / wholesale destruction. Why does the Dragon come at the 7th trumpet? Who are the 2 beasts, and the woman with child? The child is the promised Jewish messiah as opposed to Christ Jesus. He is angel seed and will deliver many Semites come the 2nd Harvest. The 2 beasts (sea and land) are the 2 leaders / leadership entities of the 4th ‘diverse’ empire in Daniel’s vision. Their empire is formed after the war in heaven dethrones Satan who then readies to fight on terra firma. More later…

Rev. 13:15-17 is a bit of a mystery but if we understand WHY the beast leader(s) are giving out the worship mark, 666, then it becomes clear.

Rev 14:11  And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

Yes, you may have guessed: the mark and worship of the beast prevents one’s HARVEST at the 7th trumpet as it is something done by pact or agreement in the hope of Satan’s planned rapture. The Devil’s harvest. More later…

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