Sunday, June 9, 2024

Teaching myself guitar theory, answering questions in mindspace, general wellbeing…

I’m feeling quite a bit better, physically, this morning compared to yesterday. Although, I did sleep on the bedroom floor again as my guitar rested on my mattress from where I was making notes on teaching myself this daunting instrument based on piano lessons I took as a child.

So we talked with American kids and teens about life, falling in love, and common sense in the face of the witchcraft threat. There are many issues to discuss that we’ve been putting off. But I’m taking life slow, just doing things that make me happy. Maybe there’ll be a payoff, maybe not, maybe later…

So the gist of this weekend’s conversations in mindspace is Peter’s sight of the messiah walking on water and what he did afterwards. It is also the offering of the sacrifice to the Lord, a blameless lamb. These are unfortunately, Christian imagery so may offend other faiths but the results are the same whether it be Mohammed or Buddha. These are universal concepts from the time of Adam and Eve. What you want from the divine and what you give back. Neanderthals would understand except America nuked Japan and Hitler exterminated the Jews, 9-11, Monica Lewinsky, Stormy Daniels, Epstein, and everything in between. So walk in the light and you will understand.

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