Thursday, June 6, 2024

The power of stupid, the solution to everything...

Was up early this morning and went through my routine easily. Was planning to write a bit today but there is need to coach the 'friends' who fell into deception via telepathy. This is of course due to witchcraft and black magic. All I shall explain, hopefully freeing the westerners caught by the practised Liew family of antichrists.

5 key points: 
  1. What to do when the witch makes you jealous of the wheat and friends with the tares?

  2. What to do when the witch explains the gospel in a strict manner?

  3. What to do when your body attacks itself (black magic)

  4. What to do when the bounds of morality are tested. Would you run barefoot on broken glass to save a child from a fire?

  5. What to do when you are no longer pretty or talented, have no pleasure?
The above are the core methods used by dark witches to subvert society or maybe just a community or family as they did in old times. I shall explain more on these points soon...

Feelings of jealousy towards good people naturally lead to finding bad company. The witch uses this peculiarity of human nature to play a game: good and bad yoked together and suffering. This leads to fights that cannot be resolved and the chaos she needs to destroy her enemies, God's plan etc.

Feelings of inadequacy towards gospel or even career or family role leads to human nature called tightening the ship up. This leads to self-imposed control structures the witch can benefit from.

Feelings of hopelessness lead to a poor immune system and the body begins to attack itself. Black magic is just that: making you feel hopeless. Of course, that leads to a string of profit taking while the victim dies a slow death from his sins.

Feelings of not going to Heaven anymore -you aren't doing enough, are just hustling by the witch. She wants everyone to try and fail, and join her in Hell as it powers the witch up with fallen angels. Yes, do your good deeds but do them because they need to be done. Be patient.

Feelings of being "cut off" are common among sinners. Feelings of "I'm ugly inside therefore outside as well". "I have no skills to contribute to society". Most people are the same: mediocre. Just live your life and don't interfere with gifted and talented people who make the world blessed. Take care of yourself and your family and friends. Have a beer every weekend or make beer yourself! Life is one thing never worth giving up on.

Next up, by request, the omnipresence of God versus the immediacy of a witch (coven). Which do you fear most? If you’re a good Christian, you would say ‘God is my master’. Wrong answer, because the witch will subvert you right away. “Where is your God? Suffer and die!”. So always fear the danger whether it be a speeding car, a speeding bullet, or a spitting tongue of evil.

Our advantage lies in that God is in most people’s hearts and he has superior strike forces even on Earth right now. But all that is up in the air once you’re facing telekinesis and possession. So pray very loudly and hope to dissuade the witch with platitudes until we can mass up on her and oust the evil. Are there any more questions?

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