Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Released my stories so far, as I couldn’t make my deadline…

Pressure is on me / us to solve the Liew witchy problem among the western kids and babies, and the Asians who went mad. Almost out of time. Hurricanes are brewing in the Atlantic and the Earth core is reversing its spin, some say for the first time in 70 years maybe far more…

So as the signs in the Earth unfold, maybe soon, signs in sun and moon, I devote my efforts to God’s purpose. Cleaning up witchy lies and deception and paving the way for the sixth seal’s breaking, the coming Rapture!

You can read some of my newest stories here: Three of them which I managed to finish. Tonight, may be able to do one more depending on the telepathy level.

Tested my MT Cushion 2 Trail on a mossy-slimy stretch of climb and it slipped but just an inch about before the traction took hold again. It’s a pretty good shoe that I would recommend to people with smaller feet and a tight budget, looking for premium quality. If you were actually poor and would like a one-shoe, this would not be it. For 150RM more, get a Hoka. Wealthier people would say ‘I have a choice’ while the rich say, ‘only the best for me’. Strange quirk of economics sometimes seen in Malaysia.

Some friends, looking into the future, have resigned to a life in Hell. This is also a deception. For we read:

Jhn 1:12  But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

Jhn 1:13  Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

Now to clear things up, “born of blood” probably means “born of kinship”, not “born of a woman” otherwise implying alien origin. See, my friends in trouble, the first verse John wrote, even them that believe on his name! Just by knowing this man / name hath POWER! A wonderful promise from God. So think about your life and sin not again for it is easy when you are in love with Jesus.

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