Sunday, July 14, 2024

Trump shot, Rapture imminent?

Donald Trump was probably shot at an election rally some hours ago. He is recovering well so they say. One of the major events before Rapture and these, the final months of Biden's reign before the US undergoes major upheaval, possibly a second revolution. Meanwhile Israel is getting tougher on the Palestinians / Hamas. I am being jabbed with pains occasionally.

We were talking about the 7 seals of Revelations and how many count them from beginning to a predicted end or fulfillment, whereas they actually should be at any time present, be running concurrently, all 5 out of 7 if you believe we are so advanced. The critical postulation is that when a trumpet begins, it will stop a (corresponding) seal from running, likewise a bowl or vial stops a trumpet.

We talked about secrets hidden in the Bible. How God talks to us in reverse, fully knowing our nature and how most are blind to that fact. For example the Lord says the merchants of Tarshish will say to Magog, "have you come to take a spoil?". And it doesn't say much else disconcertingly. Except to suggest that Israel will be wealthy in the end times, and the west Asian regions, poor. But being poor, did Christians offend them first? Leading to the "hooks in jaw" prophecy where they are turned onto the Jews by God. We can look deeper by asking why did the Christians hate Magog? And so it unravels, the so-called "prophecy" is merely a certainty of our nature's making, being in the moment, blind to our hearts.

Will probably make tuna pasta butterflies for lunch or dinner today. Shred some lettuce.

Had a roti canai for brunch. Was hungry, having had black coffee and digestives for early breakfast. I wrote “Hunter” just now. Played with some elements I had been ruminating on: traditional weapons, genetics, betrayal, etc. and the mix was fertile, birthing a full-bodied plot. I wrote it in one sitting, all 1.15k words. Thinking of powering through the other stories as well but my hand is being attacked / used again and I have to rest a while to heal, hopefully.

The next story, “Wolf” will be more structured. About a Christian Bible study group. I have the plot down pat unlike “Hunter” which I more or less winged. Lizards is halfway between in plot terms. Hopefully it will turn out well.

iPhone case is on delivery. Can’t wait.

“Wolf” turned out to be a thriller if a little un-PC. Trump survived a near dead on headshot so it appears. Can’t wait to start on “Lizards” even as my hand comes under increasing attacks from various sources including my own folks’ / family sins. Praying silently for Rapture this August. Liew witches greatly incensed over my success, buoyed by fallen American Christian families. I should put away my laptop and maybe talk the two sides down from fighting over my already delicately balanced family mindspace.

The work of salvation is messy with many allegiances being tested. All the gospel given out has to be tested and confirmed, and preached to all in sin. Gospel is simply “truth”. Truth that can save one from Hellfire. Some whisper that Biden is planning something SPECIAL this year and Trump cannot refuse.

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