Thursday, September 26, 2024

Witchcraft and sorcery on the up…

It’s been several days now, the Liew witches toying with people around me. This is witchcraft and social engineering. Coming in hard times. We have to be brave and kind, patient and firm in our love. Money must not rule our hearts, but brotherhood. Yesterday, we talked about money as the root of madness. It is NOT wrong to make money or take money. It is WRONG to hoard money. If you can spend, spend. If you can take it, take the goods proffered.

Sometimes I wonder whether my deep savings will ever be spent. Seemingly I and many other Christians might not live to see another year by the time the Apostasy comes upon us, with the telepathic blackmail hanging over us.

Attempted to right the good ship Earth from the hands of British and some American zealots confronting the Liew witchy 6. Doing things the Asian way is a welcome change but one that must not go wrong.

We formed a people’s court to judge William as he kept feeling pangs of guilt and danger. It was mainly a UK court in mindspace, but we found him guilty of using excessive force with intent to do non-trivial harm. He was referred to his own judicial system afterwards. Hope he feels settled. The Liew witches who downfell him are also being separated and placated. Can’t remember their trial tho.

Off to the shoebox now. Need to get some food in as I had only had brunch earlier. More later…

Ate a curry ramen kaw. Very spicy. Earlier I got cleaned easily albeit late. I now have 430RM in wallet cash, 40RM in TnG / rail card, and circa 130RM in my debit account. I have 300RM in my drawer after I pay 50RM for my guitar gig bag tomorrow or Sunday. The money will be a bit tight this month ahead. I might not buy much till end October.

Sensing some antichrist movements around these parts. Folks seem to be inviting in trouble or shoring up their reputations. But the only thing for sure is that they are somehow now eating too much mooncake despite their diabetes.

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