Saturday, February 1, 2025

February is here…

I’m just back from a long walk in the sun. Cooling off in air conditioning. Folks are going to the mall. Don’t think I will follow as they dally here and there for quite a long time. Will begin the flute tablatures for Kenny G’s Songbird soon. There were not many people on the streets and mall corridors. Our neighborhood is also quite quiet. The old ‘balik kampung’ thing (going back to home town).

Yea, a new month has dawned. What will it be like? This is 3F in the ABY, a major anchor day. And it speaks of being brave. It is however also month-year 2A which speaks of knowing what life is really about. It is not about good times, but being strong. Not so much about being respectful but being honest with one’s self. It is a month when many will discover inner truth -truth that is self-proving.

More later…

Am ready to practice my Chinese flute after scribbling down the tabs last night. Couldn’t play then, as it was getting late. It’s nice to have some direction in life. Plus I still need to finish Inexact Science.

Not sure why there is a switch between E and Eb in the logical order of the holes. It may be peculiar to my flute.