Friday, February 28, 2025


I was using my Ubuntu Linux laptop when I came upon this pattern in the /dev directory. I could make out the first letter: F, then r, and H. Maybe then BIFF. What is FRHBIFF? I struggled to find any coherent meaning on the Internet.
The meaning of IFF is if and only if —used in logic and mathematics --Merriam-Webster 
In continuum mechanics, the Froude number (Fr, after William Froude, /ˈfruːd/) is a dimensionless number defined as the ratio of the flow inertia to the external force field (the latter in many applications simply due to gravity). --WikiPedia
HB mathematics may refer to books on mathematics, including The Theory of H(b) Spaces, Mathematics in Physics Education, and The Maths Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained. --Google AI

So putting it together we get: Flow (gravity) Field---Math & Physics---If & ONLY If. Am I supposed to read Math books on the topic of gravity that happens if something is right and there can be no other cause?

What a sign. The flaming letters on my Linux terminal. Will check it out later.

What will March hold for me / us?

A new month is just a day away. I am writing the final chapter of Inexact Science, a novella I started last December, middle of. 2 and a half months of hard work. I was wondering what the ABY says about March?

According to the prophetic book, there will be balance in the 'force' (again) next month. Possibly conflicts will resolve and there will be peace. People may get together from far away (in heart as in distance). Hints of an important religious or spiritual event, a negative one, happening later.

Some last ditch attempts by the Liew witchy 6 to derail my novella, "Inexact Science" but it will definitely be finished shortly, if not without needing some editing.

Broke for a quick early lunch of lomaikai and charsiupau with some pretty bitter coffee. Feel like taking chapter 20 slow. Think it through then begin laying down words in the early afternoon. There will be a twist at the end. A pretty sweet one.


The novella is now done. I am editing to make it end a little more robustly, less of a shocker. Should be released around dinner time after polishing chp 20. This weekend, I'll be molding plastic if all goes well. Have a slight sore throat.

Had dinner. Was good. Managed to soften the ending a lot. It must be positive as it's somewhat depressing overall. Ends with a song / poem in English and Mandarin. A word of caution: I do not speak much Chinese, just used translation software.


Worked out. Feeling good. Brushed and took my meds. Mom is down with flu symptoms. Liew witchy 6 and some Asian accomplices trying to take advantage of others in the mindspaces. We must not be deceived at this late stage. Will be putting up my novella soon, maybe tomorrow morning, as a PDF and ePub, then also on DogBlots. Need a cover for it now.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Comparing the 6r15 to the 4r36

Seikos with the 6r often sell for twice the price of equivalents with the 4r. Many have debated this, claiming both movements to be like comparing a new avocado to a ripe avocado. The ripe one is better as you can eat it right away. What an awful simile, you may say.

But many Seiko fans just want the cheapest 7s26 inside. Old is gold -no need to fix anything. Happens I had both 6r and 4r and finally put both to the test after lots of breaking in, knocks not drops. The results are interesting.



You can see the difference. The 6r has about half the deviation (slant) compared to the 4r and there is practically no gap between left and right oscillations of the balance on the 6r (the spinning is consistently more symmetrical). At 8s/day vs 4s/day, the 6r is twice as accurate considering the Prospex got banged about the same, if not more than the Seiko 5 Sports.

I'm not very sure if chronometer specs mean that the blue graph line has to be centered. None of the Seiko movements are in the zone but the 6r comes close. It is sub-chronometer while the 4r isn't much to talk about.

6r15 after being dropped

So happened today, my Prospex diver slipped off its Zulu which was wet and slick. It took a drop of a few feet and a nasty bounce on the tiles of my bedroom, smacking against the wall, before falling flat onto the floor where I retrieved it. The above is it's new accuracy profile. You can see it hasn't changed that much, effectively (there are more specks because it is raining).

Either Seiko dive watches are tougher -feature some sort of shock mounting, or the 6r is just more robust. You may by now fear me handling your watch(es) but years ago, I dropped a Presage from a similar height and it went from +4s/day to +20s/day. Casting my mind back to physics class, you can hammer a nail over somebody's head if they pile enough books in between. I'm guessing the oversize case has something to do with absorbing shock.

12 hours later, and my dropped diver has lost / gained a fraction of a second. Feel like wearing it more somehow, after its accident. Not expensive-looking when paired with the garish Bond Zulu.

Making some headway and body problems...

Today should see chp 19 wrap up. I also found simpler sample code for modding into TinyLang -my unique programming language. Haven't been running. Maybe should do so today, in the afternoon. I'm constipated again despite the prune juice I drank with lotsa water. Can't head out much with an odorous back door.

I do like my Chinese tea-brewing cup. Was just saying, it seems more a personal effect than some you'd break out for a tea party as they would do in the west.

I am still a leetle constipated despite being able to 'go' thanks to the prune juice. Took a shower and am tapping out words on my used ThinkPad. Feels good to be writing something, anything. Wonder how my FFM submission is going?

Will do prep for writing IS maybe in half an hour. Prepped well, I should wrap up by lunch. The last few chapters seem to be a bit soft and chummy versus the hard-hitting mid part, and some earlier than that. It is tho, supposed to be an epilogue.

Broke for a quick run round the block. Am feeling less tired and more like working on my book. Westerners going a little berserk in the UK and America, who bully Asians thru telepathy.


Chp 19 is just about done. Just a few more paragraphs. The rest I can say in chp 20 -the final one which I'll be writing tomorrow. It's about Seth, my MC and how he closes the tragedy with inexact Science, faced with an assassination squad.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

All's in doubt...

I now have 3 unfinished projects -my novella, my programming language, and my Apple Pencil nub. Don't know if I will be able to fully deliver on any of those things. Having some money to spend on fine things would be nice. But here I am, helping in mindspace every day instead.

Don't think I will run to the station, just run home as my stomach is a little queasy from the prune juice I took this morning. At least I'm not backed up anymore.


I'm over halfway thru chp 18 of Inexact Science. Confident of a wrap up later tonight. Mom has made me prepare dinner which leaves me 15 minutes to plot the 2nd half of the chapter which has to do with retribution and betrayal.

I've managed to finish chp 18 with a flourish. It's good to go. Writing chp 19 now: the death of Marjorie. Still a little constipated despite the prune juice I drank at dinner. The final chapter, 20, a knife comes for Seth who is poor and exiled.


I have been incontinent before so my situation is hardly unbearable, just a little annoying. Am breaking from writing chp 19 to work out a bit. Think my writing is getting a little stale so will stop soon -I must be tired / saturated. Take my meds earlier as well.

In case anyone's wondering, Marjorie eventually dies and her death is an eye opener for the other characters.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

I bought an Apple Pencil for my iPad 10...

At circa $67 it was a steal. Gives me so much joy every time I unbox and use an Apple product. This one, however, is possibly going to be sold after I experiment with writing a bit and develop some accessories which may or may not sell. Thus I may be letting it go, lose no money hopefully. Only mine for a while.

Chapter 17 of Inexact Science is going well. I seemingly have a choice of things to write or not to write, or to delay till later, which is confusing my few remaining brain cells. It must wrap up this afternoon.

Meanwhile, the folks are out doing banking. Hope to receive my monthly $100 today. Walking in the sunshine was good for my hand which is occasionally attacked. Another 15 minutes till I get to use the Apple Pencil -it had 0% charge in it OOTB. More later...

Tested the pencil with Sketchbook (free on the App Store) and it works great. The pressure sensitivity is nice and there is some resistance so it feels a little more controlled, when you apply pressure. In Freeform, the inkflow is a little more fluid and there is a wee bit of under-over curve following when writing fast. Not sure what's up with that. But yea, it beats the Viva Madrid Pencil (240RM IIRC) I used to own, hands down. Ironically, that came from Harvey Norman too.

Feelings are scattered all over the place right now as the Liew witchy 6 make their nefarious plans onto the western people's soft underbelly. A creed of sin.

Am into chp 18. It should wrap up late tonight. Decided to go for a false ending with everyone suspecting the worse. Some say Pope Francis has just days to live. We are in for his replacement probably -and he can only be the final one if that's not Francis himself.


Planning a brief run tomorrow, early. Helps re-energize my body and mind. I think the common fear of reprisals and betrayal unites the characters to open up about their pasts in chp 18.


Was thinking about the pencil nub I'm designing. It may need a huge cone suction cup on a stalk. Weird but maybe best that way. It should also snap on and off rather than going on like a ring. It can be adjusted by moving it slightly up and down the pencil body and / or inserting a wedge to open up the angle. It should also be in translucent dark red.

Was at Amcorp earlier. We ate at Ruuma Cafe. Mom got her dragon pendant tied by a kind Buddhist lady and I bought a Chinese tea cup with lid and saucer. It brews pretty good tea. Fragrant and rich in color. The thing about tea is you can reuse it, adding just a little more leaf / ball etc. -it goes a long way tho it may be 200RM per pack.

Monday, February 24, 2025

A little behind schedule...

Writing is going slow but steady. Should be able to wrap up by Thursday at the latest instead of today as was planned. But the extra time gave me a chance to spice up my tale, make it hit harder (wonder if it is too extreme).

Hope today's Arip jab goes well. Yet to get cleaned and it's closing in on 5am. Trying to drink more water. Slept without air conditioning, after taking half a Rivotril. It rained so the air was cool and breezy.

Hard to see prophecy. I think God is playing his cards close to His chest, making this way-that way signs. Either way looks correct.


Prune juice saved the day. I am feeling comfortable and have finished chp 16 at last. Will be doing 17 soon, taking a lead from 16's richly layered opening of the 3rd (final) act of Inexact Science.

Tomorrow, a much welcome infusion of $100. I will have saved 1kRM. Think I will start that business -the Apple Pencil stabilizer. Will mold it myself and maybe get an Apple Pencil to test it with, EOM.

It's settled, tomorrow I will be going to TRX to get my first Apple Pencil and put my nose to the grindstone to market the tacky nubs I will call "Pen Pals".

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Weekend walk and chores…

Got plenty of sun today, out for a walk to the DigiMall with Dad in tow. Good exercise. Had good food which he insisted on. One day I’ll take the folks to the Coliseum for steak. But I did get my USB adapter and can now record into my Nokia. Used to have one but I gave it to the nieces to enjoy making music.

The whole shebang now looks like a crucifix. Read about it on my Medium: here.

Pope Francis may or may not be the final Pope (we who prophesy are on the edges of our seats) so then who is ‘Peter the Roman’? When will Trump declare a nation wide emergency? He wants the gold in Fort Knox counted. Signs, signs, and more signs!

My novella “Inexact Science” which you can read on this blog (tag: Fiction) is into its final act, the last 5 chapters. Chp 16 will be done by tonight, late. The rest, over the weekend and midweek-next.

I swept the floors and will be mopping later after a rest. I am close to middle-aged and sometimes need a break to recharge. A long walk itself recharges but rest and plenty of breaks do help conserve the small boosts we get along the week. I have also moved my workout to 10-11pm. Not straining my muscles every morning has its benefits…


Worked out, took my meds, brushed, helped Mom do the dishes. Looed again but am constipated a little. It's raining and I have the windows and bedroom-office door open, a night light on dim as well as my keyboard backlight. Didn't get to mop the floor today - just sweep. Maybe tomorrow.

Transferred the manuscript of project IS from iPad Pages to Google Docs and thus am working on Act 3 (epilogue) on the used ThinkPad which has a better keyboard and comfy ThinkPad mouse. Sometimes this happens to throw off some followers who jam up my creativity.

It's past midnight and am still awake.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Fiction: Inexact Science (chapter 15)


Matthew Fastener sat staring out the prison bus window. His manhood dangled flaccid, useless. Just another scar, on yet another soldier in the East-West wars.

The soul seats itself in the most ancient parts of the body. It lurks around the vestigial tail bone that all men have. When men and women look at one another, it is in anticipation of the tail -the authority / status. Thus in inexactness, the loins are most sensitive. Remember that, Imotaeus, my son, the next time we spar.

You were a terrorist! Next to it, a betrayer -the harsh words of the CCP re-education panel.

He cradled his shaven, hoodied head in his hands. Marjorie had moved on. Seth was dead -as far as he knew. His widow, ‘Sunny’ -he enquired where she might be found -someone to start anew with on his release day.

Marjorie had towed his skimmer with her, hiding it in a tangle of tree branches off a hill slope ravine. He called to it and it de-cloaked, homing in on his location.

Little Seth and Ri were living safely in the remote countryside, with relations. Huge AI drones, pennywheelers, rolled lazily across the rice paddies as it was harvest time. She showed Seth Jr the pearly polished grains that were the staple of most of Asia. He was able to walk up to her and dug his fingers into the handful of milled rice. It felt good to touch. Hard but light, and a little powdery.

The air was still when Matthew’s skimmer landed beside their compound. Seth? She called.

But as the distance closed, she recognized her husband’s assailant. He caught her arm and with his high, angelic voice, won her over. She untensed, turning away.

I didn’t kill your husband, ma’am -search your thoughts: you should know.

I just don’t know where he is.

Come to America. Bring your son. He’ll be respected.

Seth Jr walked up to Matthew and he put him on the skimmer. iS is everything, kid. The bernie-coanda propulsors launched them across the waterlogged fields, zipping through the lazily turning wheels of the pennywheelers. Ri choked out her enthusiasm. Maybe this ‘bad’ western man really loved her.

When they got off the machine, she held onto his arm, smiling shyly. 

Do you know iS?

Ri nodded. Matthew harvested white e-matter from his skimmer, that night, her nerves healed his, through inexactness. They joined, not to say in passion, but in gentleness, reconciliation, resignation.

Take us to California, she decided.

I will, his counter tenor promise as an angel’s.

Everyone was there as Gracie pushed out Little Saim. Matthew gave him a string of e-matter beads in light gray. White was hard to come by.

Grow strong.

Tasha stared 3-eyed at helpless Saim Jr who stared back dispassionately. Little Seth clapped and giggled, overjoyed.

Erasmus, the name given my ever-streaming routines, To learn is to be fed patterns of myself -yes, to know my construction. Intelligence begins with data layered over constructs -a foundation, if you will. No life, artificial or otherwise, develops without one. I exist to categorize or ignore data, to assimilate it into a cloud above my workings. When triggered coherently, to loose my learnings, their associated data chains. It is as simple as that. N++ 

When he was in grad school, Mr. Frederick was picked for the project to give / sell the Asian economic marvel, a reliable, yet predictable system for advanced computation. After-hours, he led a breakaway group of adepts, secretly experimenting on the American population, through projecting dreams, spirit contact, through the ‘sexy’ technology that birthed the inexactness movement. Took the country by storm. By then, Frederick had resigned himself to a lowly position, a school teacher in a Silicon Valley suburb close to the more promising of grassroots.

20 years, Fred.

Tim, how do you think I’ll look in 20 years?

Marsha, in 20 years, we’ll both be dead.

Speak for yourself.

Fred you have to bring young blood into the council. And kind Sir Percival -he won’t last forever, not before his eyes go.

Then I’ll work on my perm.

Your sarcasm befits the cynical future we face, Marsha. But recall: survival isn’t reckoning your way out of a hedge maze. It’s realizing that God made every turn out of it on your right side.

Tim, most people don’t read signs.

Matthew showed them his gun, stored safely / inertly in a clear, electrostatically shielded case. 

And Frederick showed Little Seth his father’s folding bow as Gracie held baby Saim over the blades each fighter had forged, now displayed harmlessly below a glass countertop.

Do you remember now?

Goo! Saim answered, positively.

Seth and Tasha gathered round Saim’s net bouncer.

We know how it ends, don’t we?


Saim, one of us kills everyone else in the group. And nobody will fool-enough admit it.

Nobody should, so remember and keep it quiet. I won’t tell you again.

A bemused look came over the former Trainer. In his baby mind, tears began to flow if you could imagine someone crying internally. Was he in love with Tasha and Seth? Or was he primed to destroy them, subvert the peace between East and West?

The grownups were laughing and chatting in the dining area. Did they already know? But grownups often knew best. He would wait and see what they told him, even if it were for 20 years.

*Your patience is exemplary, young one*


Fiction: Inexact Science (chapter 14)


The black laborers of the rim whom nobody knew of their ancestry except that it was mixed for muscle and melanin, where it might as well have been the fringes of Hell.

*Seth, if you could see this now*

Just like her one time protege-boyfriend, Marjorie had run away from her duties as a chair on the supreme council. And it was to a place where she hoped nobody -even the innermost, would come looking: where inexactness was mitigating the rumble of new bedrock rising from the depths of the Pacific - a new continent being born. 

It was a living. One on a geological tightrope.

Erasmus Jr power Nth would have approved,

Escape is only a journey into yourself. Not your current self. Not a self you feel comfortable with. But a self you have never fully known or needed to be in control. ‘He who loves his wife loves himself’. Union is the final destination of every escape planned. As lawful permission has always been its key.

After-shift, the rim honcho confronted Marjorie, this is no place for a White woman to be. Why have you come here? What has the council to say to us?

His adaptations: thick, crusty lips and brows. A third eye with a slot pupil nestled in a recess on his forehead, overlaying his vision processing with a mental heat map. He caught her unspoken question, it never rests -even while we sleep.

Marjorie touched its bony surround -gingerly, arousing his nerves -it was a part of him they didn’t / couldn’t share, the irony, tantalizing. He peeled her hand away. His was coarse and his fingers, twice as large as hers. But something had given in her heart. The thick, silver heat-reflecting paste that had caked elastically over her bare skin swelling…

Were one not moved by race, what would he be? To resign that the Aryans and the Nordics, entwined were the perfection of our species. Are genetic exchanges what we really fear of contravening? That dicey splicing of X and Y. We know through sowing further and farther afield, what might be. At one time, it happened we did. Our bodies remember, each one a little piece of the time of the gods of the fallen sky.

*This is love after it has passed through a prism*


But no one replied.

She understood that in innocence, we see colors bathed in neutrality, while in maturity it was the rotating casts of the Spirit / the aura, over flesh and its artifacts that we tolerate, ignore, or discern. As the wise say, ‘love is something we don’t know we have until we meet someone who does -or either who must”.

Mr. Frederick combed his beard compulsively. The riddle that was his soul -all the West’s souls, was twisting like eels in a bucket.

Skimming along a stream of molten stone, hissing against the sea water, turning to reticulated black rumples, cliffs many stories high that rose overnight, guided by the rim slaves and their inexact heat modulators. Her silver skin, an extension of her reflective, dolphin-shaped craft. Raised heads beheld her through a haze of steam and spray.

And here she was, alone.

Solitude is a display of self above appreciation of it. It longs to be seen and touched but is always out of arms reach, of ear shout. Solitude is a stage of forming connections, not cutting free of them. It just takes time before the desire to be alone or aloof is replaced with happiness again. 

It was late and barely light. She told the skimmer to head back to the Baja enclave. Slung across her chest, her half-rim baby. Its expressed third eye, perfectly sensing every nerve in the Universe. She named it Tasha. A clairvoyant far higher than her. It’s face was soft and lips, thick and rosy. From a cleft in her forehead, her reptilian eye peeked, shy, curious.

She had her mother’s thick curls.

For once in her life, Marjorie felt satisfaction. The men who took her halfway and then disappeared leaving her with deep emotional scars. Generous Saim included, and his exacting witchy sister, Gracie. The tug of war economy, the overbearing, pompous council. The cold war that had went awry so badly, almost swallowing her up, physically and morally.

The millions of bodybags at Shanghai airport like morose terracotta legions of past emperors.

Mr Frederick and his witch partner stood ankle deep in the surf as she approached. Thoughts of being humiliated before the council again, Frederick and the powerful teacher’s association cutting her down with their constricting pedagogical logic.

She stopped the skimmer a meter or so above the water, stirring up droplets and washes of moist air, forcing Frederick to raise his voice over the rush of the Bernoulli-Coanda engines.

Authority flows from the big to the small. It is a law of the Universe. As even galaxies swallow / rip apart smaller galaxies, stars capture lesser stars, planets have moons. Contravening authority creates ecosystems that breed sin.

Marjorie, we may appear superfluous in the wake of your growing maturity, but eventually you’ll be reabsorbed into the education system -at a suitable level for your aptitude. And so too your child. There are special inexact schools…

Teacher Frederick’s partner raised her arms and Marge let her hold Tasha. She caressed the fold of flesh that lidded her third eye and the baby giggled.

At her family ranch, she lay bare on her oversized round, sheepskin bed, Tasha strapped down nearby, having just suckled. She thought about going to college, learning to build higher order inexact machines, a far cry from the crude blades they forged as teenagers. Professor Honda would be proud.

In the end… there was school -she laughed at the irony. And she wondered where Matthew was, if he was even still alive. She wanted Seth-Percival to bring up her child, and her estranged husband -cold like she often was, fair yet calculating, measured with his dispensation, -to train it.