Thursday, October 17, 2024

Planning my writing…

Chapter 7 is proving a toughie. Had to write an outline as well as an analysis for it - the only time in the book so far. Meanwhile, disturbed minds continue to surf the mindspaces, giving out harm and depressive tendencies. Madness prevalent in these end times. Will see what we can do for lunch. Then to wrap up today’s writing. Tonight, will make a start on chp8…

Going out for lunch soon. Have to coiffure and put on underwear. Will write from the shoebox in Haiku OS. The chapter outline goes roughly:
  • sexual evolution
  • homosexuality
  • when a woman throws her heart away, sexual deception tactics of witchcraft
  • when a man goes dead to love, going mad / violent like the ancient gods
  • the healing power of togetherness
  • romance and fidelity
Will try to write while at the shoebox, finish the job there as well.

8pm and no progress writing. I did release my draft MS at: to ease the tension it was creating on me and others. It is a groundbreaking interpretation of many gospel concepts told in story form, with ordinary ‘sinful’ Christians as characters. Similar to the Celestine Prophecy which I own, but with much more doctrine and Math. There is also a brief pre-sex scene.

Decided to make some notes for tomorrow’s writing chp8:
  • Why the metal man shows no Islamic / Asian empire tho they did invade and conquer the middle east
  • Christianity is inclusive -the most inclusive religion on Earth
  • The roots of Abrahamic faith / Ishmael and Isaac.


A new day and a lot of writing quota to get done. I went for a run early, after a lengthy sleep. Targeting 22nd of October 2024 for release of my novella. It will have about 20k words / 90+ pages. Hope Dad buys lunch.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

My MudMan Tough Solar, more writing hurdles to jump…

Was thinking that the current technology for tracking time is personified by the digital multifunction plastic watch. Wearing a mechanical timepiece is pure sentimentality, reserved for special occasions like celebrations, certain jobs, and parties. In a previous post, I selected the MudMan solar as my everyday watch. For my dress watch, I will probably wear my Swatch Sistem51 automatic. A fun, simple design which was affordable at 640RM. The MudMan was 570RM, 100RM cheaper than AD price, sourced from the grey market.

Am lagging behind schedule on my novella project. Need to finish chapter 6 in one hour from now or there’ll be no time to write the next chapter this afternoon-night.

Taking a break from writing my book, which is somehow quite intense and taxing. Hope Dad will supply us lunch. At the average reading speed, my novella should take 90 minutes to finish reading. A normal book used to take me 5-6 hours. I like shorter books.

Past noon and I haven’t started chp7. In 2+ hours we’ll be at the shoebox. Sis continues her act out in defiance of the British mind forces. I don’t know what to say to her except give her rewards and presents.

American forces acting out on me after the Liew witches lost parts of their mind through fibrillation. Rhymes with tribulation. Not sure why these westerners are acting up over nothing and who they support.

My analysis for writing chp7:
  • Men have XY, women have XX, Nobody has YY
  • X must be the key that unlocks the zipped genetic code
  • Men having Y are more diverse than women -they unlock more than them
  • Women having X only, are easier to unzip and less mutatable
  • You can engineer a woman from women
  • You can engineer a man from men
  • You cannot engineer a man from women
  • You can engineer a woman from men
  • Women birth men (and women too)
  • But before they did so, they had to come from a woman and/or man
  • Being logical, w+m->w is recursive so better m->w, the story of Eden
  • Y sperm swim faster than X sperm as X is much bigger than Y
  • Producing X and Y, men are more intelligent
  • Producing X, women are more dependent and subservient
  • As evolution progresses, women therefore predispose sexual emancipation
  • Men on the other hand, predispose sexual fidelity
  • Both possessing X, men and women feel guilty about their evolutionary direction
  • Towards the end of the species, sexual confusion should occur
  • Hatred of one another comes from this sexual confusion, obscuring societal roles
  • “Love of most will wax cold”
Should be a very info-dump chapter. Watching Jon Cahn preaching about 2020 as the beginning of the judgement of God, while writing.

Wrote 600 words in half an hour. 1/3 way to finishing chp7. Enter the uber witches!

Wearing my Swatch Sistem tonight as it gets late and once again I seem unable to close a chapter started on the same day. Taking a break for 15 minutes. Meds to come soon after. Feeling a bit pressured to write a highly intellectual, quality novella in just 12 days.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Studying further the DiZi (bamboo flute), writing progresses…

Although I was trained to play the piano and nowadays write most of my songs on guitar, my instrument of choice, one I can play most songs on, is the Chinese bamboo flute, the DiZi.

I own a master grade instrument costing $100 which sounds really nice / full bodied. For reference, this short length of plain bamboo with no moving parts is more expensive than a relatively huge Yamaha c40 guitar built up of dozens of parts, requiring a plethora of factory tools and processing. Sometimes I wonder about free market business practices and how exclusive / in demand are DiZi players.

Worked on my Christian novella all morning, writing over 1k words. Another 1.7k to go before I can rest tonight. Went on a medium distance walk in light rain. Wore my trail runners. Felt good. The light rail experienced disruptions due perhaps to the heavy rain earlier. My hand is still under attack. Fought for my cousin who cheated his own people, so he may have a better life. Otherwise we all have to bear him. The mind is not the best place for solving your personal problems. Take it outside if and when you can.

Mom is making tofu for dinner. It’s expired since last week but we’re gonna eat it anyway. Offered to help microwave it with a soy and garlic gravy but she wants it boiled in sauce to be safe. Writing is going slow as the plot is now heavy with twists, promises, generally more complex. In this chapter, I explain how to read prophecy and why it’s often very symbolic, seems incomplete to our minds. Meanwhile the seekers are in distress / tribulation, as new love buds.

Wearing my Mudman solar. About 49mm in diameter, my biggest watch. I lost my Protrek somewhere or other, due to weak memory. I am only middle aged but forget out of ordinary things I do. I think this Mudman should be my go-to in the Rapture run-up. It’s built tough and never needs setting / battery replacements, has compass, thermometer, and moonphase. I can drop it or smash it and it will be fine. Some watches, tho expensive are too delicate / attractive to depend on in troubled times.

Next year’s horoscope sees me keeping to myself and working spiritually for God. It assumes 2024 is not my Rapture. Hopefully, that will take place in late December, 2 1/2 months away. These free predictions are from Master Paul Ng’s personal website.

Feeling the Liew witches’ anxiety levels rise. Why would anyone do so many crimes and dirty tricks when God’s gaze is upon them so heavily? It boggles. Maybe they thought they were more correct… Correctness does not equal salvation tho.

Getting late and time for a workout. Will resume writing at 11pm. Just a few hundred words to go in chapter 6. Spending it sowing some intrigue that will surface later in the second half of the book. Tempted to release the first half tomorrow and add the second half a week later.

Tomorrow, Dad has a heart checkup. He has an irregular heartbeat and so do Sis and Mom. I’m the only one without any problems. My deceased brother, Meng had large holes in his heart and soon died from its complications. The plot thickens…

The lore goes that evil from the west persuaded our families to cheat the guailo generations back and now who reaps the bounty of sin but the Liew witches who were behind every abuse of money. Smart, Liew 6, but so are we.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Moths from the garden in my room, wrote too much and am burnt out…

For many months my room has been a haven to moths. Found out they’re called bagworm moths because their females never develop into full blown flying machines but remain as larvae in shaggy, woody bags looking like sarcophagi. I had a mind to coexist with these relatively harmless insects but tonight, I cleared them off the walls. It does feel nicer / more peaceful to be a king in my room again.

Less telepathy today permitted me to write. Wrote almost 2k words as of 9pm. Thinking of doing another 1.5k leading up to midnight but it’s quite hard on my damaged brain. At this rate, I should be done with my maiden novella on 21st October. The earlier the better. Hope everyone likes it and finds it useful.

Stopped for a rest until 10pm, work out. Then will take off the remaining sarcophagi with some tape instead of vacuuming which is laborious. Take my meds at 11pm, then write as much as I can until bed. Rest is so vital when one has a stroke.

Babies attacked my hand for clearing off mainly empty moth sarcophagi. As the Liew witchy 6 had made up a prophecy earlier that I spare insects and love them. They had gone on too long, these moths, so I had to remove them less a major infestation make my room unlivable. Already, a new male moth entered my room this night. It was a hard decision, kids. Sorry.

Drank a Cap Colombia coffee and will rest a bit now. Do some light computer work.

Midnight and I have yet to finish writing chp5. There is a spirit of unhappiness over me as I did not obey some key ‘prophecies’ over my life. I keep bouncing around in mindspace due to too many people trying to use me for some meaning in their lives. And it’s hard to pin down my next move or true feelings.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Haiku forever, my writing progresses, out for a walk…

Will head out to Amcorp for a walk soon. Looks like rain. Maybe not the best idea but I need exercise and healing.

Wrote a few pages of my Christian book and it’s getting exciting by this 3rd chapter. Want to finish it tonight, with the characters conflicting then all sharing love moving into chapter 4.

Successfully installed HaikuOS on my Aspire netbook. Pretty sweet. May be able to download Firefox for Haiku soon. Had been in the works since early last year. My mental disability prevented me from installing tricky stuff. Just vanilla Linux was all I could do.

Someone got my I-Ching book today. Cool. Had been some time since anyone read my writing. Dad lost his polarized sunglasses. Not sure if I should buy him another pair ASAP, as they were not cheap and finances are low for the next 10 days.

I have almost perfected my adjustable DiMou innovation. Flute sounds sweet and raspy like never before, no matter the humidity. Thought some cuts in the top substrate will allow for expansion but already it sounds nice.

Liew witches and British forces suffering one another over my mindspace. Should talk on this while at the shoebox this afternoon. I have 150RM disposable over the next 10 days. Next month, because of my birthday, I should have 700RM to spend.

Inconvenient to walk so I may run this evening after dinner, maybe at 7pm or so. Typing this from the shoebox in Falkon browser on Haiku OS. Works quite well, even plays YouTube. Would be nice to work on my book here but FreeBSD doesn't like my thumb drive. Spent all night trying to transfer files to my Linux partition which wouldn't work either.

Clamping down on Liew witchy 6's brains now. Hope everyone is okay(?) so shall we proceed.

Going for a long walk in KL this morning, in about half an hour. Dismantled much Liew witchy machinery that was bedevilling the West. Things are still dangerous, they have geniuses and seers sufficient to destroy flesh.

Didn’t make it to KL. Instead, I will be following the folks over to the shoebox where I’ll do some writing. Chapter 4 must wrap up tonight. Meanwhile, the Liew forces which number in the hundred or so, continue to test weak minds and hearts. There must be something I can do.

Had dinner just now. Mom cooked fish, pork, and choysum. Am attacking chapter 5 of my book, now past 6k words. 14k to go. The confrontation with the ‘sith witch’ will be interesting to write. Never dreamed I could produce a novella. It comes from a heart which has a tale to tell, a message for others, and fully believes in it.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Doing some writing…

People preventing my tennis wall idea for some reason. Decided to do some writing today. Think it will be a novella this time. Have to dig deep for ideas -something I like / am ready to tell. There is an odd blood-urine smell in the house…

The novella will be about the end times and how a sinful family comes to know Jesus. It will contain many of my theories on religion, science, and economics.

Wearing my 077j diver on NATO. It is a sign I will be staying close to home in the weeks / months ahead, not riding the LRT anymore. This is an $800 watch -my priciest one. Already there is a Kuanyin temple set up near our house alongside the rise of Decathlon sports stores. These are signs of the end. Something unusual could happen around the US elections / swearing in of their new President. I suspect the swearing in will be undone or interrupted by terror / unrest. [4 weeks to polls]

Indications are that Paul’s apostasy and the revealing of Antichrist will result from dire economic conditions. These are being seen and felt now. Such as union strikes, shortages of foodstuffs, and trade wars. The final straw may be the ripping apart of eastern and western economies. This schism will create conditions necessary for the falling away. Thus explaining that the antichrist is Chinese / a woman. A hodgepodge of involvements by various parties.

Friday is here. Tomorrow, will be going on a long walk somewhere near by. Maybe to SS2 Mall -to check it out. Will wear some sun protection and comfy cotton clothes.

Writing going well. Plenty of ideas flowing. Sage needs to explain how he’s involved in the prophecies he gave out, important, otherwise the day’s work is mostly over. Tomorrow, the topic is money -the water and oil jug theory and the scarcity theory.

Feeling like something big is about to happen. There is a change in the air.

In my post:, I talked about new interpretations of my mic stand prophecy / sign. Came up with 28, 29, 30 December 2024 as possible dates for rapture, or 4c, 5c, and 6c in the ABY. 4c is an anchor month (uncertainty), 5c (immovability), 6c (feeding / care). They are to do with trysts of love, growing in responsibility, and humility / repentance. They are also to do with Judaism [early heaven bagua: winter / west], Islam, and Christianity (no mention of Buddhism / Tao / Hinduism). The footnotes of ABY 12f (Dec 2024) where the series are derived from follow the contents of sutras 4c-6c. An amazing coincidence.

It will be even more amazing if there is nothing special happening this Christmas!

Worked out at 9:30 and took my meds earlier. Took half a sedative to sleep better as well. Need to finish up some writing before midnight. Also want to write a bridge to ‘Evermore’.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Long walk at last…

Took a long, punishing walk under the sun this morning. Came home feeling alright. Put on the a/c to relax while explaining God and religion to those brought into the mind by the Americans, mainly. They’re set free after agreeing to pursue study in church doctrines, whatever they may believe. Meanwhile, the Liew witchy 6 and their genius / clairvoyant accomplices are cut off from their food -innocent, trapped kids mainly. Their armies of dissatisfied and angry adults, taken away.

2 weeks till my next influx of cash. Just $100 but it goes a long way. Punishing the evil Liews who won’t give up fighting in mindspace.

A terrible hurricane approaches Florida and evacuations are ongoing. Interesting to see what remains of the state tomorrow morning.

More fighting going on. The families and friends of the evil witch group stirring up trouble in America where people are different. Just walling off their telepathy as killing / maiming so many innocent sinners is abhorrent.

The west is going wild over my suspected “animal sin” and is turning from justice and truth to bashing innocents. Not sure what to do. Maybe just put up defenses.