Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Writing again, eating out...

The infectious tale of 4 weddings and a phantom enters Act 3 -the final part. I really had fun telling it so far and am looking to end it on a climax by tonight so all my writing wraps up this July. I ordered a nice leatherette Bible case from the Philippines for my ESV compact, Just $7 off Shopee. But tomorrow is August already and Rapture could be any time now. Israel has killed Hamas' leader in Iran. How many months can pass without God acting on the sixth seal?

We may be going out for dinner with Mom's brother and sister later on. Feelings towards Proverbs 17:3 right now weighing on my mind. And the atmosphere around me is full of concern and hope. It's hard to use / enjoy my possessions like my new study Bible.

Takes about a week for mail to arrive in Malaysia from the Philippines. Will not think of my parcel till next week which will be early August, around the time of my hospital visit mainly to pick up meds. Am going off most sugars starting today. Ran briefly but intensely this morning. Workout tonight as usual. The prophesied times of trouble are pressing in on everyone. Relaxing is important.

More writing after dinner, then to edit and post up my tale.

Monday, July 29, 2024

I bought a new study Bible…

This afternoon, I took a short walk over to the Luther Center near Asia Jaya. It was my first time entering the church and I felt shy pushing in the front door which was stiff not locked. I took a lift to the 3rd floor and into Glad Sounds bookshop. Just a small space in the large building, I noticed they had a wide selection of Bibles 20% off. For just over 100RM, I picked up a CSB Bible in hard cover with thicker pages and medium large, easy reading font. 

What I soon discovered was that I had bought a very useful reference to scripture. It came with explanations on every page, sometimes 40% of the page was explanations for what the verses were saying. It came with infographics that I had never seen in a Bible or online, I felt like I was reading a National Geographic magazine. Boring passages came alive and I felt like being closer to the WoG more and more. So if anyone wants a study Bible, the Holman CSB Student Study Bible is one to consider.

Mine is a vanilla hard cover with 2 ribbon bookmarks, 2021 edition. It lays flat easily and has highly opaque paper tho quite thin. Being very heavy, I do not see myself lugging it around that much which is a shame as it is my favorite Bible (of all I’ve owned). I also do not want to write on it as the study notes are already comprehensive and important issues are all handled in short essay articles. It beats e-Sword which also has some albeit less engaging. Think they were written longer ago compared to the CSB’s.

103RM / $23 well spent.

I have also made good progress on VRS, my Bible search / discovery app which should be done very soon. Just need to polish up the scrolling position memory by shrinking the inner Frame accordingly. There is a lot of writing to get done as well -my final short story which is halfway thru.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Hot and dry weather persists...

Floods hit China as a heatwave sweeps the south isles including us here in Malaysia. I will be posting only once a week, Saturday, on DogBlots and every night before sleep on Yap's Diary from now on.

Meanwhile, the intrigue from the unholy alliance of Liew witches and Royalty in the west continues to take its toll on Asians and Christians around the world. Typing this from my budget netbook at the shoebox house. There is still no water aside from what we've stored in the house's tank. Late tonight it should return. Eating out of cans and a bread bag for dinner. Had some sweet mandarin oranges for roughage.

Have the air conditioning on eco mode at 26.5C. Tonight will be wrapping up Act 2 of 4 Weddings which I plotted earlier. Tomorrow, to plot Act 3 which is the final part. Am thinking that a flood breaks out from the storm striking the mansion with some supernatural elements. Maybe the newly weds together banish the evil from the home of the prophet and he leaves them alone -with a gift etc. Am thinking the gift of the Saint contains a special message for each couple. Man, is this a spoiler?

Was thinking that Windows 10 takes circa 500MB more RAM than KDE / Rocky Linux. It's also less secure. I don't regret ditching Microsoft on my netbook which only has 4GB shared memory. I did keep Windows 10 Pro on the used ThinkPad alongside Rocky Linux which I normally use. I also do a lot of work on my iPad 10.

My final INVENTION: Was thinking of a backpack that allows access to stuff without taking it off one's back, and that allows the wearer to recline with it on. An elastic inner skeleton with a twist lock, back of right side, allowing the wearer to pull it front. The skeleton has a gel / air spine that stops stuff inside from being crushed, moving it sideways, away from one's back pressure.

Fiction: Canyon and Sumida

Sumidagawa Meigetsu ya hashirade nami ni miyakodori —“Sumida River Oh, full autumn moon, don't be in such a hurry: the capital birds are riding the waves.” — Torii Kiyonaga, the British Museum

Kyoko, that was her name. In the space of a postcard, I thought I knew her. She had studied English at Tokyo University and at the Canyon souvenir store, had purchased the postcard. Her raven hair falling about her face as she wrote on it, And a smile on her lips like the sunshine on my neck, warm.

She wanted me to post it to her, to receive it in Japan, stamped. But that day, I sat on the card instead. To say the Japanese girl was beautiful wouldn’t be precise. To say she came from another world was more correct. It must be an orderly, extra polite, sexually permissive world. And I had dreams of stepping barefoot into it. I flipped her postcard in my fingers.

That was assuming she wanted anything to do with me. But surely a friend was more valuable than a postcard? Still, on that sunny day at the canyon, I had nothing much to share, just smiles and bows.

A year and some passed and I had made it as a songwriter. I was invited to Japan for a performance at a folk and blues festival. I remembered the postcard she bought and entrusted me with. I packed it along with my guitar and harmonica. And some hours later, I was sitting in a steak joint by the Sumida river.

The music festival featured all the big names from America, and was televised live. So happy to be here, I said, Japan. Long ago I fell in love with a girl from Tokyo, I pulled out the postcard I never sent, from when I had nothing but fragments of songs on scrap paper stuffed in my jeans pockets. And I read out what she wrote, over the air.

I had turned it into a song -the biggest one of the festival. I called for her to meet me at the Sumida river -Sumidagawa. It was the full moon of Autumn and indeed the crowd was laid back. What are those birds that swim and fish by moonlight? ** Good natured laughter **

I paced by the riverside. Kyoko, as everything in Japan, was prompt to arrive. We met on a crossing, center of the water. I held out the postcard and bowed. It was signed by a dozen blues greats. I showed her each one. But then, the bridge stop light came on and we were swept apart as it swung in halves towards the riverbank. She giggled at the irony. She pushed the postcard back into my hands. We would meet later at her address. A boat passed, obscuring my view of her smile, like sunshine on my neck.

Maybe she was shy. Had I asked too much time? But she stood on the banks of the Sumida no more. And under the light of the autumn moon, I read the old poem, “…don’t be in such a hurry…” A woman in a green kimono, tightly wrapped, slipped the postcard from my fingers as I had had too many beers. ** Where is Kyoko? ** She blinked at it a long time as if to weigh its consequences towards a whole nation. But truly, that night, I and 12 blues greats, we rode those Tokyo waves.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

STT game pieces home manufacture, punishments for blasphemy of Spirit…

I have determined how to make the STT pieces from card and wall tack. They will look like stout squared off hourglass shapes held together by cheap tack. Naturally there will be 2 colors per set, requiring the pack of card stock I got earlier this year. Hope to make these soon as it’s cheap and easy.

My mind feels troubled leading up to August. And more and more I am commissioned to explain gospel in a scientific way. Today, explanations of the punishments of God.

Mat 18:6  But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Mat 22:13  Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Mat 5:22  But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

Luk 12:47  And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. 

As far as I know, these are all the major punishments. They may sound flowery / rhetorical but they are in fact different / varied for a reason. Beaten, burnt, drowned, restrained, and (emotionally) tormented. These are the side effects of knowing good and evil and failing of it. More later…

Good mixed with evil equals degrees of punishment and varieties of punishments. There is no judge that sits on a throne meting out punishments so cruel from a manual of torture. These are just what happens when good and evil play in our systems, in our customs, out of reach of God the Father.

Heaven and Hell and our beliefs…

We got to talking this afternoon, about going to Heaven, and how to “be good”. Actually there is an equation for believing in God. I have drawn it out above on my iPad. Have a look and see if it is logical. More later..

So I will explain: good goes to heaven / evil goes to hell - what is heaven and hell? Are the gates narrow or wide? Questions that have no proof of answer since Adam and Eve sinned and Eden was sealed off. All we know is good and evil are opposites since A&E ate the fateful apple. All we know is we cannot return to paradise since a flaming sword guards the gate. These truths have been seared into every heart. We cannot know God and Heaven or Hell, only experience all 3 as consequences of conscience (good vs. evil with a coefficient of futile human effort). We therefore “believe”. It is all we can do. 

So believe in a Messiah, then -it’s even easier: Jesus will save you! Does that cheapen God towards one’s self righteousness? Maybe. Then at least call upon his “name”, believe in his supernatural works. Believe because the knowledge is THERE if a bit destroyed by man’s evil and his alien enemies. Believe because we don’t hold all the cards and the rules are hazy -there are more cards to come and one day the clouds will part. So believe.

Monday, July 22, 2024 makes gains…

My site has hit 75 Google search impressions per day. Tho clicks are far fewer. Excited about it. Used to be less than 10 impressions tops, most days even less. We are faced with more antichrist persecution in mindspace, we who believe. Wearing my Seiko diver. I don’t think it looks expensive especially on gray NATO. The rise in my writing’s popularity is one sign of imminent Rapture. Maybe because I write generally on telepathy and preach gospel online. More later…

A tiring day riding the train system around PJ  - KL. Then banking at New Town. Need to go for groceries soon as we’re running out. Evil telepathic criminals moving all around our mindspace in search of security after they scourged the Christian world in a fit of mad self-righteousness. Can’t help anymore as we are bone dry.

Been plotting Act 2. All the couples retreat to discuss in private, what Paloma and Jessica found out about the phantom. Each of them has their own idea of what’s happening and they campaign for support. The losers and winners camps square off in arguments while the phantom moves around the wedding guests, spreading his version of events that must happen shortly, causing strife between good vs. evil. Then the fun begins…

Fell asleep I think, between 10pm to 2am. Took my meds and will rest again up to maybe 10am. Lots of activity in mindspace as the forces of evil sense world changes happening according to prophecy. Small prophecy made by ordinary folk. Targeted my collar bone for growing but it’s still okay. Didn’t do any writing but some progress made. Planning to head out on a long walk around 11am. May go to DigiMall / Decathlon.

Someone from the UK downloaded sos.epub from -my first from UK, possibly.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

My family get together...

Seems to be that most of my family members are carrying increasingly heavy loads. My cousin clued me in that he was suffering. This is a result of ancestors cheating the west, sometimes our own people. They handed down the sin. The animosity towards God. This morning, the Liew witches are playing deadly games in our minds, helped along by westerners, guilty of their own transgressions, protected and healed, even. Unfortunately I am unwell, mentally, and unable to intercede much.

More later after we all eat together…

I missed the lunch at the Shangri-La which was apparently good. Terrible flare up involving 3 parties tugging on me for a miracle / panacea. So I decided to stay home and edit my website. Wrote descriptions for each story and put up a photo of myself. Corrected typos and adjusted / added some links. Put in a plug for ordering physical copies of my stories in any combination. Of course, I will have to print it manually and post it myself -a labor of love. Love is more important than money in these end times.

Edited my story, “The Ring and the Pearls” which was ungainly. Now flows better. Want to provide quality content on for my daily trickle of readers.
Also edited "The ePub", and "Curves in the Right Places". A productive day!

Tomorrow we’ll be in Kuala Lumpur to settle some business. I will wear my trail shoes and simple attire. Not sure what watch. Will work out in the morning. Cousins learning to throw out bad experiences through tackling them decisively over a span of prayer and diligence. I am also exorcising some demons related to skill and embarrassment. An embarrassment simply is knowing you didn’t measure up to your level of smartness. Think about it objectively. Letting go and saying, I am just that bad is not humble. You entered the ring for a reason.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Fiction: The Equator

The problem with Algebra is the equator.

What equator?

The equals sign. It isn’t meant to be so simple.

Then what would you propose?

A pipe. For example, how would you equate an elephant to a mammoth? The answer would eventually be found by piping elephant through every other known equation constructed, then out the other side. Algebra is meaningless otherwise.

I understand, said the student to her master.

She climbed down the rocky precipice, to her meditation cave. There she rolled hill-slope clay into a thin sheet and folded it into a pinched U-shape. She waited patiently for it to dry so she could hold it. Then, by firelight, she wrote on it in Morseish-Braile. Poking a sharpened stick into the clay to form words, concepts in constraining blocks of big and small depressions.

Her theory was that every block could be defined by a vector. Its checksum which was its position within an equation that could equate normally without pipe. Then, writing that vector onto another clay book would enable the pipe when run over by the fingers of  a scribe, both books, at once.

She wrote the checksums of every mainline / classic equation that she knew into her book. It was her Principia. And when she was done, took it to her master.

The old woman, exiled to the mountain for her heretical Mathematics looked at the clay fold. She ran her hand over it as she felt the equations, their Truth, pipe through her mind and body and sighed.

Another student with an incomplete logic system. So the girl climbed down the mountainside again, to think it over.

Algebra is nothing without bounds. What are ‘bounds’ but the physics of the Universe laid bare as their building blocks. How big should an elephant be to stand against a mammoth? That was imaginary trigonometry.

She cried a little as it was beautiful. Like a fractal that somehow contained every other fractal. Master told her how it was made: by swinging compound pendulums filled with thickened fish bile over the scrubbed smooth goatskin she held up to the evening light.

These were the bounds of creation itself.

But what if we weren’t created? That we just evolved?

Mathematics only applies when nothing in the Universe is fully right or righted. Have I grown old -for nothing?

Then what of the result? Can knowing change anything but to know more, to know better?

That, young one, is Truth.

So, Master, there is Equator, Bounds, and Truth -is there more? Can Truth be equated, piped?

The old woman looked into the embers as she stirred the smoldering fire.

A long time ago, I did that, and here I am exiled for it. What is Truth, *huh…

She gazed upon Master with a different opinion of her now. She had to unravel it alone -the mysteries of existence, maybe unto everything that would and could ever exist.

In her cave, she rocked herself as she thought. Don’t think too hard, her mother had reminded her. Father said the best things come free, naturally. Was this Truth? Was she piping and equating Truth? Oh dear, oh dear… She fell into a deep sleep, pale with worry.

Truth is when something works, said Father. We pursue it as we pursue a goal. Truth is always changing. The more we know, the more is Truth true. Nonsense, Dear, said Mother. Truth is the summation of all knowledge. It exists in flux until every bit of creation agrees to become one. Everyone at any stage reads the flux differently, and therefore becomes a creator. A better and better one. Dear, said Father, THAT is what I meant as well.

She woke up shivering as it was now snowing. How long had she been asleep? Upon the mountain top, Master was gone. There were tracks down the precipice where her teacher had apparently descended, seeking warmer weather.

She had to know what Truth was, to complete the equators, the imaginary trigonometry and the pipes. She gathered her things in a sling sack and followed the tracks down to the plains below.

There she found her master washing in a stream.

Equating Truth, piping it, it’s what destroys, deludes, does it not?

Not true, if I may venture that.

Then what is Truth?

Some believe it can be equated, because they know pure imagination.

What is pure imagination?

The completion of the small set which is illogicality. A joke is the square of pure imagination, a joke is Truth deep within. Do not ask anymore my student. Go your own way.

She thought about it a long time. Her hair grew long and lustrous, living on the verdant plains, and her skin, plump and rosy. She no longer cared about Truth, about Math and all its devices. And one day, lonely, she desired a mate, a family.

What is Truth? Asked her daughter.

What indeed? She replied. The Algebraic equator, its symbol, is a lie, an imperfect simplification, she began. Mathematics begins with what we call a pipe…

The shuttle to the prairie moon was packed. She kissed her daughter on her cheeks. It would be a long time before this episode ended. And as she thought it over, a smile crept across her face -what her parents had done for her, she perpetuated. She could hear the questioning voice running through her daughter’s mind, and the old woman who fought for nothing, climb the mountain in the summer all over again. She saw her scribe training to read Morseish-Braile in the dim of firelight, poking a stick into damp clay, growing her breasts out on the plains below. Her daughter turned to her, questioningly and she laughed, hand over her mouth.

Late night up…

Procrastination and prevention take hold of my writing. Soon it’ll be time for bed. And I will have achieved nothing major with Thursday. All I did was end Act 1 on a suspenseful mysterious note, and begin a little of Act 2 of my not-so-short story. Feeling crowded, physically and mentally. Have to tip everyone off for a bit as the inmates me and Patrick keep happy were getting freaked.

Still thinking how a mechanical watch can be simplified into just a few functional parts. Or a quartz watch become a cheap “perpetual”. Something to consider while this downtime drags on. More later…
I successfully invented the "springFoil"  movement which I drafted and posted on Medium. It may earn me some money in August. As well as some accolades or maybe just the latter. I don't plan on charging for the design, just to be known as its inventor. The ex-GF is thinking of marrying me if it takes off.

Dad bought us lunch on the way home from his hospital appointment in Kuala Lumpur. He loves beef noodle soup. Wearing my Orient Tristar on WR leather. Will do some writing after our meal.

There is more downtime, I guess because people are excited and ‘counting’ their eggs in their baskets. Would have liked to write more but it’s a little too heavy for me to lift right now. Have an annoying ulcer or inflamation by my back molar. Yesterday, one up my nostril. And my eye is being flinched by my own Sister’s girls.

Guess I’ll tackle the ‘perpetual quartz’ idea now. Will post the sketch here later…

The design is simpler than Seiko’s SpringDrive. It is powered by vibration that flywheels 2 free sprung capacitors in a tuned electro magnetic field. Thinking the hands could be powered by the vibrations, directly, not needing a spring for themselves. There may be a circuit that calculates quartz vibe to mech vibe and clutches the crystal oscillator circuit accordingly. Perhaps, also a vibe isolator assembly and voltage smoothing circuit. No sweep seconds hand as the clutch may stop the crystal occasionally if the mech vibes are too strong. Instead a red/black pulser window or ‘…’ wait symbol will show.
Wearing my Prospex 077j. Really like this watch. Its case shape and finish are outstanding while remaining toolish. Should wear something lower key out tomorrow, tho, which is a holiday -installation of Malaysia's 17th Agong (by a 5-year-rotation kingship). Dad wore his G-Shock 5600 Tough Solar to the hospital today. He likes it a lot.

I was thinking of a $500, 3 watch collection and came up with this from ts_timepieces, gtime, and gsupply, all @Shopee Malaysia.

Caiso “Duro” diver, 20bar WR for 315RM

Timex Q dress watch for 752RM

G-Shock GA-2000 translucent smoke for 419RM

All in, about $316. Whether you want one great big expensive (GBE) $500 watch or to have some fun with my budget quartz selection and pocket the $180 bucks, it’s up to you. If you get the GBE, this would be my pick, from Malaysia Watches @Shopee:

Seiko “Alpinist” automatic, 2.6kRM

If none appeal to you, and you’re after pure value for money, I would recommend an Orient you can take to the pool, vacation, dinner, or the office, with just a strap change -from Orient.os @Shopee:

Orient Tristar 5bar WR automatic, 579RM

This selection is what we have in Malaysia and is just a guide. Prices and designs available may vary in your part of the world.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

I’m wearing the Casio GA-2200 more often…

The 2200 is a carbon reinforced resin watch from Casio’s G-Shock line of toughened quartz beaters. There are several things about the 2200 in marbled gray which are pros and cons. Big con is the strap which is too tough and bulky. I replaced mine with a stretchy nylon NATO in gray and white. Together with the lightness of the carbon case, this wears very comfortably. The strap’s metal also goes well with the bezel screws. The second pro and con are the nice analog hands but very poor digital readout. I would have preferred day-date instead of the seconds readout. I like the colorway and plasticky appearance a lot as it humbles the watch into a tool which is okay to wear. Also none of the design is phallic / suggestive, unlike say the Rangeman or Frogman. The former has a protruding light button while the latter looks pregnant.

The 2200 on the other hand could be a motor-cross bike meter or a piece of hi-tech police force gear. Not many notice / comment on it. And I am glad I paid AD price for it and got a Marco warranty (official distributor in Malaysia). The downside to this watch is the lack of solar charging, making the battery life range from a just few years to 5, maybe 6 at the most as there is no seconds hand to drive. A cool thing to watch for is the delayed tick of the minute hand, every 20s.

Would have liked more lumed parts. The markers are not very easy to pick out and neither is the digital display. The silver lining is that it looks stealthy thus more sophisticated. And I wear it because it makes me happy as a package, not a mugging target nor a babe magnet.

I will be wearing this watch more often as a beater and with casual attire. But I think it looks a bit brash for the family get together at the higher-end restaurant they want to go to. I would probably wear something 35-38mm in SS. More on my choice later…

Will be wearing my 35mm Orient Tristar on vintage WR leather as I will be walking to the meeting place from the train stop in the tropical sun. I got this off Shopee at a low price of $75 vs. $105 for the G-Shock. It is fully mechanical, automatic actually, and doing +3s/day. The Tristar range was meant for poorer people with an office job, around Asia. Many old timers -who eat at hawker tuck shops, still have theirs.

More important matters than writing…

Am up early this morning and was assaulted by Christian forces from the west. I believe they may form what the Bible says is the “Apostasy” of the end times, coming before the Rapture and the revealing of the Beast leader -the antichrist, some say. Nevertheless, we try to save their souls for Christ.

John’s verse here is important:

Jhn 14:27  Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

This verse is cryptic but if we analyze it we find the open secret to being steadfast and long-suffering. Virtues are of the Spirit. Just as raw emotions, fear, anger, hastiness, are the way to the Lucasian “Dark Side”. More later…

If you love God and Jesus, His love and blessings are upon you, even that you may command them without consequence of cost or debt to Him. God’s grace, his free flowing love for us will manifest. The key to the second sentence in the verse is “let not” which is an absolute NO. And if we compare absolute PERMISSIVE to absolute NEGATIVE, we understand the context of Jesus’ message.

One destroys the other, innocently and in insidious ways.

Was thinking about haptics on smartphones. And how a keyboard can benefit from touch as well as audio feedback.

Image @TechAdvisor

There should be key click sounds of a lower and higher frequency, the further and nearer away a key is pressed from the previous one. Haptics should also vibrate, not in stereo, but stronger between neighboring keys and weaker, further away from the last tap. The sounds and haptic vibrations should be chosen to blend into one another like on the Apple Mighty Mouse’s scroll ball, not the clicks or pops we now have.

Wearing my 2200 G-Shock Carbon Core. Somehow it's grown on me more since yesterday, in the shower with it. Was bought from an AD, 500RM. Shopee price, 400RM.

Finally finished Act 1 of my final short story. Came to over 2k words as expected. Beginning on Act 2, to finish by tonight. Mom wants to go to the mall for some purpose. I may tag along instead of writing. All the characters are introed, developed -including the phantom. Now the best part: the intrigue can begin! Having a good time writing this story, actually. Thought it would be hard, and boring to read.

More evil telepathy collides with my life from family and friends who did not practice good deeds and good manners. Wonder what's for dinner? Last night's pasta I helped cook was good and I had a tasty lunch out with the folks earlier. Will run tomorrow morning and work out tonight.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

My writing wraps up but not just yet…

I initially wanted 10 short stories for my book but was stumped / prevented at 3. Then I fought hard and wrote 3 more, and today, I’ll finalize the collection with another trio. Not quite a full 10 but it’ll do the job. So far all the tales are original and purpose-driven. I like them all. 7 days past my deadline now. But by midweek the work should be completed.

Had an egg cucumber sandwich for lunch. Am dieting as of mid July, and keeping up workouts / running. More later…

Mom is heading out to buy supplements. Her weight is gradually climbing from a very scary 41kg. A bit of telepathic dread over my mindspace. Hard to write. Will do some outlining instead. Have to chase down lost lambs harming innocents and the world as a whole. Many are giving out pain and disfigurements thinking it doesn’t matter -nothing does, anymore.

More altercations in mindspace but not many casualties, just the usual suffering for God’s people. Those going to hell will invariably rock the boat, even as handfuls are saved every hour here and there. Feeling sad over the mess that is the end times world. Will cheer up by doing some detailed planning for my wedding story.

A new day, Wednesday. Keeping busy and taking care of my health even as attacks strike thru the ‘air’ from downfallen people. I guess I could preach to them, turning maybe half back to normal. Worth a try. Then start work in the mid afternoon.

Work on the “4 weddings” story has begun. Rescued a lot of wayward telepaths from sin and crimes in mindspace. We talked about the human nature of mining the gold in our lives, and relying on one another to get a thing done well. There are now few troublemakers left. Mainly Allen’s army of geniuses and Liews’ witchy forces. These are hard core offended. We must weaken / turn to their roots i.e. their sense of self supplanted by the rigors of witchcraft.