Monday, September 30, 2024

Fixed a zipper, made lunch, played some guitar.

Mom’s monk satchel zipper split so I used a life-hack to repair it. Stick the zipper shuttle onto a fork of correct size until it’s firm then run both ends of the zip tread through the stationary shuttle. If it’s still attached to one side, remove it completely by running it off the tread before beginning.

Also weighed my guitars. The c40 II is 1.6kg while the Kepma Mini is just under 1.9kg. Amazing, cuz the Yamaha is significantly bigger. I recorded “birds of the summer” sticking the mic to the ukuele body and singing on a separate track. Worked well after some alignment issues. Can’t wait to own my AirPods 4 a month or so from now.

Mom feeling ill so I made lunch. Luncheon ham and baked beans with scrambled eggs and some fresh thyme. Used some precious olive oil. Fights breaking out over my mindspace, over treating me cruel.

Mom made chicken with peppers and mushrooms for dinner. Was good. Tomorrow, we may be going to Kuala Lumpur instead of the uptown malls. Can feel cancer-giving rattle against my extended family as they attempt to refuge in me. Not sure how to break it to them, I’m weakening steadily. Seeking money when you can’t earn is tough, and can’t work cuz you can’t learn is even worse. What a temptation life can present us with!

Off to watch more YouTube. I want to review my Kepma soon.

AirPods 4 still unavailable for purchase here in Malaysia. Feel like buying a pair on installments of 99RM / mo. from Machines. I could have them right away. Will lose 9RM to service charges tho… Why not?

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Budgeting a bit and heading out tomorrow…

I can only afford 6 outings over the next 4 weeks. Left with 300RM disposable after buying my midrange padded soft gig bag. Set up the big Yamaha keyboard on my desk and tossed away my computers. Seems I will be a musician towards the end of things…

Feeling uneasy as the Liew witches and westerners tunnel through my mind. Feel like they’re excavating my life for evil gold to hold over me. I will certainly not betray the Lord or his sheep / shepherd(s). This is my religion. My salvation.

Having bakkuteh for dinner. I pressed the garlic in soy sauce, and made an olive oil lemon dressed salad. Olive oil is so expensive nowadays we long for it more than coffee!

Decided to pop into NuSentral sometime today. Look around. Get some walking in. Not sure what to wear but I did coiffure as usual. My latest song needs new lyrics badly but has a boss chorus. Not sure if I will complete my programming project.

May head over to the flea market instead as it’s closer to home. There is a feeling keeping me local to downtown PJ lately and I kinda agree. Tomorrow, my psych clinic appointment for my Arip jab. Hope it goes well.


Was over to the shoebox instead as Dad needed to mop the floor. Had a ramen for tea. Later, going for dinner at the Indian bistro. I'm nursing the germ of a story -something I had wanted to tell since I retired from writing, up till I got my new guitar, and finally became the man in charge of subduing the Liew witches. A prophet of sorts. Currently it is a bit ridiculous but I can condense the narrative and slant it in an exciting way so it reads nice.

Made a recording of my Kepma Mini and it sounds pretty good, through my Boya v20. I wall-tacked one mic on the soundboard facing the center hole and clipped the other to my collar for singing into. Sounds detailed and crisp thru my ZST, quite a bit less treble on the Shure 112. Must investigate further after dinner. Have an early night and get ready for psych clinic tomorrow.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Summing up, a little slice of heaven...

We were talking about my deceased brother, Meng. The westerners often loved counting his prophecy and plastering it onto other Asians but now this is starting to bite back everyone. We talked to the people he would have known and tried to distill his effect on the world were he still alive but there was opposition to that. Maybe they'll need my help on this later.

Gave Dad my Logi Wavekeys to use with his smart TV. Here's to confirm that you can connect a regular PC bluetooth keyboard to an Android TV. Works well. Haven't tried a mouse. Would be nice.

Things I want to buy next week, October... hmm, I only have $75 to spend over the month ahead. This is after I splurged $115 on a new mini acoustic guitar. Totally in love with the diminutive Kepma which I've used to write a few catchy songs already. The strings are not too taut and the sound, delicate the way I like it, and suitable for finger picking and thumb strumming.

Looks like it may rain this late afternoon. Have to remember to talk to Sis about forgiveness of sins and her destiny in Heaven which may be in doubt. It is natural to be afraid when you see all these end times signs, veiled as they may be.

We talked in mindspace about the empires of Daniel’s scroll. The evolution vs. creation debate. And the ultimate aim of mankind. It seems unrelated but it IS. And now the Liew witches are faced with demise and are being extra irrational. Not sure what to do next.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Witchcraft and sorcery on the up…

It’s been several days now, the Liew witches toying with people around me. This is witchcraft and social engineering. Coming in hard times. We have to be brave and kind, patient and firm in our love. Money must not rule our hearts, but brotherhood. Yesterday, we talked about money as the root of madness. It is NOT wrong to make money or take money. It is WRONG to hoard money. If you can spend, spend. If you can take it, take the goods proffered.

Sometimes I wonder whether my deep savings will ever be spent. Seemingly I and many other Christians might not live to see another year by the time the Apostasy comes upon us, with the telepathic blackmail hanging over us.

Attempted to right the good ship Earth from the hands of British and some American zealots confronting the Liew witchy 6. Doing things the Asian way is a welcome change but one that must not go wrong.

We formed a people’s court to judge William as he kept feeling pangs of guilt and danger. It was mainly a UK court in mindspace, but we found him guilty of using excessive force with intent to do non-trivial harm. He was referred to his own judicial system afterwards. Hope he feels settled. The Liew witches who downfell him are also being separated and placated. Can’t remember their trial tho.

Off to the shoebox now. Need to get some food in as I had only had brunch earlier. More later…

Ate a curry ramen kaw. Very spicy. Earlier I got cleaned easily albeit late. I now have 430RM in wallet cash, 40RM in TnG / rail card, and circa 130RM in my debit account. I have 300RM in my drawer after I pay 50RM for my guitar gig bag tomorrow or Sunday. The money will be a bit tight this month ahead. I might not buy much till end October.

Sensing some antichrist movements around these parts. Folks seem to be inviting in trouble or shoring up their reputations. But the only thing for sure is that they are somehow now eating too much mooncake despite their diabetes.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Israel in the prophecy…

The current war in Israel could be the final war of the end-times, during which the apostasy may occur and the little horn come to power. This is facilitated by the chaos of world events and coincidental spiritual confusion. I am bracing for the shockwave if it may come, at least in the mindspaces.

Talked to my church mates in mindspace, and they are worried as well. Some have issues with God unresolved tho ardently pursued. Myself, have accepted that the Lord is a stern master with critical objectives beyond human suffering, so-called injustice. So you’re being wronged -so what, He may say. Lots of people are being wronged, maimed, and killed before their time.

It’s in the middle of this conflict that I find a piece of calm before the storm, in my music, songs I write and learning to play better. I have a new mini 36” acoustic guitar in nondescript black which is my pride and joy. With its mellow tone and softer strings, it comforts me thru lonely and punitive times. Circa $100 well spent. I will be on the lookout for a smaller gig bag for it as the bundled one is too big. I’ll use it for my c40 classical 39” as it is nicely padded. More later.

Heading to the mall later. Don’t have much to spend. Americans going wild in the mindspaces. Witchy Liews conducting the “show” onto Christians in a mad spurt of defiance against God. Had wondered why people / Israelites rebel(ed) against the Father. Becoming clearer and clearer.

Still thinking of buying a guitar bag for my Kepma Mini. There is a 24RM one that’s specially for 36” guitars. Bending backwards to protect a 500RM guitar seems pointless sometimes, I feel.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Mom is ill again…

Dad and I had a hectic day sending Mom for her medical checkups. Possibly she will be warded a day or two due to heart palpitations and need for further tests. I am trying to fix the old iPhone 7. Drain its battery for a day or so and then charge it up from zero. Liew allies still attacking us. Have to do something about it soon.

The doctors suggested Mom buy a smartwatch to monitor her heart rate. I don’t know of any watch which can take an ECG but apparently there are some that approximate it. Maybe at Decathlon.

Feeling a bit wasted, as if I were burning or next to a burning pile of Chinese offerings. And I’m about to blow $115 on a new guitar this week. Feeling lost and cut adrift in prophecy. Maybe some around me made wrong choices regarding God’s plan for their salvation. Seriously, He will forgive in Jesus’ name. Do not be hard on yourselves or the Spirit within you.

More trouble in mindspace. People going mad from taking others for granted, and sometimes torturing and killing them / their loved ones. Such men do not “feel safe” unless everyone turns evil too. Of course, as a Christian that’s impossible for me. I fear the one who casteth the soul to hell and destroys the body forever.

Made a quick meal of luncheon ham, cheese and salad sandwiches for me and Dad as Mom is in hospital yet again. Problems digesting / metabolizing her food. 

Some altercations in mindspace among Christian brothers and telepathic criminals who roused them up. Have to be on hand to advise on matters of the heart. Even Jonathan Cahn is worried for the flock!

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Feel like getting this new guitar but…

I only have 500RM to blow and the guitar costs 750RM. I’m not an ace player but it’s one sweet looking compact instrument that I’m in love with deeply. May not be practical to own such luxuries either, given my lower income and lower functioning mind, not to mention the revenge machine that wants to break all my possessions to test God’s return. I should be over to ABA Music again next weekend to see if it’s still hanging there, with Dad and the car to bring it home.

Was thinking of ordering a Cort Mini off Shopee instead. It’s really small tho not as cute as the ABA one. Cheaper by a lot and may be better made. I have begun seriously learning the fretboard by breaking down the root frets and root chords. May end up making a booklet on guitar learning instead of teaching the DiZi, merge it with my songwriting exercises. I could have my Cort Mini by mid week.

Very excited about my new plans. And have expanded my learning to F# and Bb. Need a method of picking notes in between frets 1, 3, 5, and 7 but it gets too complicated.

Found out that the between fret notes are most all blue as branched from the major frets, FGADEF#Bb and I am not sure what about C and B -where do they come in? An incomplete system but one that is easy to memorize. IMHO, B and C may be ignored as they are adjacent to the other notes.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

The preparations for Rapture…

Many now believe rapture is imminent. But it may be around Christmas season before we meet the Lord. Unlikely that October will see any major events but you never know Israel. November is also in doubt unless more assassination attempts are made on the US candidates, triggering unrest in America and worldwide.

I have gotten several things ready, including my moonphase watch and monoscope on tripod. Will also have to bring my head protection and Kipsta football. Not to mention a certain type of wallet. As I typed these words, evil stabbed my leg with pain. Such are the times we live in. Also got bruised on the head by the fallen, antichrist geniuses.

Started to write my DiZi book. Made a good start. Tomorrow, may go on a long walk to KLCC / Lowyat etc. Not sure what I’ll buy since saving for a Mac is now out of the question. Feeling excited about the future and prophecy unfolding ever more rapidly.

Yom Kippur 2024 falls on 10b / 11b of the ABY. There could be an effort to push Israel to peace and in reply, perhaps a terror event to do with the Wailing Wall / Mughrabi bridge (which apparently was torn down).

Friday, September 20, 2024

A jail for the soul…

Sometimes I feel like I’m in jail. Packed with people escaping the law of the mind, denying their telepathic crimes and obvious vulnerability. I get so packed that my work suffers. Can only work a couple hours a day and many things, left unfinished.

I went for a run. Was held down from getting a good speed. Still exercise is exercise. Today, coding jpw will be top priority. There is not much we can help with in mindspace anymore as we approach Tribulation from the Middle East flareups.

Will work out a bit after lunch…

Mid afternoon. Mom is still at the hospital getting her meds and treatments. Looks like another takeout dinner tonight if she doesn’t call soon. Last night we had fried noodles which was tasty but not very nutritious. UK forces, William mainly, still can’t forgive Asians due to the Liew fighters the British were oppressing. Both sides took revenge in turns and now it’s dead in the water, my life and many others’ as well.

Liew witches and their genius helpers trying to Saruman me. This comes after I saved them yesterday, *sobs. May do some coding work after 6am. Just rest a while.

Was thinking what I could do to earn some money. Thinking seriously of writing a short book on playing the DiZi. It will contain:
  1. breathing
  2. expression
  3. improvisation / style
  4. fingering
  5. accompaniment
  6. acceleration / running notes
Will start on it today.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Feeling held back and mediocre, coding progresses…

Woke up this morning to a new feeling of hope but in a world much changed / maligned, it doesn’t mean that much. Feeling like nothing I do / have done is really good enough. There was a time when mediocrity didn’t bother me. It was the spirit of things that kept me going. I need to seek out the brighter spots in my life and work on them, spend time and money getting it right.

Whacking code into pjw (formerly nettle) to see what comes out. Breaking to visit the shoebox for a while. Will read up more on Antlr4 while there. Bring over some stuff.

Paid my web hosting. Was 160RM. up 25RM from last year. Am going on Shopee now to spend some of the balance in my debit account, 126RM.

A new day, Thursday, and nothing much got done. I’m still alive after rocking the boat in the mindspaces which are still dangerous. Somehow my briefs didn’t dry overnight. I hand wash my 2 favorites now. Need to get fresh Good Virtues shower gel. Didn’t find anything worth buying on Shopee.

Coding is pushing along steadily. It won’t take too long to get things basically sorted out. I am going by trial and error since I have to butt against the prevention blockade of deceived sinners who want to spread ideological disease while preventing God’s prophecies. The violent pain-giving persists. But yea, the coding is moving at last.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

New underwear, and a long tiring day out...

I had been putting off replacing my Sloggi briefs, 80RM. The go-all-rounds which were made from thin and soft modal fabric. Making do with just one good underwear: my Lululemon in black circa 100RM. Being poorer now, I could not afford Calvin Klein or another Lulu plus they don't make Sloggi all-rounds anymore.

I got the cheaper men's briefs (not the boxer shorts) which cost 24.90RM. There is another model, circa 35RM and feels silky but I passed. Have to say these Uniqlo underwear are very comfortable. And well worth the 25 bucks.

Also got a lot of walking in, ate vegan Arab food, and drank roasted oolong tea. I played the piano at Pasar Seni MRT (one of my dreams). The folks are out to buy more mooncake but this time I'll pass. Too much sweet stuff.

Still watching Antlr4 video tutorials on YouTube. I'm learning a lot. Quite a bit of pain-giving going on in mindspace today.

Am learning a bit about programming oop style. They don’t care what the previous foundation classes have inside, just what functionality they advertise. Feeling burnt out and oppressed. Will work out now. Feeling good. Just chilling in my room.

Binged on so many tutorials, I feel odd now. We may have ended the Liews’ reign of terror tonight by throwing their telepathy ‘out of the universe’, otherwise beyond comprehension.

Talked to young western kids about following the Liew witches’ lies. It only took a bit of reasoning to heal them, once the evil Liews were out of the action. Made some more headway coding pjw. What an awful name but WTH.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Malaysia Day -a happy one...

Got up a little late on Malaysia Day due to installing FreeBSD all night last night. Today, I finished up, adding OCP (mp3 player) and Emacs (text editor) for my python coding. OCP had to be compiled from source which took a long time.

Was hit by the Liew witch posse most of the morning into the early afternoon. Judgmental infants are the problem here. We slipped them thin angel paper to calm their minds down.

Feeling like it's 1998 again. Good for coding netLang. I can't call my language nettle which is a cryptographic library for Linux. In fact netLang is also used by several entities online. Maybe I'll call my language mulpy (html python).

Dang! There is a mulpy as well -a framework. This is my final attempt to name my language which currently doesn't compile -yet. Calling it PJW (python javascript way).

Coding is re-commencing on FreeBSD instead of Linux. Must get something up by midnight.

Found out PJW is also somewhat taken and is the name initials of a unix guru formerly at Bell Labs. Nevermind. It's decided. Coding away.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

3 irons in the fire…

I am working on 4 things currently:
  1. netLang / nettle programming language
  2. tennis grip assist
  3. STT boardgame
  4. songs for a mini album
Because I’m retired, everything is going slow. But I have all the resources bought / gathered: the mics, fresh guitar strings, cheap plastic caps, 3M tape, and Antlr4 tutorials. Am facing criticism over my ideas which are not very good for spurring the economy. Those, I actually gave away to others some time ago. Not sure why.

Figuring out Antlr4 is quite difficult for me, since I had my stroke back in 2007. But I am getting there. It is basically forming simple / general rules that then get used by more complex / specific rules. Nettle is a very loose language, made to manipulate dynamic web pages, by younger kids, and maybe older hobbyists looking to create a game etc. without learning full JavaScript.

I may head out on a walk soon. Maybe before 3pm. Think I will visit somewhere like TRX, Megamall, KLCC, LowYat.


It was punishingly hot this afternoon so I didn't walk much. Wore my trail runners which were comfy most of the walk. Bought Mom a small heart-shaped stone pendant, just 15RM with a free ornate "silk" pouch. Some hostility among youth. Threats of a long range strike into Russia as God showed me. There could be 3 ballistic missiles provided by the UK or America, to force Moscow out of the war.

Have started hammering in the lexer and parser code, modding some example lines I got off GitHub. Tonight, we could have NETTLE up and running as an interpreted language. Seems a pointless project, but there are 3 uses for it, aside from educational use.
  1. manage and automate html page / site generation
  2. test html 5 dynamic pages for bugs / errors
  3. create wildly imaginative, far more dynamic sites
Nettle can also serve as a simple to learn language so managers and non-technical executives can consume html 5 content and modify it to their liking without the need to communicate with the IT staff in vague terms. Eventually, browsers may adopt Nettle syntax over JavaScript syntax, and many more non-technicals will code -one of the goals of the education / workplace system.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Mind over matter…

I have to begin coding nettle today based on my feasibility specifications. Tho I’m prevented, the language should be made. It’s a very good introduction to programming for kids, and provides graphics functions for them to tweak, not just text output. Eventually, its ‘sandbox’ can be expanded for more functionality and the language extended as well. I will be copying from an online tutorial in python.

Wearing my ga2200 this early morning. One of my favorite watches. Anadigi with no seconds hand. Has a ‘dirty’ marbled resin bezel and matching aftermarket NATO. Also very light due to the carbon fiber construction. 500RM from my regular AD.

Thinking I will throw some mud at the wall today since I’m being prevented. The results may be chaotic and poor but at least some code will be written for debugging tonight.

I got 150RM in government aid this year. Just collected it. I will be able to pay my web hosting charges easily and have 50RM to spare. My wallet cash is also up to 500RM and my shallow savings, the same. Will not be buying much until EOM when I get funds in, 450RM. Will probably spend it all quickly, not sure on what.
Coding going well. Have better direction now. Have to think more of the syntax which is still pretty vague, having only 4 keywords which can be combined in a phrase to do different things to different tags or styles or script vars.

I just got the grammar settled. It was quite easy and my intuition was correct regarding the 4 keywords. Will work more on it after taking meds at 9:30pm.


Still working on nettle, taking my time. May do the bulk of the coding after lunch / after my walk unless the folks have other plans. Don't want to pay my web hosting fees just yet as something big may happen soon.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Going into business…

Had been thinking of going into business since a few days ago. I invented several interesting mechanical things including the Apple Pencil stabilizer, a watch movement, and now, a tennis grip helper tape. It’s been a while since I took on the challenge of salvaging buried munitions from Swiss lakes, finding no way thru. And it’s now 10pm and I need something to occupy my troubled mind, full of others’ cares and manipulations.
It's morning and a new day to savor. Came up with a Leonardo DaVinci idea for digging up munitions and it's pretty cheap and easy. Uses superabsorbant polymer shaped into a spiral cone. It will drill down to the bombs. powered by a flywheel of 4 concrete weights on long arms. The polymer expansion and rotation are slow and should not stir up sediment. Cheap and easy to manufacture, many drillers can be made and used simultaneously.

Ziko guitar strings have settled down and sound pretty good for $3. Big brand strings now over 3x the price. Don’t feel like coding. There is a lot to do in mindspace. Teaching kids and gullible people with sin. It does seem like swimming against the current.

Lots of irons in the fire right now. My tennis training accessory, digging munitions idea, programming language, archery mods, book distribution. Was attacked at the mall just now and we responded with some force against the witchy Liew 6. They replied through hordes of young children whom they corrupted via their genius clairvoyant black magicians. There was a huge high stakes battle over my mindspace. Not sure what happened…

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

A humbler me…

This rainy Malaysian morning finds me at home. Later in the afternoon, will be at the shoebox, vegetating. Managed to complete my daily routine with less prevention. May do some coding later. Want to go walking but maybe after we get to the new place.

Wearing my Protrek on Casio Velcro. Not many people think it’s a good watch but it is pretty darn hi-tech and original, from my regular AD. Just that it’s big, CBP, and a bit ugly. Was the only model I could afford, at the time, 650RM.

Recorded my guitar fitted with cheap Ziko strings. Sounded okay. May post it up tomorrow.

With my current financial position I no longer wish for luxuries like a MacBook or a new watch. Gone are the days of thoroughly enjoying myself. Lean times lie ahead and it requires a humbler me. Humbleness is cultivated, a conscious decision more than something imposed. It took me a long time to consolidate and become less of a ‘stuff’ monster / hoarder / speculator.

Yesterday, I thought up a tennis innovation idea involving just tape. Tape that tapers smooth to rough. It could find multiple uses. Thinking something rough under the tape which will be thin. Or maybe a kind of gauze that roughens as stretched. Think I can prototype it on my own from surgical tape.


Been theming my xubuntu netbook over at the shoebox. Using "DoorMaker" XFCE theme, which is quite retro. Feels good, with a Japanese wave pattern wallpaper. Think I will keep Ubuntu for the long run. Everything works well.

More attacks rain down from the hell-bound Liew witches. There's no solution other than to do them in and maybe bear the consequences even as they attack using newborns spiked with sin through their parents. A time of trouble indeed.

We gave the Liew witches an ultimatum since they were cats on a hot tin roof all the time. Accept ONE punishment, choose big or small. Then that's quits between us. They chose small, so we took away their ability to declare. Not 100% sure what that meant but God decreed it from long ago.

Been gassy and my tummy, upset all day today. Can't wait to get home to the bigger house before I have an accident!

Liew witches broke their contract and are suffering. Not sure how it goes from here. Proving that there is a heaven and a God.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Lots of things to get fixed at home…

I fixed my guitar with new strings, fixed my racket, am fixing my arrows. Couldn’t fix the PC, so that’s gone. Need to fix my diver’s watch at some point or just not wear it outright as the crown tube is almost stripped. Fixed the telepathy or so it seems. We grew out eyebrow and pube hair. Tomorrow, will another dirty secret come to light and fowl up our plan?

Raining after a quick and simple dinner of takeout noodles. Took a shower and changed into fresh clothes. Did my regular exercise and ran briefly so am feeling healthier. Tomorrow, to stay up for the Apple event at 12-1am. Not sure of the start time.

Lots of kids and babies in the mind right now. May have to inquire of their issues. Write more later.

Managed to make a video review of the Ziko guitar strings from China. Turned out quite well. The Boya v20 mics were good. Went out to breakfast with Dad. Some time to kill before psych clinic. Arguments in mindspace. Some people wrecked their lives and are pushing on me for sustenance because I’m kind.

I got curious and put on the Ziko trebles as well, ditching the Savarez kristals. Overall a nice sounding set. Playable but not superlative.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Fiction: The Bad Deck

If we can burn 48 times hotter than the Sun, can we pass through it?

Foreseeably, as planned.

Are we that hot, now?

Not yet. But the whip trails of the plasma field propelling this payload module towards our star will shortly achieve 4 times solar temperature. Maybe in another 2 days. Then in a further 4 days, the naked ape sperm enters the celestial ovum. And then…

Kapow! He said, expanding his fingers in front of my stoically emotionless face. His wild eyes and swept sideways hair, the picture-perfect mad astrophysicist. Kapow, he repeated, cowering in a nook of the smooth-walled boilerplate capsule.

I reached into my pocket and retrieved a deck of Aladdin 1001 cards. They’re missing the ace of Spades, I said.

How so?

I sent it back. The deck’s defective.

So we have a replacement?

No. We launched before it arrived.

The scientist sighed. We launched as they wheeled my Moira into the delivery room. She told me by cell.

There was a tear in his eye that irritatingly would not flow. It jiggled into a sphere, separating from his crow’s feet, moving slowly towards my forehead in zero-g.

You see, we’ve been chosen to survive. One of many -the first-fruits, entering into a new Universe of our making, by relativistic mass-combustion.

Yet if by some chance I could hold her, my swaddling child. Moira, oh, she doesn’t have breasts… anymore. He wiped his brow on the back of his hand.

What of the colostrum she’s been missing?

God only knows. There’s a form of kefir they use for those situations nowadays.

You don’t say? Who were you, back on Earth?

I… was the unluckiest man on the planet -apparently.

How so?

They were going to file me into the Guinness Book of Records but then we launched. I had just bought the 4th defective deck of Aladdins.

Were you married?

Technically no.


She wasn’t a man.

You mean she wasn’t a woman.

No, I needed a man.

OH! Sorry, I’ve pushed you too far then…

Not at all, you see I’ve a master’s degree in magic.

Hahaha! The astrophysicist wiped his eyes, choking on his spittle.

There’s nothing that gets by me. That’s why I’m unlucky.

Yea, yea -as you’re whacking coins off the heel of your palm into a shot glass and sawing your bearded woman in half -who left you at the altar of a strip mall wedding parlor in down town…

I looked into the palms of my hands, tented downwards. I can bring your Moira’s breasts back, I said gravely.

Sniffling… sniffling, now don’t you be telling jokes on me. She lost her jets because of the damned experiments we were doing with nuclear plasma, 300 feet under the Mojave. Now we’re hurtling towards the core of the Sun to God knows what goddam FATE!

He hung off the ceiling, breathing heavily into his shoulder.

Let’s play chor-tai-dee, Chinese poker.

But you said the deck was defective. It’s lost a card. It didn’t ‘open sesame’ -or was that YOUR job?

I shook the cards out of their box into my palm.

OH, he exclaimed, cowering, as I flicked the cards at his face. Where are they… disappeared…

Then I reached behind his ear and retrieved a neat double fan.

There, I said -a perfect deck.

And the first one was a spotless ace of spades with the inscription, ‘Thank you for buying our cards. We make only the finest mistakes’.

You’re an angel. You are, he said, suddenly attentive as a child. *How* do you play Chinese poker?

Fiction: Heresy

The body of the witch was cold when he got there. Her skin like wilted lettuce and her lips, like wax on crepe paper rose petals. Bending over her face, he put an ear to her nostrils and nodded. The woman was dead.

It came from out of the stark blue desert sky like a bullet, 20 feet off the ground. Throwing up a burst of sand and dust as it broke the sound barrier. Belinda put her hands to her mufflers as the reflection of the ramjet flicked over her face shield. Flik flack stinging her bare legs. Wind rippling through her knotted paisley blouse and around avocado breasts.

“I tell you it works!”

“It will -given time”

“No, surely not time itself, nor can time be apportioned much less gifted an inanimate thing”

“But regardless this autistic hair splitting, Albert, we have to reconcile our points of view”


Her dress is wet. Soaked with something vile. I think it may be balsamic, to be polite. Already the edges of my Bible are damp and crinkly. We must be sure she doesn’t rise. 

The Defender rattled as it took on the bumpy, rutted dirt road that led up to the reservoir. The limp body of the witch, still soft, sat upright on the back seat of the jeep, held down by a seatbelt.

There are times, Belinda, we must do what we believe in. Regardless the direct consequences to our selves, pride, even our reputation.

“Yes, Father”

She got on her sand skipper, pivoting into a horizontal prone, with her hands on the throttle. Ahead, the pilot of the sonic bullet in his blue flight suit stood by the landed craft with his helmet under one arm. She had Polaroids of them, she looking like Marilyn Monroe in a glitzy movie production, and him in trunks by the pool. His hair was gloss wet. And the sun turned cold for an instant, to her girl skin and its goosebumps. These were called emotions. Not a fear of losing control. At this speed, anything might happen. And she glimpsed approval on his face as his eyes squinted over a widening smile.

“The speed of sound can be squared, Albert, but surely not the speed of light”

“As an absolute constant, hinged on 4 dimensions, I dare say depend on some other coefficient to be treated quadratically”

“That’s why you don’t understand”

“That speed can be constant while space-time plays to its own ear like fingers stretching a rubber band?”

“No, but that the rubber band knows it can be stretched”

“Light is time doing distance”

They reached the dam at sundown. The jungle rustled with sounds of wildlife coming to the lake edge to drink and the treetops buzzed and chirped with insect song. They took the body out of the jeep and lowered it into the sampan. The small narrow boat glid on the still water. On his lap, a Latin Vulgate and beside it, a kerosene lamp. Ripples of light. Jimmy, who looked like an ape, with his chin only beard and beady black eyes, pulled the single oar gracefully, port to starboard with taichi flips of the wrist. He looked aside from his hungrily staring assistant. His high Roman nose and slightly drooping cheeks. A white skullcap over thinning gray hair cropped short.

They hoisted the body of the witch over the side of the sampan. Sweat beaded on his brow as he chanted. The rosary smelling of her vinegar, grating against his moist palms and knuckles. Then her eyes opened, white and pupiless, and her fingers snared his cassock like thorn bushes around a white tail buck. Jimmy rose up and started hacking at her with the oar blade. Silence at the water’s edge. A macabre silhouette against the hunter’s moon. Diana, best turn away.

Belinda set the instant camera on the seat of the sand skipper and ran over to her man. She pressed into his shoulders and her lush lashes focused in on the shot, turning suddenly serious as a woman scolding a dog. Speed is perfection, perfection is speed. Likewise for those whose feet touch not the good earth.

“What do you say to more tea, Albert?”

“Delta t, but of course”

“Right on cue for the Champaign!”

A home remedy for constipation and being a potato…

Prunes are a great way to get the gut moving that was plugged by evil people, in my case my neighbors, the Liew 6. I can actually feel this plug loosen and yesterday’s spicy lunch start moving along my gut. I use dried salt prunes. 3-4, pitted and minced, in 3-4 glasses of water. So today, I’m not backed up and can head out after waiting a few hours for any aftereffects.

I am increasingly sedentary of late, talking in the mindspaces all the time. Sure, I work out every day and run once in a while, walk once a week or so, but the bulk of my time is spent lying down, mouthing words to the air and filling in the info I receive on my social media / blogs.

Today, I don’t plan to do much. Just take care of my health and relax.

Thought up a design for an arrow fletching clamp using cardboard with slot on slits for the fletching and a hole for the arrow shaft. Place a big book on top and it’s good to go. Someone once told me making arrows is time consuming. Be patient or do a bad job at it. May take 3/4 hour to fletch 3 arrows which is okay. Need to source that Velcro for my micro quiver soon as the 3 arrows are ready.

Not sure why I am restringing my old c-40 guitar now that I’m getting good at cfac# ukulele but those Zikos were cheap. ~5 times cheaper than Savarez.

We were at Decathlon while waiting for Mom and I picked up a new racket grip. It is easily the best grip I ever used: Artengo. Here’s a pic:

As you can see, it’s well-made (actual color is black) at just 15RM. I bought the comfort-absorption version versus tacky which I dislike. It is soft and cushiony with thin flanges that form a spiral groove up the handle. My strings are also Artengo, springy 2.7mm.


Removed the 3 broken / corroded Savarez basses from my c-40 but am keeping the trebles as they are not worn through yet. My new strings should arrive tomorrow and I will be stringing them as soon as possible. Typing this from the shoebox. Later tonight will be making egg and prawn fried rice.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

World gone mad in the mindspaces…

Liew witchy 6, who are my neighbors, going wild using telepathy, telling lies, pain-giving. We are peaceful, honest folk at a loss what to do. News of another school shooting in the US. The end times setting in. My hand is being speared with pain every few minutes. Everyone ordinary is afraid to go against the criminals who gained power from deceived sinners. There is nothing much we can do but try to wean off the kids, babies, newborns, and old dying people who are harming the world innocently.

Will be heading out on a long walk later. Just to Kayu and back. Not eating or drinking anything. Work out in the night. Began preparing to fletch my arrows. Folks are going to the bank again to make some inquiries. Liew 6 are unable to find solace due to their war crimes and extremism. Urging people to give them some slack and forgive through understanding of the history of the mind wars.

Will be coding nettle later in the afternoon. Have 11 days to show some results. For now it seems the mindspaces will be chaotic as the fighters are nervous and frazzled.

Rejoined X / Twitter. Not much of a welcome back moment. Posted links to some of my newer stories.

Cooked stirfry chicken for dinner. Mistook salt for sugar. Now we all need kidney therapy as the folks and I are old(er). Taste was good tho. Plenty of tasty ginger and garlic, and sweet Chinese caramel black sauce.

Ordered Ziko nylon strings for just 15RM. Need to fix up my Yamaha C40. Wrote some songs for the ukulele tuned to cfac# earlier as well. One is pretty good. Polyphia were shoehorned in by the UK minders of the evil Liew 6. I talked with Tim a bit. Next week, have to watch the other famous Tim unveil some Apple goodies online.

What we’re all going through is a lead-up to the APOSTASY, the antichrist’s treaty, and the rapture at the 6th seal of Revelations. The first 4 stages are sprung: the laughing at God, at Messiah, realizing Messiah is true and real, that salvation is for all, and Hell is madness but for one sliver of heart, of goodness, therein we suffer in fire. Next, they will oppose Messiah and cut him off. As this begins to happen, the world will turn against God en mass.

Already, we saw various signs -Kamala Harris taking over from POTUS, the Biden-Powell financial pact, Israel’s nationwide strike. Will we see the extreme heterosexual revolution as well as women begin to fear all is lost? More later.

I am being careful to grow my X / Twitter following in small, consistent steps, registering as a retired writer, not an all singing, all dancing reply-post machine. Tonight’s telepathy is rather troubling so I can’t code much. Due to my amnesia, I also forgot the melody to my new song. Things are falling apart. Haven’t glued on my fletchings either. Tomorrow, must go on a walk to clear my mind.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Winding down for now…

My desire to share my life online is gradually declining. Mostly it was fueled by people pushing from under my awareness, eager to see prophetic events. Mostly because they were suffering telepathically.

There is still a lot to go through before the 6th seal is broken and the faithful to Christ are raptured. Pope Francis is on the road in Asia right now. Israel is on strike for a peace deal. Hurricanes and typhoons, earthquakes, wars come and go but the end is still to come. No clear signs of the apostasy, just hints of increasing ungodliness and more and more wanton pleasure seeking…

Feeling oppressed as night pushes late. Liew forces moving through the population to drum up support from babies, kids, and old folk -those that don’t have a life (yet) ensure the survival of war criminals in the mindspaces. Don’t feel like showering, brushing or working.

Am refreshed and clean. Want to walk tomorrow. Maybe to SS2. Buy some UHU glue for fletching my arrows. Want to do 3 arrows and secure them to the micro quiver with velcro. The nocks I bought fit well. And the feathers are good. Must remember to use either left or right feathers exclusively on each arrow so it spins consistently.

Tonight will do a lot of reading on Antlr4. I have designed the nettle language, now to define it.

Brushed and took my meds earlier. Wearing my Casio MQ-27 on black faux lizard. I bought the MQ which is a tank style black resin case, black dial, full price from Casio’s official online store, 69RM.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Walking through the mall, coding, modding my bow…

Will head out to the mall soon. After that, to code a bit. Also modding my bow with a micro quiver I’m making myself. It will be held around each arrow by Velcro: 4 patches of loops and a strip of hooks. In an earlier post I related that I will be replacing my damaged arrow nocks and fletchings. Need to buy some UHU glue later.

Talked to kids stirring up trouble in mindspace. Told them how precarious life is, how many don’t make it and half of those that do are suffering to make a living, even to survive. Unfortunately, some ‘clever’ people have dug up their own prophecy and are raging against Christians as it turned out negative.

Wearing my MudMan Solar. There won’t be a moon on its display for over 24 hours probably. Ex-GF is in trouble with William again. I’m not a capable person otherwise I would rescue her from her servitude. She is British, tho and so bound to serve the monarchy. There is intrigue everywhere in these end times. The solution is to approach every problem simply and rudimentarily. Applying love in small doses. This will help William as well, eventually. Last night we urged forgiveness towards mind criminals as opposed to animals who never truly forgive.

My archery spare parts should arrive tomorrow. I got Elmer’s glue-all which I found is not very suitable for fletching aluminum arrows. At least it was cheap and can find other uses. William acted out and many people were hurt. They should not take orders from him anymore, hopefully. Going in short hops of love and kindness, hopefully to stop the UK rampage.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Fletchings and nocks…

myorion @Shopee Malaysia

Finally getting round to changing the nocks and fletchings on my arrows. They had become brittle over time. Decided to go with feather fletchings as they may last longer, tear less easily. I got the 3” ones versus my current 4 inchers. The nocks in my case are inserts, and fit an internal arrow shaft diameter of 6.2mm. Total cost 26RM. And I was thinking of getting whole new arrows for over 100RM!

Need to read up on gluing on fletchings. Where, further up or down, to place them. The nocks are just inserted straight into the shaft end. I don’t see any glue but you have to use pliers to grab them out and maybe also to work them in. Have to remember to twist the nocks the correct angle to the fletchings.
My supplies should arrive this afternoon. Will store them for now, until I get proper fletching glue. Not sure how to clean off old glue from the shaft. Don't want to break anything!

Nocks and fletchings are in. All good quality and fit. Now to get a strong adhesive. Will try UHU which is cheap. The feathers seem to be coated and are stiff. Smaller than my current vanes, but more draggy (stable) so they say. The nocks have 2 snap positions. The outer feels preferable. Shooting with REAL feathers is just so cool.

I scraped off the old torn vanes lengthwise, with a blunt watch caseback knife. Worked well on the aluminum shaft. Letter opener may do too. You can see the new cheap white no-brand nock that fits well into both the shaft and onto the string serving. Also the neon green 3” turkey feather vanes that replaced the 4” yellow / blue rubbery ones. Black, green, and white look good together. Also quite like neon pink vanes. 

Total cost, circa 3RM / $0.70 per arrow. Seems all my feathers are right-siders. Advice is not to mix left and right sides of the split feather or the arrow will not spin properly. Also the vanes need to be more far back as fingers allow, or they will not be as effective stabilizers.

Watched NuSensei on YouTube talk on archery / bows. At times I too wish I had a simple traditional bow instead of a tricky to maintain and impossible to DIY set up compound bow. Mostly this is due to my current lower cashflow post Covid lockdown. My Mission Hype hasn’t been serviced for 9 years of occasional, brief shooting and I can’t afford it either due to channeling limited funds elsewhere like to my website and songwriting.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Coding CLX diary…

Adding insights on CLX’s development here to keep it in one post, now until 16 September 2024. After this “simple” script, I will stop developing programs entirely.

It’s 8pm 1/9 and I am dazed, unsure what kind of interface clx will have. Thinking of bashing in code blindly and see what comes out.

4pm, 2/9 am entering the wonderful world of escape sequences. Last night, I made some headway with these and tonight I will build the interface using escape codes which manipulate the console in multifarious ways.

6pm 3/9 the purpose of the app diverges from the original aim to build a browser in Bash. It will be in python again and be called netlang, a cli app that dissects webpage data via a custom search / interpreter string. I may call it nettle for short. It will not use Lynx and be essentially very simple, using only re and url lib modules.

It will use a walking pool of terms and adjustable bait. The pool walks over the text or markup while the bait is varied. Another pool can also be used as bait. Results show up automatically in the terminal. Nettle will also scrape eBook files for their HTML and maybe XML files too like DocX. Tonight, I will be coding just a little of it as I have 12 more days to finish.
11am 4/9 netLang morphs again, into a script embedded in HTML / other ML formats. I am using Antlr4 to generate the parser and lexer etc. It's much more fun than making yet another browser or search tool.

1pm 4/9 more or less figured out Antlr4 and how it works with python by reading examples. But the design of nettle is incomplete still. It uses 4 keywords: enter, exit, goto, and style. They go between tags in comment form. For example:

<a href=“xxx”>some link<!— enter style navigation —></a>
<a href=“yyy” style=“visibility: hidden;”>other link<!— xxx goto zzz —></a>
<h1 class=“navigation”>zzz<!— exit style hidden —></h1>

Kind of silly example that mangles the html in a loop between a and h1 tags. Need to read more examples to generate the proper grammar.

Plans for the month ahead…

About a week till my Arip jab at the psych clinic. Need to go to the bank soon to keep up my monthly payment of $1 to Eksentrika, a local online book merchant that hosts some of my stories. Last night, somebody from Washington downloaded Mss2, my best story collection, free on along with many other short / flash fiction stories. I may put up Lttt again. It’s quite a good read.

Planning to take a 2 hour walk somewhere every week. Workout every morning or evening. Run twice a week. Keeping to a rigid schedule is difficult due to my preventors. Also thinking of buying ~3 affordable watch straps around 40RM apiece. Having extra straps makes wearing watches more fun.

I ran a bit earlier which was invigorating. Designing a tennis stroke trainer worn on wrist. It was from one of my very general ideas that never saw fruition. Now, in retirement, I have it in home-make-able form. Will buy a sweat wristband soon and cut up a plastic bottle. Maybe I will make a video of it.
Also invented a portable tennis wall from mesh kept under tension by having 2 layers and tensor cords. May need a tool to tense the mesh.

Talked about the powers and principalities and how the (former) kings and lords of the middle east are waiting for their thrones, projecting power through spiritual upmanship. How Malaysia is in a crossfire / at a crossroads of political and economic squeezing and blackmail. What the motive behind the annexation of Kuwait was, and the war in Ukraine. Evil hops from dirty place to dirty place, sometimes dragging the faithful thru the muck, one sin at a time.

Had a shower, brushed. Wearing my MudMan solar 9300, my bossest watch. Bought it for its moonphase and compass. Was around $125 shipped. Didn’t do any coding so far today. 15 days left to complete CLX.
Took my meds and had a latte. Coding going slow but steady. Learning console escape sequences. One or two hours to cobble something together that's useful. Used 3-man plugs to stem the evil nerve wreckers.